Qin Shiming Moon Dominates the World

Chapter 268 Hunting Ground

The sun is shining and the sky is clear.

It had just rained, the ground was dry, and the sky in Xinzheng was filled with fresh air.

"Brother, today is the sixth day, and the one hundred thousand army salary has not fallen yet, so why are you in no rush."

People flowed on the street, and Honglian pestered Han Fei early in the morning.

Most of the eight-day deadline of King Han has now passed, and there is still no news about the one hundred thousand military salary.

Gu Lian really didn't understand, why should his brother get involved in this muddy water, can't he watch the show?

"Relax, things have been arranged, and today, there should be an end."

"It's over?"

Honglian didn't see the situation a bit about to end. On the contrary, this matter was getting worse and worse, and her father and king had been angry for the past few days.

Just as Honglian woke up, Han Fei had already gone, and she yelled behind Han Fei.

"where are we going?"

Han Fei beckoned in front, leaving Honglian a back.

"Mojia Guild Hall!"

"What to do there?"

Guren was a little weird, but he followed in small steps.

Early in the morning, the street in front of the Mojia Guild Hall was a bit deserted, and the door was cold.

Now that the leader of the Mo family removed more than half of the Mo family disciples, the Mo family guild hall has lost its former vigor and excitement, and almost only an empty shell remains.

A few horses were wagging their tails boredly in front of the horse-steering stakes in front of the door. Han Fei was a little surprised. Was there a visitor to the head of the Mo family this morning?

Han Fei walked into the hall, and happened to meet two disciples of the Mo family who were walking out of the hall.

"Jiu Gongzi, why are you here?"

Han Fei has been to this Mo Family Guild Hall several times, and many Mo Family disciples recognize him.

"I'll find the chief!"

Han Fei said, trying to go inside, but was stopped by a disciple of the Mo family.

"Jiu Gongzi, our chief has left Xinzheng."


Han Fei's eyes widened in vain. Before he said anything, the red lotus beside him had already asked.

"Why did the commander leave Xinzheng suddenly?"

"There are some urgent matters in Nanyang that the general leader needs to deal with. He left last night. Moreover, the general leader has decided to reduce the number of disciples of the Mo family in Korea, and we will leave here soon.

"What! Why are you leaving?"

Honglian looked at Han Fei, but saw that his whole person was a little stunned, with an expression on his face that was fooled.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Didn't you mean to find the one hundred thousand army salary?"

Han Fei was holding his head with his hands, a headache.

"It seems that I am still a little too young."

Honglian rarely saw Han Fei's deflated appearance. For a moment, her curiosity about this incident even exceeded the whereabouts of the hundred thousand army.

"Brother, what exactly happened?"

A smile appeared on Gu Lian's face, her mouth pouting, and she looked like a crowd eating melons.

"Are you so happy watching your brother make a fool of yourself?"

Han Fei looked helpless, and felt a headache for this sister.

"Honglian, do you know where Lord Hanyang is?"

"I heard from the palace people, it seems that the prince invited him to hunt in the hunting ground today."


South Korean hunting grounds.

"Mr Hanyang, please."

The South Korean prince accompanied Zhao Shuang, walking around the hunting ground, and came to the stand of a round martial arts arena.

Today, the South Korean prince was in high spirits, Zhao Shuang followed him and watched him greet the prince’s mansion.

"Many people in South Korea think that I don't know the military, and my father often tells me to read more military books. In fact, they don't understand me. This prince has worked hard to create a dragon formation that can capture the tiger."

"Oh? It must be powerful."

Prince Han clapped his hands, and eight strong men in fine armor appeared under the stands, each holding bone claws made of fine iron, and the chains attached to the iron bone claws were very thick.

"I have always thought that all military tactics are of secondary importance. The most important thing is the strength of Jiajian soldiers in the war, so the best craftsmen in Xinzheng were specially ordered to create these special weapons."


Zhao Shuang looked back and was a little surprised. He didn't expect this confused South Korean prince to say so clearly.

"The prince really knows the art of war."

Prince Han was a little proud and clapped his hands.

As aristocrats, hunting in Spring, Xia Miao, Qiu Xi, and Winter Hunting all have the purpose of military exercises and have a military nature.

But obviously, this hunting ground does not have this effect, but is for entertainment of the nobles in Xinzheng.

This hunting ground is not big, there is only one hill, and the largest prey in it is only elk.

As for the fierce bear, tiger, rhinoceros, and large beasts, there is no shadow at all.

A dozen soldiers pushed a cage with wheels and brought it under the stands.The moment the soldier opened the cage, a huge tiger was showing a pair of fierce eyes like copper bells, staring at the people on the stands.


"Jun Hanyang has a good eye. This tiger that grows near Ghost Valley is more than three times larger than an ordinary tiger. I spent a lot of money and finally found one."

The crown prince of South Korea motioned to his men to open the cage. In the round ground, the huge iron gate fell, and the rest of the people retreated. Under the stands, only eight powerful men under the crown of Han were left.

"Today is the time for the Dragon Array to shine!"


Prince Han seemed to deliberately want to show off the majestic appearance of the future Korean master in front of Zhao Shuang.

The moment Xuanhu came out of the cage, the atmosphere of the entire hunting ground changed, and hundreds of birds flew in the forest.

Eight powerful men shook the bone claws in their hands and flew out, locking the black tiger.

The sharp bone claws pierced into the skin and flesh, and seemed to anger the black tiger. It roared, trying to break free from the bone claws that bound itself.

Those eight great men were obviously under tremendous pressure and looked a little strenuous.Xuanhu roared, the huge tiger paws slapped on the iron chain, and a strong man flew away.

The situation suddenly changed, and Prince Han seemed a little panicked.

"Quick, lock it."

The iron-bone claws detached, cutting off the skin and flesh, which in turn stimulated Xuanhu's fierceness even more.Without the restraint of a strong man, Xuanhu's movements became more sensitive.

Soon, the remaining powerful men also lost control and were knocked into the air by this black tiger.

The abnormality here alarmed the guards of the hunting ground, and the archers rushed over, all around the stands.

"Quick, shoot."

The situation did not change with Prince Han's roar, and the hunting field guards here obviously underestimated the power of this black tiger.Leaping up, Xuan Hu leaped into the three-person stand, only three feet away from Zhao Shuang and Prince Han.

"Stop it, stop it."

Prince Han was panicked. He accidentally released a beast he couldn't control, but it was difficult to end. Seeing the guards in front of him were killed by Xuanhu one by one, he fell to the ground, regardless of the unevenness of the ground, his hips kept moving backward.

In the chaotic situation, Prince Han found that the boy in front of him had been standing there, not moving.

Is this kid crazy?

Prince Han thought so in his heart, but he also felt that this was a good opportunity, and ran backwards instead, ignoring that the young man was his distinguished guest.

It's just that after Prince Han ran a long way, when he looked back to see if the boy who was not afraid of death had been eaten, he was surprised to find that under the sun, the Xuanhu who killed dozens of Korean soldiers was crawling. On the ground, he didn't dare to approach this boy at all.

With sharp eyes, Prince Han seemed to see the huge body of the Xuanhu, as if trembling slightly.