Profound Dragon Warlord

Chapter 583: Failure

Xia Wu laughed. He felt that Uncle Bai had sent them a baby. With Shen Longxuan, they could waste time without going to and from the Lingshi warehouse.

As long as Shen Longxuan sits here, their spirit stones will not be broken, so that he has the confidence to complete this formation within three months, which will be the largest teleportation formation he has completed to this day.

He was excited when he thought of this, "Little Brother, you are so good. From today ... no, from now on, you are an official member of our team, welcome you!"

In the following time, Shen Longxuan only needs four hours of practice per day, and the Lingshi is enough for one day. He spends the rest of his time studying with Xia Wu.

In one or two visits, he is getting deeper and deeper towards the teleporters. With his own insights, after being fused together, he has his own unique insight into the space.

So, two months later, when he looked at the various complicated procedures of the fellow brothers, he was already aware of his chest, but he always felt something was wrong.

When they were resting, Shen Longxuan would also listen to their discussions quietly, absorbing knowledge like a sponge, and at the same time beginning to use the knowledge they had learned to feel the spatial crystals in Dantian.

Among this spar, there is a very large teleportation array. This teleportation array has been repaired to seven, eight, eight, so he learned some small applications in it.

The small teleportation method used to defeat Li Yanan was one of them. He knew there would be a battle with Li Yanan, so he went to the ring one day in advance and used runes to inscribe a small teleportation on the ring.

This is the result of his bold experiment. He found that there are various runes in the spar, and the energy in the high-level runes is far from comparable to the spirit stone.

Because the spirit stone disappears as long as it consumes energy, but the rune will not. To put it bluntly, the rune is a combination of running track and energy. After the energy is exhausted, it can still run as long as it is reinfused.

In addition, the trajectory of this energy movement seems to be a kind of natural world. Through its guidance, it can enhance the operation rules of its attached objects, which is its terrible place.

Therefore, when Shen Longxuan stood on the ring, he activated the formation. In the eyes of people, he was like a teleportation, and he was not unable to teleport, mainly because it was too horrible in the turbulent space. Up.

But now, after watching the installation process of the entire teleportation array and the principle of its work, he has a deeper understanding of the power of space.

And he studied more advanced, combining runes and space, the more he studied, the more esoteric he felt.

So when he gave his opinion, he was instantly stunned.

"Young Master, your idea is really too bold, and I think this method is really feasible, but if this method is replaced with runes, it must at least be a Xuan-level rune inscription master.

In other words, it must be at least ten runes or more, and the energy in it can support such a large array operation."After the surprise, Xia Wu immediately thought of the key to the problem.

Shen Longxuan is actually the same idea, but he believes that there can be alternative methods, so, in his spare time, he personally engraved the formation with runes on the open space next to him.

"This little teacher is really interesting, do you say he can make a teleportation array?"

"How can there be such an easy thing, if this is really possible, aren't our old bones alive?"

"Hahaha, this little guy is very interesting. Everyone will help him more in the future, maybe he will really become our main force in the future?"

Xia Wu and others argued, but they did not stop at hand. The teleportation array has reached the critical moment. After completing this link, they are done.

But at this moment, a problem appeared, an area on the teleportation array, no matter how inlaid materials, to no avail, this area seems to be a bottomless hole, in an instant you can swallow the inlaid spirit stone clean.

This phenomenon can hardly ruin everyone. Such a thing has never happened before. If this matter cannot be resolved, I am afraid that the hard work of these two months will be in vain and everything will be repeated.

"Brother Xia Wu, don't worry, there must be a way. It stands to reason that this is already the edge of acupuncture, not the center. How could such a thing happen?"

Diao Liang asked wonderingly.

Xia Wu is also very distressed. He feels that this is a bottleneck. If he can break through, his space power will rise again, but this bottleneck seems to be difficult to break.

In this way, after three days, they made no progress. Seeing the deadline given by Zongmen, Xia Wu and others were anxious.

However, during these three days, Shen Longxuan assumed that two teleportation arrays could be communicated with each other. The two formations were all made up of seven-level runes as the formation, and they could be activated by inputting spiritual power.

This is the result of his more than two months of study. He not only has a considerable understanding of the teleportation array, but also makes many jumbled and difficult places understandable.

The reason is very simple. The space spar in his Dantian is too deep. He has been understanding for a few years and can only understand a little.

This is because he has no basic knowledge, and this time he has learned to supplement all the basic knowledge that he lacks in understanding the structure of space and the power of space.

Although it is not all mastered, these are undoubtedly a long drought and a dew for him, which quickly magnified the little knowledge he realized in the spar of space, and countless obscure nodes are all integrated.

As a result, his understanding of space has made great progress in a short period of time, so when he put a top-grade spirit stone in the teleportation array and input spiritual power, he saw the sound of the spirit stone. Disappear.

Almost at the same time, in another teleportation array, some debris of spirit stone appeared, and Shen Longxuan felt a wave of fear after watching it.

"Good boy, I didn't take my own experiment because of the loss, otherwise I'm afraid to follow the spirit stone now! Hey, I thought it was very simple, it seems that I have taken care of myself."

Shen Longxuan re-examined the two teleportation arrays. The arrangement of nodes and arrays and energy flow were all ok. Is there a problem with the supply of energy?

He entered the spiritual power again to activate the formation. He carefully inspected each rune and even probed into it with insight. He finally found out that the idea of ​​setting up the teleportation array with runes was correct, but his rune level was too Low.

As Brother Xia Wu said, unless it reaches the tenth level rune, otherwise it will affect the formation. It will cause the space used for transmission to be twisted or even folded.

This is like an ordinary person hitting hard rock hard, because his strength can't break the rock, so his action will hurt his fist or even fracture.

In the same way, Shen Longxuan's teleportation array is like an ordinary person, the spirit stone being teleported is his fist, and the space is that big stone.

Although it is still possible to complete the teleportation, because of the twisting and folding of the force, the objects within it are changed, and he is decomposed by this twisted force.

That is to say, his teleportation array is not complete because the rune level is not enough, and the items sent out are injured because of injury, so the teleportation array has actually become a murderous formation.

Shen Longxuan thought hard, and finally he decided to encrypt the number of runes to make up for the lack of strength. If he wants to burst out a powerful energy in an instant, it will definitely not be able to use the seventh-level runes alone.