Of course, Shen Longxuan will not agree, but laugh and say: "I am just a prisoner now, if it is not some ability, I am afraid that I can't live in the life, so this beauty should not tease me.

I just hope to live, you can rest assured that the next day, I will let you get enough interest. "

I heard the promise of Shen Longxuan, this nine people have taken a light ball, the color is different, and the leader of the Mozu is almost the same, but look at the quality, it is not a level.

"Every inheritance of the beads, there are more than 20,000 inheritances, all of us usually cultivate, enough to make up for your loss."

Shen Longxuan is happy, then seeing the horse face male in the distance, a cavity.

However, no one will take care of him, Shen Longxuan returns to his cultivation in everyone's gaze, re-built defense, then start refining.

This time, the refining is very fast. After a day, Shen Longxuan gave him these people, and the inheritance of the magic leader was completely refined.

What surprised him is that although the previous inheritance character was devastated to varying degrees, his cultivation did not fall, and the seventeenth wheel was still in the state of activation.

That is, as long as there is enough inheritance, the singular characters on the seventeenth wheel can still restore the activation state.

In this way, after Shen Longxuan refines all, his eighteenth wheel is only a hundred inheritance, and it can be activated.

It is most happy that he is integrated with these inheritance, let his inheritance of the passage of nearly three times, and his inheritance of his hands exceeds 120 pieces.

Because there are outsiders, Shen Longxuan did not try to assemble the door of the inheritance. He believed that this time is absolutely able to make it realize the goal.

With a happy mood, Shen Longxuan walked out of cultivation, and immediately saw those senior ancient times, they have been waiting here, including the horse face man.

He saw Shen Longxuan, full of anger, but he thought of the outbreak of Shen Longxuan before, and put this angry.

Shen Longxuan ignored him, but said to everyone: "Our cooperation can begin, but before the beginning, I need to reiterate some points.

I have not encountered the enemy of the high-end ancient power, and I don't know what kind of strength they are.

So for safety, we ... "

"We know their strength, you only take them to come in, as for the ratio, just two more! We can save time."

The horse face man once interrupted Shen Longxuan's words, very impolite.

However, Shen Longxuan is not angry, continue to say: "No problem, but my strength is not enough, I can only open the door of time twice every day.

Of course, I refer to the high-end ancient domain area, if you want the enemy outside the ancient domain, I can manage enough.

If you have no opinions, we can start now, but the ugly words are in front, kill ten enemies, and there are two trophy are mine. "

"I am not afraid of being killed!"

Others have no opinions, but the horse face is not shouting.

Shen Longxuan still did not take care of him, and the reason why he has learned that the enemy outside the high-end ancient power is nothing out of these lives.

Their strength is also more violent and powerful, and the enemy outside the domain has broken a certain limit, and can carry foreign resources and treasures on their body.

This may be the embodiment of confidence and strength, as for the fight with this kind of person, naturally there is reason, Shen Longxuan does not know, but look at it.

He no longer talk, but summoned the door of time, then his body was miraculously into the door of time.

At this moment, the door of Time is like a life, although there is no opening, but these high-end ancient ancients have seen, the long river outside the door.

Time Gate seems to be fast moving in the long river, and the high-end ancient eyes are not blinking, staring at the picture on the door of time.

Their faces have revealed the expression of Xinchi, the past cultivation, is in the long river of the time, saying, they practice until now, the chance to enter the long river is really not much.

Only when the peak is in ancient gods, they have the opportunity to be taken out, but they are not allowed to walk in the long river of time.

It is because of this, they see the scenes in front of them, it is really envious.

Soon, in the eyes of their envied eyes, a single player appeared in the long river.

This singleer seems to be what is found, stopped, and look back to the direction of the door.

At this moment, everyone is shocked.

Because the enemy outside this domain is not someone else, it is a horse face man. They are simply a mold to be engaged, exactly the same.

At this point, the horse face is excited to jump, if it kills this person, it will let him cultivate the various costs paid by the time.

It is possible to double his strength, so I saw the enemy outside the domain. He immediately screamed: "Let him come in!"

This guy is red, this is a good opportunity to meet, I want to have this kind of encounter, I am afraid only one hundred thousand people.

But I was touched by him, can this be unambiguous?

He thought that it was his luck.

When he is happy, the door of Time is not stopped at all, and it is ranked from the enemy outside the domain.

The horse has been in a man suddenly, he felt that he would fall from the sky, the huge gap, almost let himself collapse.

Seeing that there is no movement on the door of time, his eyes are full of eyes.

"My ... I ... @ ¥% ..."

He was unfasually curse. He even directly rushed to the door of Time, and he intended to take Shen Longxuan out of the corpse.

However, it was stopped by others. Now Shen Longxuan can't sin, if you are a child, who is they going?

And this is the horse's face man, what is not good, not to target Shen Longxuan, it is also a matter of course for him.

"I ... ah!" The face of the face is angry, the heart already has any remorse, but everything is late, the opportunity can not often have it.

"My opportunity is so walking, why?" He roared in his day.

However, no one cares about him, live it!

His encounter has made others nervous, because of this ten people, but may not just have hostile to Shen Longxuan, and these people are also a heartbeat.

This is to be a turn on their head, what should I do?

However, they obviously think more, the door of Time is flying quickly in the long river of time, until there is a place where someone has a city.

They see that this city does not rely on any comments and the world, so independent existence is in the long river of time.

It is because so special, this city is actually a senior ancient existence.

Looking at the densely numb people, everyone's eyes have exposed greedy light.