President Daddy’s Excessive Love

Chapter 2029 Want a child

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of President Daddy's love!Chapter 2029 Want a child

Mother Bound is a woman who has seen strong winds and waves. She has a first-class vision to see people. She liked Ji Tingyan at first glance. She must have been born noble, elegant manners, natural and gentle between her brows. It is even more impossible to pretend.

It's really rare. She has seen many rich girls, some of them have interests, some are self-willed, and some are arrogant and arrogant, but few are as gentle and quiet as Ji Tingyan. At least, she doesn't have much contact. What kind of family is needed to cultivate such a daughter who is not arrogant or impatient, and whose eyes are soft.Bound mother didn't dare to guess anything, so naturally he didn't dare to make a guess with that top Ji family.

"Come upstairs with me and have a look." While waiting for dinner, Ting Ting saw Ji Tingyan hurriedly pinching her fingers, her beautiful face was also stunned, as if she had lost all energy, but God knows, no matter how good a woman is , The first time I entered my in-laws’ house, I would be in this kind of dull state.

"Yeah." As if she had been relieved, Ji Tingyan immediately stood up, and her mother smiled and looked at her eyes, making her stressed.

"Let's go up and take a look. I'll have dinner later, I'll call you." Mother bound said with a smile.

Ji Tingyan followed Fu Ting to the upstairs. Fu's villa has been around for a few years. The decoration is retro. The lights in the corridor are warm. Ji Tingyan followed Fu Ting through the corridor and came to the leftmost room. Pushing the door open, Bin Ting walked in.

Ji Tingyan also followed, but just stepping in, the man suddenly grabbed her by the wrist and gently pushed her against the wall.

"Ah!" Ji Tingyan whispered in fright. As soon as she lifted her beautiful eyes, she saw the man's evil smile. She struggling angrily out of her wrist and punched him in the chest: "What are you laughing at?"

Bin Ting really loved her so much, so he found it interesting to see her nervous.

"Don't be nervous, didn't you listen to my mother? Let me quickly bring my daughter-in-law back." The man's muffled and hot breath sprayed on her neck.

Ji Tingyan felt numb all over her body and couldn't avoid it. She could only endure the man's stubbornness. Her pretty face became dizzy, and her hands were also pulled at his collar: "I'm afraid I won't meet her requirements. "

"No request." The man's voice was deeper, his thin lips had already kissed her aggrieved lips, and Si was gently grinding her.

Ji Tingyan's brain throbbed, completely blank, forgetting what she was about to say, her nerves tightened, why did tie Ting go bad when she went home, how dare she bully her like this?

Tie Ting did not become bad, but after returning home, he became relaxed. He was naturally able to control his full of love. He just wanted to pull her and find a corner with no one, without wanting to let her go for a moment.

Ji Tingyan was breathing in a panic, her pretty face flushed, and she pushed him hard.

Ting Ting was satisfied, and stopped teasing her, holding her hand, around the bed, from the other side, pushing the door out, it is a very elegant balcony with tables and chairs on it, Ting Ting pulls directly Sitting on a chair with her, in the distance is the sea. Under the night, the sound of the stars and the waves are very far away. The large freighter has also become smaller, passing by.

Ji Tingyan sat on his lap, looking at the sea with beautiful eyes, and suddenly felt that the scenery here was really beautiful, which made people feel very calm.

Bin Ting pointed at the distant beach: "When I was young, my brother and I often went there to play."

"Are there any pictures from your childhood? Can I take a look?" Ji Tingyan asked him softly.

Ting Junrong was embarrassed: "There are some, but I don't want to show you."

"Why?" Ji Tingyan stunned her beautiful eyes, then solemnly demanded: "If you don't show it to me, I want to see it."

"Okay, I'll get it for you." Fu Ting found that his bones had become soft, and the woman's tone was severe. He had no power to resist, he just wanted to coax her.

Ji Tingyan eased her eyebrows. After the man got up, she sat lazily in his place. After a while, the man walked over with a thick photo album and gently put it in her hand: " Look."

Ji Tingyan pursed her lips and laughed. What's wrong with this man's grievance?

Turning a page with my fingers, I saw two small pink heads exposed in the baby's blanket, which should have been taken when their brother was born.

"Don't look at the front, look at the back." Ting Ting was a little embarrassed, and whispered.

Ji Tingyan didn't bother to pay attention to him. She turned over page by page, and the two little people were growing day by day. The longer they were, the better they looked. They gradually gained a youthful atmosphere from chubby.

"Wait, what is this?" When turning to the age of seven or eight, Ji Tingyan seemed to have seen a very interesting thing. She stretched out her hand and said, "Who is this woman in women's clothing? You were playing the house. Is it?" Bin Ting stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, obviously looking faceless.

"My brother, not me." Ting Ting explained quickly.

Ji Tingyan glanced at the small line below, which was obviously written by their parents.

After reading it, Ji Tingyan couldn't help but laughed a few times: "It's obviously you, and your name is written below."

"We came in our turn." Fu Tingjun's face flushed red, and he was extremely annoyed. He had known that he should take away these embarrassing photos. Later, his tall image completely collapsed.

Ji Tingyan looked down all the way, and gradually didn't dare to laugh at him anymore, because when she turned to the back, the figure of her father was gone. All of them belonged to the three of them. Ji Tingyan's mood was inexplicably sad. When she got up, she looked at the man with beautiful eyes, and saw that he seemed to be in a daze.

"I'll show you the video of my childhood." Ji Tingyan closed the album and asked him in a low voice, "Would you like to watch it?"

Ting Ting nodded seriously: "Yes."

Ji Tingyan took out her phone, opened the photo album, scrolled all the way down, and turned out a video of herself as a small model on the runway when she was young: "I was seven years old."

Ting Ting took her mobile phone and clicked on the video. A cute and beautiful little girl, wearing a small gauze dress and a crown on her head, stepped on the rhythm of the music, crossed the runway, and walked towards the audience. At a young age, full of aura.

Bie Ting looked at him, a little stunned. More precisely, he was amazing. At such a young age, he has such a calm temperament. Moreover, his facial features are even more beautiful. There was a little shock in Bie Ting's heart. He suddenly thought. If he had a daughter, as Xiao Nai did when she was a child, he would definitely nurture her to death, build her, and make her life bloom like a flower.

"You grew up so beautiful when you were a child?" Shu Ting looked at her airy look when she was a child, and smiled. What kind of baby does he have?

"Of course, my parents are good-looking." Ji Tingyan was a little proud.

"Xiao Nai, I suddenly wanted to see if we were as good-looking as you were when we had a daughter." Bin Ting suddenly approached her.

Jun Rong, who was close at hand, made Ji Tingyan forget to breathe, so she nodded subconsciously.