Power Master

00541 90. King of the Demons, Carrot

< Special Quest - Successor of Lakuza >

Racuza, king of the Riches and ruler of the Ninth and Seventh horsepowers, wishes to make Karot the Arch Rich his successor and inherit the position of the Seventh Horseman. Respond to Rakuza's offer!

Quest difficulty: S

Quest reward:???

When you accept a quest, your carrot will NPC.

“... ”

After I saw the quest, I didn't say anything.

"Become the Demon King"? "Carrot?"

Lakuza has made a tremendous offer. It was his proposal to take over the position of the Seven-Market Demon King as his successor.

“What do you think? ”

He turned his gaze from the quest window and asked Carlot.

- I'll make your choice.

Carrot answered the question without hesitation.


After hearing Carrot's answer, Myeonghu thought, watching the quest again.

If we don't have carrots...

The first thing I thought about was the problems that would arise from the absence of carrots.

‘That must be very uncomfortable. ’

Carrot was doing a lot of things, like finding hidden places, dealing with crowded monsters, and telling him how many monsters were around him. If Carrot becomes the Demon King, it will be quite uncomfortable.

"When Carrot becomes the Demon King..."

After confirming the problems that would arise from the absence of Carrot, he remembered the case of Carrot becoming the Demon King.

Sounds like fun.

The first thing that came to mind was fun. Carrot becomes the Demon King? The situation itself was interesting. It wasn't just that.

‘There are a lot of users here right now. ’

There were countless users of the Holy Empire, Helioka, in the seventh horse kingdom. If carrot becomes king of the devil, we must go to war with those users. Of course, the manifesto will stand with Carrot and attack the users.

You'll be able to get quests...

Moreover, I was able to collect the quest and get the reward. It was two trillion seats. Soon after I finished thinking, I whispered in my ear to the delay we were listening together.

- To Delay: What do you think we should do?

- Delay: I think I'd better make Carrot the Demon King.

The delay recommended that Carlos be the Demon King.

- Delay: It's not that carrots are weak right now, but being the Demon King is going to be very powerful.

The reason I recommended it was because of strength. Carrots are not weak. Strong. However, no matter how strong the carrot may be, it is impossible to take on a nation alone.

But being the Demon King changes the story. When you become the Demon King, you get your henchmen. That is, unlike when you are alone, you can wage war with many countries. And it would have been a huge force for Enlightenment.

- To Delay: OK! Then we should do it.

At the end of the delay, he was able to make a decision about what to do. Myung Hu looked at Lakuza and said, waiting for his answer.

“I've decided.”

After saying that he had made a decision, Myung Hu turned his gaze at Carrot from Lacuza.


- Yes, sir.

“Be the Demon King. ”

[You accepted]

[The carrot becomes NPC.]

[Special Quest ‘Successor of Lakuza’ has been completed.]

The quest was completed as soon as it was accepted. After seeing the message, he opened the Pet window. I no longer see Carrot guarding the second compartment. After closing the pet window with a smile that was a little sad, he saw Lakuza.

“Now let's hear what's so special about it. ”

The special quest ‘Unlimited' has not been completed yet. It was because I didn't hear what was special.

“Oh, yeah. That's...”

Lakuza, who was able to make Carrot his successor, replied with a satisfactory smile.

“Saladnin's flower. ”

[Special Quest ‘Unlimited’ has been completed.]

The moment I heard that something special was Saladnin's flower, the special quest 'Unlimited' was completed. After checking the message, he greeted Lacuza.

“Saladnin's Flower? ”

“Yes, it takes 500 years for a flower to bloom only in a place filled with the energy of death. We need it.”

As soon as Lacuza's words were finished, another quest appeared.

< Special Quest – Saladnin's Flower >

Carrots need Saladnin flowers that bloom once every 500 years in order to cross the limit. Get Saladnin's Flowers and bring them to Lacuza!

Quest difficulty: S

Quest reward:???

It was a quest to get Saladnin's flowers.

"Oh, it doesn't have to be a pet. ’

I thought the quest wouldn't open because it wasn't a pet anymore, but it wasn't.

“Yes, I will. ”

[You accepted]

Myeonghu accepted the quest and continued to ask.

“Where do you get it? ”

Not a year or 10 years. 500 years. A flower that blooms once every 500 years must be in an enormous place. But what Lacuza continued to say was that he could not say anything.

“I have something for a day like this. You can use it. ”

Rakuza had already saved Saladnin's flowers for this day.

[Special Quest ‘Saladnin's Flower’ has been completed.]

A quest completion message appears after the horse has finished.

"What the..."

Myeonghu thought, watching the quest completion message.

Is this how it's supposed to go? ’

Is this how the original quest will proceed?

“Can I get started right away? ”

At the time I was thinking, Rakuza asked.


Myeonghu turns to ask Rakuza and looks at Carrot.

“What do you want to do? Do you want to start right away?"

“I'll do as you say. ”

Even though it wasn't a pet anymore, Carrot was still the owner of the manifesto. I asked Rakuza, thinking that I wouldn't need to train again if it wasn't the case with Primus.

“How long will it take? ”

“It would have taken 10 days if it had been before. Ten hours is enough for now. Ten hours is enough. ”

“Ten hours?"


“Couldn't you be shorter? ”

“Yes, I don't have enough skills yet to make it shorter. ”

The clarity in Lacuza's voice felt resolute.

Ten hours.

It was not a short time, 10 hours.

‘Cause it's NPC anyway. ’

Carrots were no longer pets. NPC.

‘I don't have to stick around. ’

It's not a pet, so you don't have to wait 10 hours next to it. After finishing his thought, he opened his mouth.

“Yes, start now. ”


Later, Lakuza stood up. Then I left the room with carrot. Lacuza and Carrot left and saw a delay.

“What should I do? Want to go hunting?”

“No, I think you should take a break rather than hunt. You've been on the phone for too long. You're gonna get sick!”

Unlike the delay in taking a break for a moment, the manifest continued to connect. I was concerned about the endless play of delays

“Yes, this can make you sick. ”

Lu Shu nodded, agreeing with the delay.

“Maybe we should take a break, then? ”

“Let's do it. It'll take 10 hours anyway. I think I'll stay out here for five hours. ”

One hour of reality was two hours in the legend. Ten hours was enough to give me five hours of time in reality. Five hours of rest would have been perfect.

* * * *

“I'm selling scrolls! Warp Scroll! Buff Scroll! Magic scrolls! There are various scrolls. Take a look around! ”

As the main job was a wizard and the assistants were alchemists, user's father was selling scrolls shouting loudly.


“Yes, hello! ”

“I'd like to take a look at the stat scroll among the buff scrolls. ”

“Wait a minute!”

He quickly showed the scrolls the user wanted.

“Fast scrolls, five health scrolls each. ”

“Yes, here it is. ”

“Dig a lot.”

“Make the most of it!”

“Do you have a magic scroll that prevents attacks like shields or shields? ”

“Yes, I do! Wait a minute!”

Fortunately, there were no competitors, so the guests were constantly gathering and he was able to continue selling the scrolls.

How long do we have? ’

After a while, he opened his inventory to see how much scroll he had left.

‘We've already sold half of it. ’

I invested all the gold I had and bought scrolls. It was a huge sheep. Half of it was already sold out.

I don't want it to sound like I'm making money.

Although he was selling scrolls, his father's primary job was not a wizard merchant. However, there was a smile in his mouth for some reason.

“Can I watch the attack scroll? ”

“Yep! Any attributes you're looking for? ”

“I want to see it water-based. ”

“Yep! One moment, please! ”

When the visitor arrived, he stopped and showed me the magic scrolls for water-based attacks. And that was that moment.

[A new Demon King has been born.]

[Death's Rich Carrot has become the Seven Horsemen King.]

A message appears.

“...? ”

When he saw the message, he immediately tilted his head.

"The new Demon King? The Seven Horsemen Demon King?" What about Lakuza? "

I was embarrassed. The Seven-Market Demon King was originally a Lakuza. But the message seemed to have changed.

‘Everyone is embarrassed. ’

In the message, he turned his gaze and looked at the reactions of those around him. The surrounding users also looked quite embarrassed, just like their father.

‘It has nothing to do with me. ’

Whether the Demon King changed or not, he couldn't even catch the Demon King.

“Here it is! ”

“Oh, yeah. Um, five ice sphere scrolls, please. ”

Then I started selling scrolls again.

“Good work.”

“Make the most of it!”

‘Almost sold out. ’

After the message appeared, he was able to sell almost all of the imported scrolls.

‘I have to sell and replenish. ’

Looking at the scroll, my father thought,

It was just then.


With a voice full of embarrassment coming from the front, he closed his inventory and saw the protagonist of the voice in front.

“...? ”

The protagonist was looking at the sky with a very embarrassed look on his face. No, not just the protagonist of the voice.

All the passing users, as well as all those who were doing business on the other side, were also looking up at the sky.

Was it an aerial monster? ’

Could it have been an airborne monster? He looked up at the sky, thinking why all the users in front were looking at the sky.

“Huh? Is that...”

And he was as embarrassed as the users in front of him. The user in front and why he was embarrassed.


It was because of the five meteorites that revealed themselves in the sky.

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