Profound Dragon Warlord

Question 1309

Shen Longxuan did not know this, he only thought that Luo Bei might have stopped them from their former rivals, so he had ordered everyone to aim at each other's flying boat, as long as he ordered them to send them to heaven.

The people of the Tongtianshu tribe headed by Shen Thirteen didn't mean to let them go, and they were a little anxious. They were able to harm people without fakes, and it was true to find treasures, but their combat effectiveness was extremely poor.

In general, they use money to buy roads, because they are not bad, and the treasures in the entire starry sky can be obtained as long as they want.

It is precisely because of this that their perception is amazing, especially the perception of danger, which is thousands of times stronger than ordinary people. Although they have transformed into adult forms, they still retain a long beard, a pointed chin, and a thief eye.

All this is a means of perception. They have no consciousness, but they can perceive hundreds of millions of miles, which is magical.

Therefore, their leaders clearly felt that the two hundreds of miles of meteorite floating in the distance exuded a burst of dangerous breath, especially the holes above, which made him feel that the cold hair was standing upright, which was a life and death crisis.

However, he thinks it may be his own illusion, after all, he has never heard of meteorites that can kill people.

"How can there be a team of this size in such a remote place? Am I looking for the wrong place?" The head of the Rat Race secretly surprised.

But he still didn't change his face, and continued: "Look at you shark flying boats, you should be a robber. In that case, we pay. Let's say, how much money do we want to let us go?"

The rat chieftains travel in a low-key manner, that is, they are afraid of being stared at by others, and their flying boats seem to be the most ruined, barely able to fly in the starry sky.

In fact, that is disguise.

However, this kind of disguise was achieved by them at countless costs. Therefore, the people encountered generally rarely hit their minds.

But this time it was very unlucky, I met Shen XIII, and Luo Bei also knew their background.

"Tongtian rat clan, treasure hunter in the starry sky, here is already the edge of the starry sky, there is no treasure that can make your heart move, let's talk, which continent do you want to harm?"

The head of the rat clan was shocked. He didn't expect the other party to recognize them. When he wanted to come, this land of poor villages, the edge of the starry sky, flew for several years without touching a continent. How could anyone know them?

But he said calmly, "This big brother, what do you say about the sky rat race, is there such a race in the starry sky? Do you still talk about what you want to do? Or I will leave!"

"Want to go? Brothers, take them all to me, and the rebels will be executed on the spot!" Shen Thirteen ordered.

Thousands of people immediately rushed down from the shark flying boat, and overwhelmed the rat boat.

But at this moment, the seemingly ordinary flying boat suddenly changed, swelled like an inflation, and it was pierced with countless spikes on the periphery. It looked like a giant hedgehog.

Several brothers who rushed quickly were stabbed by the spikes above and immediately turned to ashes.

"God? What kind of stuff is this?"

"Fuck, evacuate as soon as possible, the spikes are highly toxic and can directly destroy the source."

"Mad, shoot the gun and kill the big mouse."

Everyone yelled and pulled back. The big guy with this change, ordinary people are not opponents at all.

"Hahaha ... Your clowns, dare to compete with your house rat, if you just took the money and left, you will be cheap, but it won't work now.

As long as my airship showed up, the only person I saw was a dead end, the little ones, killed them."The rat chieftain laughed.

Each of these spikes on the flying boat is costly to build, which not only contains highly toxic, but also extremely hard, and some have even reached the level of the next product.

Infuse the source power into it, and that is a stunned artifact, not to mention the flying boats in front of you, even if it is a whole continent, it can penetrate.

But this is the secret of the rat clan. The leader of the rat clan cannot be known to others. Therefore, under his command, every "big hedgehog" shines and wants to collide.

But before they could act, the two huge meteorites in the distance suddenly surging in their power, and the shark airships in front of them also gave way.

Boom ...

In the next moment, countless rays of light blasted on the rat race's flying boat, and the same was true of the shark flying boats that had receded on both sides. The fierce rays of light, mixed with the breath of destruction, surrounded these dozens of hedgehog-like flying boats.

The starry sky presents a wonderful scene, hundreds of shark-shaped flying boats, and two huge meteorites, surrounding a large group of hedgehog-like flying boats.

They were constantly attacked with a powerful beam of light. Although the airship in the middle was powerful, they were besieged by these attacks and could not move.

Gradually, the spikes on the flying boat began to shatter, and the surrounding defenses began to break. If this continues, even if it is strong, it will be broken into pieces sooner or later.

The group of people in Luobei was originally from robbery, but the relationship between them is particularly good. Seeing that just a few people have been killed, they have long been red-eyed. Regardless of the loss of their own resources, they will avenge their brothers.


The area shrouded by the light finally heard a blast, a roar, and a huge ball of fire soared into the sky, burning in the starry sky, as bright as a sun.

Boom ...

Immediately afterwards, explosions sounded one after another, and the Rat Race's airships were successively attacked and defended, exploding in violent energy.

The rat chieftain was finally scared. He thought that the defense like this, the other party could not be destroyed at all. When the other party stopped attacking, they could easily break out of the encirclement.

But now it seems that all of this seems slim, he saw his clan exploded in the explosion, only half the time of the incense stick, and the remaining flying boats were less than ten, and it will continue in this way, and it will not take long for them All will perish.

"Stop! We have surrendered! We have surrendered!" The rat clan leader shouted loudly.

Upon hearing this, Shen Longxuan ordered to stop the attack.

Look at the rat race flying boat just now, and the spikes on each ship are scattered, broken and broken, except for the few inferior spirit treasure level, basically it is completely destroyed.

The overall defense of the flying boat has also lost its function. If it is not the leader of the rat clan, stop in time, I believe these flying boats will explode immediately.

Even so, it is a waste, they are no longer able to withstand the flight in the stars.

"Bring them in!" Shen Longxuan's voice came from the starry sky base.

The remaining dozen or so rat clan obediently followed Luo Bei and others into the starry sky base, leaving only the wreckage after the explosion.

At first, the rat clan felt that this was a real meteorite, but they only discovered after coming in that it turned out to be a starry sky base.

Except for the fake and real disguise outside, there is a clear space planning, life training area, combat weapon area, defensive formation area, warehouse area, and even battle area ...

This is a small continent, with all the equipment and equipment. Even the well-known rat clan leaders are stunned. Such a perfect starry sky base is a battle fortress.

"Perfect! This is a baby!"

The same is true of the dozen or so rat-families who followed, they almost forgot the life-and-death fight, and were completely immersed in watching.

"Hey, hey! Hurry up, don't make Master Shen wait." Luo Bei shoved the head of the rat clan.

"What are you doing? It's the biggest crime for you to interfere with the rat clan's appreciation of the baby." Unexpectedly, the rat clan leader suddenly binged, and his little eyes twirled round and round.