This is the state in which the liquid for washing the tendons and cutting the marrow will appear after stimulating the properties of the medicinal materials with spiritual power.If you use ordinary methods to boil medicinal materials, not to mention that the residues of medicinal materials in the cauldron cannot disappear. The most important thing is that it is impossible to boil the transparent liquid in front of you.

Ming Wuxiang cautiously poured the liquid for washing tendons and cutting the marrow at the bottom of the medicine pot into the jade bottle prepared in the morning, watching the thick light yellow liquid slowly flow into the white jade bottle, and waiting for the liquid for washing the marrow. Pour them all into a jade bottle, dry and fill a bottle.

This bottle can be divided into three uses. Ming Wuxiang has checked his current situation, and he needs to use this quality of tendon washing liquid twice.

The reason why you only need one time in the world of cultivating immortals is because the concentration of aura is high there, and the medicinal materials in the world of cultivating immortals are much better than those here. For environmental problems, even ordinary medicinal materials will contain a hint of aura.

The hot water was ready, Ming Wuxiang poured a third of the jade bottle into the tub.With the pouring of the washing muscle and marrow liquid, the originally transparent and clear hot water turned yellow, and under the light, the water was still shining with golden light.

The small private room was quickly occupied by a strong fragrance.Fortunately, the ventilation system in the medicated bath center is very powerful, this special fragrance did not float outside, attracting outsiders' attention.

Ming Wuxiang tested the temperature of the water with his hands, it was too hot, just suitable for him.Take off the clothes on his body, put them aside neatly, and took a white towel for emergency.Ming Wuxiang's expression condensed, his movements did not stop, he raised his foot and stepped into the bathtub.

When he entered the tub, Ming Wuxiang didn't know whether he should pay attention to the temperature of the hot water or the tingling sensation that is difficult to express with words after the washing muscle and marrow liquid enters the body through the pores.

To be a master of suffering while suffering, even if it hurts, you have to endure it!

Ming Wuxiang bit the spare towel into his mouth, and he soaked everything from the neck into hot water.

I won’t say much about the process of washing the muscles and marrow. Anyway, when Ming Wuxiang feels ecstatic, there is only one feeling left in my head—pain, pain all over the body, like thousands of ants gnawing him. Flesh and blood.

I have experienced Ming Wuxiang once, knowing that this is the function of washing tendons and cutting marrow liquid.Being reborn is really not something ordinary people can bear.

You must stay awake during the whole process. If you pass out due to pain during the process of washing the muscles and marrow, the effect will be greatly reduced, and everyone uses the liquid for the first time.

When he was in the world of cultivating immortals, he was unprepared and there was no one around him, so he could yell in pain.However, this time in the medicated bathing center, even if the sound insulation measures are good, Ming Wuxiang did not dare to shout loudly to attract the attention of the corridor staff.

The white towel in the mouth worked very well. The teeth were tightly bitten on the towel in the mouth. Blue veins popped out of the forehead and the face was flushed. However, the eyes were very energetic. When I was twenty-eight years old They are all able to survive, but now they are eighteen years old.

This competition of willpower, without asking, must be clearly won.

Because of the pain, Ming Wuxiang has forgotten the passage of time, maybe a minute, maybe an hour, anyway, the pain that originally seemed to be eaten by thousands of ants began to weaken.Then a warm current started to walk around his body.

The Mingwuxiang who has always insisted on waiting for the emergence of this warm current, the Mingwuxiang who has already experienced it once, immediately guides this warm current to swim along the acupuncture points of the body.Finally, they gathered at the pubic area of ​​the lower abdomen, but instead of letting them stay in the pubic area, they were allowed to turn around in the pubic area, guide them out again, and walk around the body, repeating.

Under the influence of the warm current, the originally delicate Dantian became tough, and the limbs became strong.Some impurities that are not good for the body are slowly forced out of the body from the pores.

The bright yellow hot water began to become turbid, and the fresh smell was replaced by a faint sour smell.

After washing the muscles and cutting the marrow, Ming Wuxiang's five senses became more acute, and of course he could smell the unbearable sour smell in the air, but he still closed his eyes and focused on guiding the warm current that wandered through his body.

In fact, the impurities and sour smell coming out of this washing of muscles and marrow are considered light. Ming Wuxiang is only 18 years old this year, and his body is in a young and strong period.His body was 28 years old when he was first washing the muscles and marrow. With all kinds of stress in life and social activities, his body at 28 would not be as good as at 18.

Dang Ming Wuxiang once again guided the warm current into the dantian, did not let it continue to leave the dantian, but slowly swam in the middle of the dantian.

At this time, the closed eyes finally opened, his face turned gray and black because of impurities, and the look in the eyes made people with weak will subconsciously indulge in these eyes.This is the spirit displayed by the monks of the Yuan Ying stage in the Ming Wuxiang soul after stepping into the world of monks again.

However, after Ming Wuxiang blinked, the radiance disappeared cleanly and became the original one. At best, Ming Wuxiang's eyes were quite energetic, instead of indulging like the previous ones.

Ming Wuxiang was very satisfied with the result of this time, raising his hand and wiping his face. Seeing the unexpected gray-black color in the palm of his hand, he comforted himself: "Ahem, it's much better than the peat color last time... …"

I made complaints about myself, Ming Wuxiang didn't delay at all, and turned on the ventilation system in the private room to its maximum to remove the unpleasant smell in the private room.Then he let go of the turbid water in the tub that turned to room temperature, and he took a bath towel and rushed into the bathroom beside him.

After half an hour, Ming Wuxiang, who had been rolling in the dust for several laps, finally became a refreshing, white and tender little handsome boy.

That's right, Ming Wuxiang after taking a shower, through the full-length mirror in the room, he found that after washing the muscles and marrow, he became a little handsome, and he had a fair and healthy complexion.

It's really not that Ming Wuxiang suddenly turned on the filter skill. When he heard the knock on the door and opened the door, the friends were also shocked by his changes.

Ming Wuxiang heard the knock on the door without pausing, and went straight to open the door. When opening the door, he heard Yi Xing's familiar voice complaining to himself.

"Master Dao, do you always fall into the bathtub or into the toilet? I will call someone if I don't open the door."

Ming Wuxiang washes the tendons and cuts the marrow to take a long time, less than an hour, soaking in the medicated bath, the time is not suitable for too long.The Yixing trio, even if they went to see a Chinese medicine doctor, would consult the Chinese medicine doctor which type of medicinal bath is suitable for them, and then let the staff of the medicinal bath center prepare them for them.

Twenty minutes ago, the three Yixing who had soaked up didn't see Ming Wuxiang coming to them. It was a bit strange, so they came to look for them.When they were separated, the three knew the number of Ming Wuxiang's private room, but they knocked on the door and no one agreed.

At first, I thought that there was something wrong with Ming Wuxiang, but the staff of the medicated bath center who came along checked it and showed that there was no one in the tub.

This made Yixing feel more at ease, at least not responding to Ming Wuxiang is not an accident.

The medicated bathing center is very advanced in this aspect. Although there is no monitoring in the private rooms, it can monitor whether customers slip into the water because they accidentally fall asleep.

This kind of accident has not happened, so Yanhuangguo stipulates that all medicated bathing centers must have such a monitoring system. When a customer accidentally occurs, the system can immediately drain the water in the bath tub as soon as it is monitored.

The staff looked at the system and found that the guests in this private room were in the bathroom at this time. Hearing that there is no such thing as the bathroom, Yi Xing they wondered why they ran to take a bath. After thanking the staff, they decided to look for it later.

If Yixing said, Ming Wuxiang smiled, but before he had time to speak back, Yixing who was standing at the door suddenly exclaimed strangely.

"Fuck, Dao, are you doing photon whitening?"

The smile on his face turned into a twitch, and Ming Wulian rolled his eyes and didn't bother to roll his eyes, "You just went to do photon whitening."

"You didn't go for photon whitening, why did you suddenly turn white so much!" After Yi Xing finished speaking, he deliberately pulled up his sleeves, and compared with Ming Wuxiang's arm, the skin color of the two before was similar, easy to do. It's a little darker, but it's definitely not like it is now, it's just two shades away.

"You two will make a comment, is Daoist white?" Yixing's left hand was pulled, and he had no choice but to follow his movements and stretch out his hand.

To be honest, as long as you are not blind, you can see that Ming Wuxiang's skin has turned white, and at the same time it has improved.

At the age of eighteen, adolescent children always leave traces of youth on their faces.

Although Ming Wuxiang's face is not obvious, there is still a little bit, but now I take a closer look, not to mention the traces, the pores have become fine.

Fortunately, there are no girls present, or seeing the white, tender and unrefined appearance, it is definitely all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred. In less than two hours, it seems to have gone to a body whitening.

"Okay." Ming Wuxiang saw that Li Jiahua and Dong Zhiming were both exclaiming, Ming Wuxiang pulled back the hand held by Yixing.

"What time is it? I'm hungry, are you hungry?" Ming Wuxiang didn't want to answer, but this question was really not suitable for telling the three of them.

"I'm hungry a long time ago, just wait for you to be old." Yi Xing read the message and said there was no sign, and followed his words.

Yixing and they are not people who like to get to the bottom of it. They didn't ask when they saw that Ming Wuxiang didn't explain.They knew that Ming Wuxiang changed so much, it must be related to the medicinal materials he bought last time.Ming Wuxiang did not explain, it is very likely that there are secrets that are not suitable for them to know.

I have to, brain supplement is sometimes a good thing. For example, the three people are not only easy to make up with Li Jiahua, what family secrets are not suitable for outsiders to know, etc., Dong Zhiming, the school tyrant, actually also made up the brain. Almost the same content.

There is no questioning, but Yixing thinks that if Ming Wuxiang is interested in developing beauty products in the future, maybe they can cooperate.

If you see the incomparable changes, you will know that the products developed are absolutely effective.And everyone is brothers, cooperating with Ming Wuxiang, Yi Xing will never deceive him.

Fortunately, Ming Wuxiang didn't know the idea of ​​easy action, or else he didn't know what to say about him. After staring at Dong Zhiming, he was also staring at him.But let alone, the vision of Yi Xing is indeed not bad, that is, even if it is involved in the beauty industry in the future, it will not use the method of washing muscles and cutting marrow liquid.

In his mind, there are many prescriptions of Beauty Pill, Yan Pill and Slimming Pill, each of which makes people crazy.

Leaving the medicinal bathing center, the four of them randomly found a clean fast food restaurant with many customers around.After taking the medicinal bath, although everyone was energetic, they did not go out to continue the waves in the afternoon, but chose to return to school.Yixing nodded to Li Jiahua with Dong Zhiming's proposal, and even more disagreed with Ming Wuxiang.

There is one more free time in the afternoon, Ming Wuxiang decides to take a closer look at the school.After washing the muscles and cutting the marrow, he became more sensitive to the changes in spiritual energy. Ming Wuxiang knew that he would not be able to leave school to practice elsewhere before the college entrance examination.

If the training location can only be at school, then he must find a place with the highest concentration of spiritual energy.