Profound Dragon Warlord

Chapter 3736 continuous collision

Shen Longxuan's Jiugong gossip has millions of singular inheritance characters, and the strength of the power is no longer than the original, not only is more powerful, and the nine palaces gossip is also bigger.

At this moment, the space where the long river in front of the time is shrouded.

The only disadvantage is because the wheel ring is not all turned on, and the complete loop cannot be formed, so this state cannot last long.

In this space, the ring slowly rotated on the 9-palace gossip dispen, and that millions of activated inheritance characterized a dazzling light.

Character strokes and sequences are different, but every character seems to represent the manner of the world, it is more like time to be eternal in the long run.

These characters have been free to come out under the coverage of the Jiuguan gossip, and they are looking for the prey suitable for themselves, which is the time giant beast to attack.

At this time, the giant beast is concentrating on bombardment barriers. They also know that there is a weak family behind, but they don't care, they don't care, they can kill them, even if they are strong, do not do the climate.

Therefore, they have no prevention of these people.

Who can think of it, just when they concentrate on engaged, some people suddenly have a sudden launch, and they will be enlarged, they are in the critical moment of the old Li, and they are covered by the Nine-palace gossip.

Although some time the behemoth reacted, they were treated in the overall action, and they could not be paid at all.

And some powerful time beasts forcibly extract, but the attacks of this wave are unstable, and then crash.

This move of Shen Longxuan not only stops the attack of Time Mousse, but also successfully controls thousands of big guys who do only inheritance characters.

With this tens of thousands of treasures, Shen Longxuan has a bottom gas, and the time behemoth forms a defense line, protects Shen Longxuan, and also resist the time of the time in front.

It is even a little bit of the beast to start attacks under Shen Longxuan's manipulation.

At present, the battle is open.

In other people, it seems that there is a civil chaos, but they don't understand, the Nine-palace gossip disk that is shrouded over, but I don't know, what mysterious energy is flying down on the Jiugong gossip.

Only a few high-end ancient times of the sparestock have been shocked: "That is the power of the inheritance!"

"Heaven! So much inheritance, is it? Is it a peak from ancient times?"

"No! This time does not allow the peak of the ancient river, and it is not allowed to show the power. If it is really a peak, the peak realm is the huge beast will also appear.

At that time, it was really the end of the family. "

While these people talk, Shen Longxuan controlled the nine palace gossip again to capture a thousand shive beasts, which means that his hand has been controlled two thousand treasures.

Just give him a time, he really can control all the treasures of the beast in his hand.

Boom ...

If you are willing to violate, when he is willing, he has exploded a dramatic roaring in the depths of the battlefield.

Shen Longxuan saw that the time battlefield is deep, the time is dramatically rolled, such as the same time in the cloud, the energy is violent.

When I saw it, it was the time of rolling, and I didn't know if I didn't ask, it was a high-end ancient ancient.

After them, it is a huge thing, and the cloud fog is through these time giant beasts.

That is, it is the outbreak of time energy, not only to look at horror. It is more powerful, otherwise, the advanced ancient ancient ancients of the family will not be so wolf.

They have already received the news, it is ready to come back to rescue, but they didn't expect that the rear time giant beast actually broke out.

Their back defense not only does not have a slight effect, and even the bigger time of this bigger is going back. At that time, the consequences will not be imagined.

At first, they thought that these treasures were rushing, but slowly, they found that they were not so incredient.

These time the beast is very anxious, attacking them, but just keeping them, then rushing to the front.

"What is the situation? Actually abandon us, what are you doing?"

"Not good! The front is the area they sent to save the signal. These time the beast is supported, and there is a battle in front."

"Is it the support of the people of the people? We quickly followed it, and fits the horses. Maybe you can run this large batch of time beasts.

If you can't hold, this may be very dangerous. "

These senior ancient talks have been chased, but they see, but there is no support for the people, but see that in that area, there is a huge disc-shaped thing.

And in the disc shrouded, a large group of time beasts are erupling fighting, where can I attack the barrier established by the entrance?

Here, all the high-end ancient ancients rushed back.

They don't know what it is, but they all know that it is this big disc, which prevents these treasures, or now, the barrier of the family may be really broken.

They can't see Shen Longxuan, but Shen Longxuan saw them, not only saw them, he also saw the treasure beasts that have been rushing.

If there is no such guy, he is now able to control the time giant beast that is shrouded under the 9-palace gossip.

Although there is not all refining, it is also overdue of half of the big guy, so these time beasts will break out such a fierce battle.

They swallow each other, bite each other, all of which are angry.

Those people around, some courageies have also been added to the battle, and there is a small number of courage to wait and see in the distance.

No matter which one they are, in the back of the time of the giant animal group, instantly submerge.

Even if the senior ancient ancient ancients who have been in the back, even if they want to save, they can only look at the people of the people.

It is even between this moment, and the time of the beasts have emitted roaring, all hit the people's barrier.

Boom ...

The giant beasts with Shen Longxuan confronted also gave up the goal and impact it directly to the time barrier.

The roar is constantly.

That is the defense of the family, I saw that the Time barrier has been covered with Thunder. These Thunders play a powerful explosive force under the integration of time.

The squatting on the body of the behemoth, suddenly fell a group of lightning and blood fog, some Thunder did directly fry the body of the beast, causing fallen.

Shen Longxuan saw all this, suddenly felt cool, the barrier actually had such a powerful force, and it was unable to block the impact of the giant beast.

Seeing a time, the same time like land, Shen Longxuan responded, hurriedly collapsed the Jiuguan gossip.

Just just this, it has taken too much energy.

At the moment, the energy directly detonated by thousands of time, and kill them.

He got hundreds of thousands of merits.

During excitement, he suddenly heard a dramatic roar, when he looked up, seeing the time barrier actually shakes, even the Thunder above flashed.

It should be the edge of the collapse. Shen Longxuan found that the time of the beast is probably a dead heart, distant, even farther, all have countless time giant beasts Attack the time barrier.

They want to use this way of consumption, let the time barriers broken!