1 As soon as he went online, Yu Yan pulled him into the room immediately.

Before starting the game, he thought of something. Just when he opened QQ, he wanted to call Lu Xiu together, only to realize that the other party had sent him countless messages.

You Uncle Lu: ...It's all my fault, shit, I knew I wouldn't let them over.

Uncle Lu: What did Xiao Rui say?I watched the replay twice again and it was absolutely correct, he must be on and off!If I send him a message, he won't reply to me!

Uncle Lu: Hey, Xiao Yan, I really cheated you this time, sorry.

He didn't think so much when he opened the dialog box. These contents were quickly seen by the water friends, and another round of attacks came, which was also mixed with words such as "acting" and "acting fine".

Yu Yan: It's okay, it doesn't matter to you, can you come to fight?

Uncle Lu: ...Forget it, I'm not going.

Lu Xiuhe was not very embarrassed.

Although he was not the one who opened the hook, he was the one who asked Yu Yan to take Xiao Rui when he helped pick up the head, and he was also responsible.

Yu Yan: On the number, bring me a breakfast tomorrow morning.

He doesn't know the others, but Lu Xiu and him still trust him very much.

In his most desperate period, Lu Xiuhe always found some irresistible excuses just to invite him to dinner and save him enough face.Even the exemption of internet charges was made by Lu Xiuhe ran to talk to his dad.

Although the other party didn't say anything, Yu Yan was not stupid and knew everything in his heart.

Lu Xiuhe stagnated for a while before returning to the past.

You Uncle Lu: Don't talk about breakfast, I will pack your food for the next week!I am going now!!

Three people opened four random rows.

After 60 seconds of the quality square, the teammate who arrived at random spoke first.

Number Four: "Oh oh oh, hey hey, is there anyone?"

Yu Yan said: "Yes."

Number Four: "Brother, how are you playing?"

The plane took off quickly, and the roar of the plane was too loud, and Yu Yan pulled the headset away slightly.

"Very strong."

Number Four: "...Okay, let's jump to the military base? Or P City?"

"Go Zharki."

"Zharki?" Number Four was stunned. "Brother, didn't you say you are strong?"

Zharki, the city in the upper left corner of the map, is in an awkward location. In all likelihood, it will run poisonous, and the house resources are not many. Let alone raising a team, if you have bad luck, you can't even support a fat man.

The good thing is... Few people can fly here.

"Number One is a newcomer, take care of it." Yu Yan said that the temperature was so mild that it was hard to refuse.

But No. 4 was still reluctant. He thought for a while and asked: "No. 3, do you want to dance Zharki too?"

No. 1 and No. 2 know that they are in double rows. If he gets the vote of No. 3, he might be able to change the situation.

Lu Xiuhe: "I love Zharki."

Number Four: "..."

So things settled so happily.

The route is not close to Zharki, and it takes a parachute jump to barely fly.

Number four flew and found: "Fuck, why did you open your umbrella on number one?"

"Fuck! Did you open the umbrella on the second? Brother, can you play, don't you even know how to jump?"

"I saw the car." Yu Yan said, "I'll pick him up."

No. 4 glanced at Yi Chen's position: "Don't go, he is thousands of miles away from you, how do you search for things after you go? He doesn't know how to jump, but he can't even jump with ordinary umbrellas. ..."

While talking, Yu Yan has already stepped on a two-wheeled motorcycle on the side of the road. The motorcycle is the fastest land vehicle in the game. However, the faster the speed, the greater the danger and the higher the difficulty of operation. It is especially easy to roll over and become cute. Most of them are afraid to open.

Yu Yan drove the car to the highest speed skillfully, and laughed: "That won't work, he just landed in Port N, and I have to pick it up."

This is the first time Yi Chen has heard the little anchor laugh since entering the live broadcast room today.

I remember that when I came back last time, the other party still loved to laugh. Besides the operation, he always chatted with the audience.

Thinking of today's barrage, the slight curvature of the corner of Yi Chen's mouth moved down a bit.

The little anchor came quickly. He was riding a motorcycle and stopped by his side.

"Come, get in the car."

Yi Chen got into the car and took a sip of the coffee next to him.

"1." The little anchor suddenly said, "You press V."

After the coffee smell in his mouth diffused, Yi Chen realized that the other party was calling himself.

1 This title is really not that good.

He clicked V, and the game instantly became the first perspective.

I have to say that the visual effect of this game is very good. The grass and trees that are falling backwards and the tremor of sitting in the car are fully reflected. Besides the excitement, it also makes people dizzy.

At this moment, the car suddenly rushed to a high landslide, the motorcycle lost control and flew directly into the air——

Then came a beautifully three hundred and sixty degree aerial flip.

[666666 Seeking tutorial!!

[This is a few, I can do it, can I show you?

[If you are sick, just go out without seeing it. I'm scolding here. The quality of banana fans is so bad?

Yu Yan didn't care. He took a short cut instead of driving on the main road. He would come every time a high slope could overturn the car, and he soon arrived at Zharki.

Lu Xiuhe and No.4 were searching at the head of the city, and Yu Yan drove directly to the end of the street.

"You get off here, I'll drive to the middle of the city to search, and I will run poison in a while to pick you up."

Lu Xiuhe finally drove the Mai: "Xiao Yan, did you see other cars on the way?"

Unsurprisingly, Zharki is not in the safe zone. They will have to run the drug in a while. If they want to search for a longer time, they must find a car.

"No." Yu Yan said, "There is no fixed brushing point, but the circle is not far, you can run."

Lu Xiuhe: "Don't you have a motorcycle there? You took me away, we went to find a car on the road, and we found it and then came back to pick them up..."

Yu Yan interrupted him calmly, "The poison ring is coming, you can almost run away."

Lu Xiuhe: "..."

Lu Xiuhe, who was still guilty of guilt, didn't dare to make any rebuttal at this time, and resignedly jumped downstairs with a gun.

When Yu Yan found the fourth room, he was already immersed in the poison ring.

Fortunately, the first lap does not hurt.

"Let's search for a while, and just lick a bag later."

After searching the last room, he drove the scooter again, loaded 1 and rushed to the safe area.

"Damn..." Lu Xiu, who was still struggling with poison, and watching the two galloping by, said sourly, "You drive slowly, a small broken motorcycle, you are not afraid of being swept away... Fuck! Fuck!!! Xiaoyan!!!"

He suddenly raised the volume, and Yu Yan only felt that his ears hurt.

"what happened?"

"Hurry up, look at your live broadcast room!!!"

Hearing Lu Xiu and this tone, Yu Yan's heart sank.

Isn't he blocked again?

Once bitten, twice shy.He parked the car in a more hidden place and said, "Wait for me."

With that, he quickly switched to the live broadcast room page, and saw that his live broadcast room was still alive, so he wanted to see other things.

His live page has been completely overwhelmed by barrage.


[What is the operation of Star TV???Is it a new mechanism???

[See you for the first time...]

[I watched it on the mobile client, and the notice was suddenly horizontal on the top of my screen, which was particularly conspicuous...]

[Where are those cursing people just now?Gone?

[This must be a BUG, ​​or set by the anchor himself, Star TV does not have this mechanism at all, okay??How about washing NM?

Yu Yan looked up blankly, and then his eyes were slightly enlarged, and he was also stunned.

I saw a very conspicuous notification bar on top of his live broadcast room with black lettering on a yellow background——

[Administrator 03: After multi-party verification (host screen recording playback, PUBG reporting mechanism), Star TV anchor yanxyan did not use any illegal plug-ins in the live broadcast on July 25, and the report is invalid.