Princes Battle to Concede the Throne

Beautiful Common Front

It was an obvious failure.

In this battle for son-in-law, I considered Sanryu completely out of the question as an enemy. He had a negative track record of being shaken up by a number of female officers, and reacted differently from the other princes when the emperor told him about this fringe discourse.

"Are you choosing son-in-law? I see. So this white feather arrow stood on me."

This was the first voice of Sanlong shortly after receiving the Emperor's explanation. Around thinking of yourself as the only candidate without any stray, there is no salvation in the way you fall in love.

Of course the emperor immediately denied this.

'No, I'm not nominating you. Just someone among the princes. Ask them to identify it on this visit'

'Father, think about it. Ichiti and Si Xuan are idiots and idiots who can't break a woman's heart. If you're going to have a relationship with a princess from another country, I'm the one with the most experience in women. "

"I know you've only been through defeat."

"The battle of defeat is what grows the general the most - doesn't your father always say?"

"By the standards of the war, you'll be dead soon."

The emperor's point was extremely plausible, but still Sanlong was never frightened.

"But Father. I think the princess should be saddened by an unwanted wedding."

"I guess so."

"I was just shaken by a woman the other day. Moreover, the successor to the departed woman was a muscularly gobbly big man. In these circumstances, it is no exaggeration to say that I also have a great scar on my heart."

"It's an overstatement."

Sanlong boldly and disrespectfully ignores the Emperor's point.

'Some things are called budding love because those with the same wounds are one another. Sure, at first, it may be counter-intuitive. But eventually, that became a bond between the two of us-'

Continuing to tell the story of one of the delusions, he boasted just the presence of "Sanryu is here".

It is also impossible for me to be certain that one of him has fallen off.

As it was, only Sanlong was left in sight, and the occasion was open. It was just after this that I picked up the Moon Heavenly Maru, by the way.


And now.

I was driving north on the plains. But I'm not running alone. He is dressed as a rickshaw alongside a tiger and carries Erzhu and Lunar Heavenly Maru on his car.

"Damn! Sister, what's the bill look like now!?

"Don't rush. It's still okay. If the rickshaw you two are towing, the speed must be better than the horse Sanryu rode. The path can be shortened if I direct it, and I should be able to catch up enough......!

Erzhu gives the needle directions by comparing the map with the azimuth with the blood eye. Moon Tianmaru, meanwhile, is desperately grabbing the corner of the bench to avoid being blown away by the heavy rocking of the rickshaw.

"Sumanyue Tenmaru. Hold on a little longer. I'll try to catch up with Sanryu soon..."

"Ma, wait. Why are they even bringing me here?

In order not to bite my tongue, I responded in a chatty way.

"If we notice our proximity, Sanlong will try to get off the horse and escape on his own feet. At that time, it's possible that a tiger and I could not catch up when we ran out of strength in a rickshaw. So, Moon Tianmaru, you're the fastest foot. You can jump on him and stop him."

"If you stop Sanryu for just a moment, I'll catch up with him and tie him up."

Me and a tiger take the place of horses. It is a perfect tracking formation that leaves the capturer to Erzhu and Moon Tianmaru.

"That's the kind of operation. You get it. Moon Heavenly Maru?

"No. It's not. I'm asking you why you're bothering to chase me like this. From your point of view... why don't you just let it go because even if you're leaving it to Sanryu, you're just going to take the liberty of exposing yourself to shame and fall out of your son-in-law choice?

"It's sweet to recognize the status quo, Moon Tianmaru. Try to be in their shoes."

The other person's position? And to the roaring Moon Heavenly Maru, I will explain the seriousness of the current situation in an easy way.

"'I'm here to pick you up. It is in Sanlong, your only prince!' What do you think would happen if a suspicious man screaming 'came single-handedly into the queue with the princess?

"Bow and arrow rain storm, I guess."

"Oh. 'An unusually strong pervert approaching you with an amazing sword screen' beside you. It's easy to imagine an armed clash."

I don't think Sanryu will get his hands on them lightly. But I don't know what's in the mess of battle. If you want to get wounded over there, marriage is broken for granted. Friendship threatens to collapse too.

"I can't let this son-in-law story be broken right now. Sanryu will blow himself up, but if he wants to get us involved..."

"Crush it before it does"

I took over my words, and Ichiti laughed as he became more murderous.

It is inherently between enemies, but temporarily in the form of a joint front. Now that the four brothers, with the exception of the three dragons, are united, there is nothing to be afraid of.

And here I drop my gaze at my feet.

"Excuse me, sister. The string on my grass shoes is going to cut a little. I'm going to change my clothes, so I'm going to need you to change your hand a little bit."

"Damn, take good care of it. Just a little. I'm not much of a catcher."

Erzhu jumped off the rickshaw and walked alongside me. Hand me the tow rope well, and I'll fly to the bench instead.

"I didn't know early running grass shoe strings could be so light... what kind of leg strength do you have?"

"Shit, drop your voice. Moon Tianmaru"


It was deliberate to cut the strap on the grass shoes. The force of stepping in and subtracting put the load on the string.

The reason for this is nothing more than to have a secret meeting with Moon Tianmaru in this way.

"Look, Lunar Heavenly Maru. This operation is a betrayal premise. We're working together to stop Sanlong now, but after that, both One Tiger and Two Zhu are aiming to be their own welcome role for the princess. Of course I am."

"In the end, that kind of soul guts you..."

"Oh. If we work together and crush Sanlong, the next battle begins right away. I've got this guy ready for that. Take it."

That being said, I hand two large cloth bags of palms to Moon Tianmaru. The moon heavenly circle received tilts its neck.

"What is this?

"Horse shit. Look at the gap and hit them. You'll never see the princess again if you get shit painted."

Immediately the Moon Heavenly Maru threw a bag into the plain.

"Ahhh! What are you doing, precious secret weapon!

"What a secret weapon! When you smell something weird with a porcupine...... damn, what are you gonna do! You smelled a little on my palm too!

"I guess that's why it works! If it smelled like this, I wouldn't have met a princess..."

"Hey, wait."

He was shouting and killing the other two without finding out, but all of a sudden Moon Heavenly Maru calmed down along the way.

"You. Where did you take this bag from now?

"From the nostalgia"

When I point to the chest of my outfit, Moon Tianmaru moves his nose just a little bit.


Looking at the Moon Heavenly Maru, who distorted his face from me, I realized that I had drowned in my own measures.