Meizhi... you want to go up?
"There are currently four combat personnel here: I, Sister Margo, Sister Reihua and Sister Kan. If there's only one person left, it's only natural for the other three to go out..."
Michi says so plainly.
"But Michi... you're still in middle school"
Misuzu pinches his mouth.
"Leave it to everyone else... Shouldn't Michi stay here?
Indeed... Reihua and Seki-san are the top elites in Kazuki Security Services...
Even Mr. Margo is a professional trained by Kyoko.
Michi... Though the successor to Kudo Liu Ancient Martial Arts, it is still shallow to be Misumi's guard as a task...
In due course, I guess we should leave wisdom here.
... but.
"... what do you think?
Sister Minaho looked at me and said...
"My opinion...?
"Yes, you are now... what are you thinking? No...... what are you feeling?
What am I... feeling?
...... yeah.
In my head...... I know by reason......
Sensibly, something... the alarm is going off.
"When you grow up like me... you're often confused by the difference between reason and feeling. Realistically, it's weird... but I think it's okay with my senses, so I often act and fail. Because the feeling I get from experience is often wrong. So when you grow up... you should act rational. Common sense makes the decision that that's not possible..."
Sister Minaho says.
"But you're still young... and you've hardly had the experience of facing a crisis like this, have you? If so... I think we should prioritize our senses. What do your survival instincts say we should do?
"... yep"
Something about me tells the story to my senses... okay?
"Whatever... just say what you're feeling right now...!
Sister Minaho is looking at me with a trust eye......
Yeah. Then......
That I'm hooked on my heart... shall I say it?
"Going up there... I think we should go with a member whose heart is not tempered right now"
"... tempered?
Oh dear... that was a boy student expression.
Don't you understand?
"Eh... I think people who are full of minds and tense too much right now are losing their judgment. So I think we should force ourselves with someone with a calm mind and no blunt judgment..."
"Be specific... say and see"
Sister Minaho... looks at me.
"... it"
"Fine... it's about everyone's safety, so let me get this straight."
... Right.
"I'm going upstairs... Mr. Margo, Mr. Guan, there are three of you, Michi. Reihua better stay here..."
"Why? Lord......!
Surprise...... Reihua.
"I have not lost my judgment. Enough, you can fight......!
A beautiful beauty in a man's dress... with strong eyes, stares at me.
"So... whatever, I think it's a bad thing about Reihua to look fine"
"... Lord?!
"Why Chief Tanizawa didn't promote Reihua to Zi's full-time guardian... somehow, I get it"
"Duh, what do you mean?
Reihua... inquires about me.
"Reihua is... too focused on his' aesthetics'"
"... 'Aesthetics'?
All the people in the room pay attention to me and Reihua.
I'm asleep, except for Mao......
"All of a sudden, they hear me talk about the inside of Kazuki's house... so if you want to" continue serving me as a guardian, "I don't have a problem, but I'm like," Would you like to be a family? 'If you ask me out, I'm usually confused. Like Seki-san right now. I think Kan's reaction is obvious... "
I said...
"But Reihua... so I said, 'Yes, I understand. I'll take it,' you thought it was a better course of action for your 'aesthetic', didn't you? So I did."
"I am ready! You don't regret your chosen path. Everything, convinced...... has been made your 'family'!
Reihua, with a slightly stronger voice... says so.
Hey, I'm excited.
I knew... I'm not calm.
"Yeah, I know that what Reihua promised once is someone who will protect you even if you die. So I accept Reihua as a 'family'. But I don't think Reihua's mind can do it."
"That's not true......!
"Really? Reihua says something to convince herself that she has become our family. Over and over again."
To accept my current situation...... deliberately making a slightly drastic statement.
It's unconscious... I don't think he noticed.
But that's because Reihua's mind hasn't caught up with the rapidly changing Reihua situation... and it's up...
"At first... Reihua was a very my-paced person and I wondered if he was a little dull"
"No, it's dull...... Fujimiya"
Seki-san tells the truth about Polori.
"No, you don't. Reihua's essence is delicate and delicate. So deliberately...... he plays an extravagant and thoughtful personality......!
Out of my sight... Reihua escapes.
"The same goes for that British gentleman's clothing... but he's the one who comes in from the shapes, isn't he? And I defend my mind by showing others, 'This is who I am'. In Reihua's mind, there is an ideal Reihua... I think Reihua looks too good for others because he always storms around his body trying to get close to that ideal."
"Wow, I... I accept everything properly! Because I've become your 'family'...!
"No, so... I don't doubt Reihua's feelings at all, and we still welcome Reihua. But even if it's broken with my head... my heart."
"... mind?
"Oh. Reihua's heart is... confused about having sex with me and having my child. So try hard, interact properly with Mako... and simulate when you have a child of your own... We were just talking about having a baby..."
That's right... Reihua is.
"Wow, I..."
"I can't, you don't have to think about having sex with me... having kids"
"Oh Lord......?! Am I... disqualified from being a 'family'?
"That's not what I'm saying... Reihua is everyone's 'sister' already. You can stay in the family."
Yes... that's not the problem.
"Nothing. You don't have to be my 'woman'... because I'm a 'family' now"
To my words... missouri.
"Wait... sir! We are... really a bloodless' family '. Therefore, I need to interact with my husband and tie him up as a' family '..."
"No, I'm not... missouri"
I said...
"That... at first, because there were so many kids only connected to me, it just so happened... It's not like I'm going to have to do this forever."
"That's not... not true"
Misuzu is looking at me.
"No... even if I'm not dead anymore... This' family 'is going on. Already. I mean... it has to be."
I... think so.
"Sister Minaho, Sister Kezi, Ji, Margo, Ning... and then Ji. If I die today, after this... Meg, Mana, then Rukiko, Michi and Reihua... about our family, please. I want you all to be happy."
"Sir... what are you talking about?
The mistletoe is stunned.
"I know..."
On behalf of the elderly...... Sister Minaho told me.
"Your 'family' is my 'family'... I won't abandon you no matter what. Everybody, I'm sure you'll be happy..."
"Yeah...... Sister Minaho"
I... Misuzu, look at the girls in the young group.
"Everyone too...... we want each other to get along and help each other out like real 'sisters'"
"... Yoshi-kun, what's this about?
"... brother?
Meg and Mana too...... look worried, look at me.
"I'm going upstairs... with Margo and the others."
To my words...... the girls are stunned.
"Please wait... sir"
"Yes, Yoshi-kun didn't want to go..."
... I am.
"No, I'm going. I have to go."
Ji, look at me.
"I don't need you to go. Upstairs, I'll go."
... When I said that, I thought.
"I have to determine who among the executives is the traitor... and most importantly, those guys will only listen to my orders. If I don't go, there's nothing I can do."
"... that's not true"
I said...
"There... I'll put a piece on the 'Black Forest' stream. Right, Mr. Margo?"
Mr. Margo smiles nicely.
"Right...... once you know who the traitor is, you just have to shut him up in the exercise of strength, right? So, all you have to do is isolate me from the other executives and the kids from" Private School, "right?
With violence, you can force yourself to listen.
You don't have to bother putting it out for Ji...
"If I give you an order, you'll do it in one word, won't you?
"'The enemy' is after Ji. If you go up there, it's the pot the enemy thinks it is."
"... but yeah"
Ji doesn't try to convince me.
"Ji... I'm sorry, but for Misuzu and Rukiko, will you keep living now?
I said...
"... you?
"Ji, although I don't know why you're trying to put your life at risk... no, I'm sure it's about Ji, so I know there's an intention behind it"
"Yes... I am acting according to my plan..."
...... yeah.
Bringing Sizario Viola into this hotel….
Too bold an action, like sacrificing one hotel.
That you easily acknowledged me and Mizuzu's friendship...
Because you came into my family... to entrust Misuzu and Rukiko to my sister Minaho...
Because in front of the folks at "Private School," I made a declaration that Mizuzu would be my successor... too fast.
Ji is... hiding something.
I feel like I'm in danger for my life... and I feel like I've decided all kinds of things in a hurry for Misuzu and Rukiko.
"But... Ji is in a bit of a hurry right now. I'm not calm. I don't think we should go up there and face the traitor or the viola."
"That's why... why are you going up there?!
Ji, scream.
"That's... because I'm going up there, right?
The voice was... Ning...
"Duh... what do you mean?
To my surprise Ji... Ning is...
"This' emergency shelter '... it's absolutely safe, isn't it? Kazuki is evacuating Mi and Luli..."
Oh...... if you're not sure the traitor or viola will notice...
Ji doesn't bring her two precious granddaughters here.
"But as long as I'm here... I think Viola will be stubbornly searching the hotel. Maybe you'll notice the presence of this room in some kind of clap"
"Besides... it's not a good idea that all the enemy targets are gathered here."
That's what Mr. Margo said.
"So... I think I should go upstairs and show myself in front of my enemies... and stir things up"
"Yeah. By Ning showing himself... we can further divide the enemy. To the troops targeting Kazuki and Shirazaka rebels and the troops chasing Ning..."
I thought Ning would say that...
In order to ensure the safety of the 'sisters'... Ning needs to get out of this room.
... so.
I have to go upstairs with Ning.
To protect Mr. Ning......
"... sir"
Knowing my strong will... Mizuzu seems anxious and says so.
"Misuzu...... today, you did your best. I think it's great."
"... Huh?
"For once, I was even ready for Ji to kick me out of the Kazuki family... so I confronted Ji... and promised to take on the whole Kazuki family... and crossed over with the" private school "guys"
"Guys... thanks to your husband"
"No, I'm not. It's the power of missouri... I love it, missouri"
I... hold Mizu's body tight.
"... so, sir?
"So... you don't have to work any harder today"
"... Huh?
"You don't have to be the leader of the family. Get some rest."
"Oh, I..."
The mistletoe's body trembles.
"Misuzu... you're my 'woman'"
"... Yes"
"If so... now, don't try any harder"
"Duh... why?
Mizuzu doesn't know what I'm talking about...
"... Meg had the same symptoms as Mizuzu did a while ago."
"... Symptoms?
"To a certain extent, at a stage when I was able to have a relationship of trust... I've always been anxious about whether that relationship would continue. I'm anxious, so in Meg's case, she tried to drown in sex with me. With sex, I tried to erase my anxiety. In the case of missouri…"
"In my case...?
"I'm trying to strengthen my relationship with me by becoming the younger leader of the 'family'... unconsciously"
That's right... just like Meg did back then.
Misuzu... I'm anxious.
"... I am"
Originally, Misuzu, who is not a member of The Black Forest, had a complex.
So... I tried to get a new member named Michi or Rukiko or Reihua, close to me, to join the 'family'.
And give Rukiko a tour of sex with me...
Published the loss of virginity of Michi.
"But... neither Michi nor Rukiko will be under Misuzu's control. They're both strong girls. Reihua is not the kind of person who obeys anything if ordered."
I look at Rukiko with Mizu in my arms.
"Rukiko... you don't trust me yet, do you?
Rukiko smiled nico......
"We trust you. Rukiko, I love it when it's fair to your brother."
... Yeah, that would be it.
Misuzu said how much she recommended me... a solid girl like Rukiko couldn't easily accept me.
"This is the kind of thing... we just have to take the time to create a relationship. You didn't trust me from the beginning, did you?
That's right.
Misuzu and I really got my mind through... about the second time we had sex.
Not from the beginning.
"I trust your husband completely......!
Michi said confidently.
"My heart and heart are in tune… I feel as loving to your husband as I am to myself"
Well... Kudo Liu Ancient Martial Arts Shinji is special.
Normal people can't interact with each other like that.
"Anyway... don't rush missouri. As it is now, Misuzu will rush the other kids, and we will all be together."
"My husband's... a setup?
"Yes... everyone wants to have a stronger relationship with me than any other 'woman'... just take care of me and I'm exhausted"
"It... may be so"
"If I had a hippo doing that... keep up with the other girls. Who's the leader, who and who's the group... skip that kind of power relationship gotagota. They're all" sisters "in" family "..."
"... Yes"
"Even if I die... be 'sisters' who can help each other"
"... sir?
Misuzu... looks up at me.
"... it's an analogy. It's all about strengthening my relationship, so don't concentrate. I mean tie it together more as a 'family'..."
"... Yes"
Misuzu, nagging.
"I'm not blaming you for missouri. Misuzu, there are so many things going on today... my nerves are getting high. Really, today's missouri is what I worked so hard for"
I cuddle the mistletoe.
"... thank you. Sir."
"So... make yourself comfortable for a while and let me down. That's good."
"... Yes. Um, sir."
"What... missouri?
"I... I'm sorry. I'm sure I'll be your husband's good wife..."
"Misuzu is a very good wife to me."
I kiss the mistletoe.
"Hmm... you're totally fucked"
Ji said...
"I have no choice... make yourselves at home"
Somehow, he gave up his plan to go upstairs himself.
"Yes. Then, Rukiko. While I'm gone, talk to Misuzu and Meg... and ask for everyone."
"... it's me?
Rukiko is surprised.
"Yeah, maybe Rukiko's the coolest kid in the youth group right now."
Meg and Mana... have been abandoned by the Shirazaka family and are more tempered.
If Mana does it, she'll rub it against me... because she's afraid she'll abandon me.
Blaming Snow... would also be a reversal of anxiety.
Say something... I think it's easiest to talk to Snow Connected with Blood.
What we need in this situation now... is a calm nerve owner.
"I think we should re-analyze everything from Rukiko's point of view. Everyone, pay attention to Rukiko's opinion."
I told everyone.
"Anyway... Kazuki, Misuzu and Rukiko will stay in this room. If these three get caught by their enemies, they'll be game over with our loss at that stage."
That's what Mr. Margo says.
"I'm going upstairs... me, Ning, Kan and Michi... and is that what you mean?
To Mr. Margo's words...... I am.
"... I will also take Snow"
"Heh... me?
Snow is surprised... look at me.
"Oh... I need Snow's Eye...!