Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of President Daddy's love!Chapter 1949

Seeing his sister's aggrieved expression, Ji Mucheng held back his smile, clenched his fist against his thin lips and coughed, "My parents are for your own good, too. You are not too young."

"Twenty-eight is very old? Sister-in-law, how old are you?" Ji Tingyan looked at the two with a blank face, and then she looked at Xia Xinnian.

"I'm twenty-four years old." Xia Xinnian gave a dry laugh. Although she was young, she didn't feel glorious at all. It was not easy for her 24-year-old unmarried mother.

Ji Tingyan immediately stretched out her black long hair and said, "So young, it seems that I am really old, but I still have an 18-year-old girl's heart, OK, I don't want to get married unless, I I can find good men like Dad and Big Brother, otherwise, I would rather be alone."

Looking at the determined expression on his sister’s face, Ji Mucheng sighed: “It turns out that you refused to return to China for fear of being forced to go on a blind date. Okay, I finally know the reason, but this is not the way for you. You should also find someone. Man."

Ji Tingyan gave him a white look: "Before you met your sister-in-law, you seem to insist on not getting married. You have just found a girlfriend, so use this tone to persuade me?"

Ji Mucheng's face flashed with embarrassment. Indeed, before meeting Xia Xinnian, his attitude of not getting married was more determined than his sister.

"Well, I won't persuade you. You can live as you feel comfortable." Ji Mucheng was finally uncomfortable and could only get used to his sister.

Xia Xinnian pursed her lips and smirked. The way the two siblings get along is quite interesting.

"Sister-in-law, come upstairs, I want you to admire my paintings." Ji Tingyan didn't want to deal with her brother, and immediately waved to Xia Xinnian.

Xia Xinnian followed her upstairs with a happy face. Just after walking the last staircase, she was presented with the beautiful scenery throughout the year. Xia Xinnian's expression was amazed. What kind of hands are these, you can write the scenery. With the scenery of the four seasons, she couldn't help but admire this woman with a blue temperament in front of her.

"These... are all you painted?" Xia Xinnian, as a designer, thinks she is talented in painting, but at this moment, she feels that she is only able to paint.

"Well, this is my work over the past year. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons are distinct." Ji Tingyan looked confident and she began to learn to paint when she was seven years old when her parents hired a teacher for her It was the first time she came into contact with this beautiful mood, and she fell in love with it. Coupled with the ability at home to hire the best teachers for her, she came along and was guided by famous experts, so she achieved something.

"Oh my God, it's so beautiful. It's the first time I have seen such a beautiful scenery, so lifelike, as if people can see the real scenery." Xia Xinnian turned around in disbelief, and the more I saw it, the more I realized it was a genius painting. Hand, so she asked curiously: "Are you opening a painting exhibition?"

Ji Tingyan paused, and her beautiful face was shy: "I actually want to hold an exhibition, but I am afraid that my works are not satisfactory. Therefore, I have been hanging here for my own appreciation."

"That's a pity, your painting skills are so good, you should let people all over the world see your work. To be honest, your paintings give people a very good mood, and it will calm people's impetuous hearts. It will be loved by people." Xia Xinnian sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Ji Tingyan turned around and looked at her fiercely, her dark eyes gleaming: "Do you really think I can hold an exhibition?"

"Of course, doesn't anyone support you to do this?" Xia Xinnian blinked.

"I mentioned it before, but my family thinks that I like it. There is no need to let others find out. They think I shouldn't be overly indulged in this hobby. Before, I secretly wanted to make my paintings. I took it to sell the money. My brother found out that he actually let someone buy my painting at a high price. If my sister hadn’t found out about it, I was almost cheated by him. Humph, I thought about it. Come on." Ji Tingyan said this, gnashing her teeth secretly, which is really shameful.

"Your brother... is he still doing this kind of thing? Too unkind." Xia Xinnian listened and wanted to laugh inexplicably, but seeing Ji Tingyan looked annoyed, she had to hold back and scold Ji Mucheng together. Excessive behavior.

"Actually, I can’t remember much of the memories before the age of five. I heard from my mother that at that time she took me and my brother alone, and it was very difficult. But after the age of five, we lived with my dad. Dad has spoiled us since we were young and has always made us carefree. I actually want to make some money by my own ability. At least, let me know that I can make money without relying on my family. My brother gave it that time. I was shocked so much that I dare not hold an exhibition now." Ji Tingyan laughed at herself, although she was a little bit shocked, but the warmth of family affection moved her even more.

"The exhibition does not necessarily have to be sold for money, it is purely to show the world's masterpieces." Xia Xinnian could hear the sense of loss in her tone.

"Maybe I will really hold an art exhibition someday, then you will definitely come to support my field." Ji Tingyan's understanding of Xia Xinnian has gone further, and she feels that she is a straightforward woman.

"Of course, you can ask me to help, it's free." Xia Xinnian's eyes lingered in these scrolls, relaxed and happy.

"Well, what you said, when the time comes, I really want to ask you to help me." Ji Tingyan's mood suddenly became bright, and she felt that the light she had always wanted to pursue was suddenly inspired by others. .

Ji Mucheng sat on the sofa, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a call.

"The man who beat you up last time for no reason, do you know who he is?" Ji Mucheng was still worried about hidden dangers, so he never gave up on the matter.

"We were beaten so terribly that day, and there is no evidence to investigate." The people over there looked innocent.

"Then you can recover in the hospital with peace of mind, and I will send someone over to take over. It's hard for you." Ji Mucheng hung up the phone, his eyes became cold and sharp.

Fortunately, that guy just beat his person and didn't do anything bad to his sister, but no matter what, let him know his identity, and he won't make him feel better.

Ji Mucheng raised his eyes and glanced at the direction of the stairs. The two women have been upstairs for half an hour, and they haven't gotten down yet. Can they talk so well when they meet for the first time?

Although Ji Mucheng didn't like the feeling of being left out, it was a very lucky thing for him to be able to get along with the woman he was going to marry sincerely.

When Xia Xinnian and Ji Tingyan went downstairs, it happened to have dinner. At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly.

"There are guests?" Ji Mucheng raised his eyebrows and looked at his sister.

Ji Tingyan shrugged her shoulders with a hooded face, "I didn't invite anyone else."