Changping Junfu.

After coming back from Huayang Palace since then, Changping Jun has never understood the meaning of Huayang Tall. Just happening, it has made a level of understanding in the heart of Changping.

Zhao Tai, who was confined for a long time, was taken back from Yongcheng and then entered the main hood. Those people, after Lu Weiwei left Xianyang, not only point the spear head to those guests, but also a certain degree of strikes for Changping Jun.

Obviously, after Lu Weiwei left, Changping Jun became the object of these people.


Chang Wenjun walked into the study, with a smile on his face.

"Brother, I have already checked it, Wu Xiangnam is hidden in the Mojiahui Hall."

Changping waved.

"A little pawner, don't worry about him."

Chang Wenjun did not have a sense of crisis in Changping, but it was gratified to the expansion of Lu Unwash.

Just, now look at Changping Jun, but see him eyebrows.

"Brother, what are you worried?"

"Now the situation in Qin State is not good for us."


Chang Wenjun couldn't understand, but he heard Changping Jun explained.

"The World, the foreign nephew, the passenger, the Qin Wang did not have a pro-government, forming the power of Qin State; can be the most powerful, the most powerful Guest, with the most powerful, and those who have become the most powerful. Striving for the power left by Lu Weiwei. "

Chang Wenjun heard here, it seems that there is some understanding of Changping Jun.

"Brother, what is the meaning of us?"

Changping nodded.

"Qin people have always been afraid. Especially for me, as a son of Chu, it has become the Qin Guoxuan, after Lu Weiwei left, it is more enemy by those people."

"But they have no action now."

"This is the problem."

Changping is a top color, and the face is cold.

"I will wait for my desert. After Lu Weixuan left, and those Guests do this can form alliances, deal with those people, but the event is not so development, why?"

Chang Wenjun, Changping Jun is directly given an answer.

"The most direct reasons are that the group of hungry wolves lived."

Chang Wenjun is a bit surprised, out of mouth.

"Zhao Shuang?"

Changping nodded and expanded the map on the table.

"Look, this is Zhao Shuang reported to the business road map for the Shaofu and the class."

The family of the small house is bunch of royal family, and the classroom is bunch of foreign exchanges. It is necessary to go with Dali's business.

Chang Wenjun looked at the map, the facilities along the way are very complete, including all the clots, stations, stables, borders ... From Xianyang to Di Di, etc. All build, I am afraid that it will affect 10,000 people. even more.

However, there is still a little confused in Chang Wenjun.

"Northwest bitter cold, are those children who will know this work?"

After all, Xianyang is bustling, and is rich, which is unwilling to stay here, and ran to the Western border.

"There is naturally refused to go, but those prostitutes, I can't mix official position in the middle, I will naturally try."

The eldest son inheritance means that the vast majority of the people of the world, when they left home, they got up to the industry, or got a family member of the family. And the misery, I can only find ways, among which is ambitious, naturally I will go.

Changpingjun shook his head.

"No matter what, a considerable part of the world's children are now Zhao Shuang bunch. The remaining want to make trouble, there is no original situation. It is important that Li Si, Han Fei, these people have become the leader of the new guest. They are still weak, they are not willing to stir into our battle with the world, so they have been restrained. "

"What should we do?"

Changping Jun is sensible, and it is very accurate for the situation judgment.

"Qin State has begun to split. Although Zhao Shuang is young, it is the first of the world, and there is a great influence in the army and the DPRK. Especially after the chaos, his old and family In the army, it was promoted in the army. Just, in this year, Zhao Shuang did not have the old people who would like to pay the head to the customs and us, and Zhao Shuang took over the industries of Lu Hui. But there is no one with a piece of them, even more. "

"But those old things don't see people will help us?"

Chang Wenjun said, but he saw Changping Jun smiled.

"That is nature. The more difficult Zhao Shuang's foundation is more stabilized. It will be harder to deal with him. Once the business road of Dali, his forces will be stronger."

Changpingjun's hand is on the map, feels the texture from the exquisite ripple on this map.

"But we don't stop this matter."

"It can't, but it is not necessarily."

Chang Wenjun's brow wrinkled, and there was a lot of doubts, but he heard Changping Jun explained.

"We and Zhao Shuang have not torn face, naturally can't touch him. But this kind of thing will naturally have someone."

"Brother is said to Luo."

Changping is even more smiling on his face, with a cold light.

"Zhao Shuang killed so many people, as Luo network strength recovered, I will find ways to deal with this big enemy. Hui, the border, let them mess, destroy, is Luo's thater play."

Changping Jun received a map on the table, and his face was not reduced.

"As for us, it is still on the rivers and lakes. Zhao Shuang's biggest weakness, in the ink home."

"Ink home?"

Changping Jun seems to give Chang Wenjun a new idea, but Chang Wenjun still does not understand.

"But the farmer has previously been fighting with the ink family, and again, it may not be able to take advantage of the wind, but will affect our layout in the Central Plains."

"To deal with ink, it is not necessary to be outside. The inside of the ink family has also split, Qin Mo and Yan Mo are clear. Qin Mo is headed by Mo Jiade, while Yan Yugi's leader is even more mysterious."

"There are more guess on the rivers and lakes, but Yan Yugi's leader seems to not exist at all, and there is nothing to find with this forces."

In the face of Chang Wenjun's doubts, Changping Jun converges a smile and the face has become serious.

"It can't find it because this leader is not in the rivers and lakes, but on the temple. He is Yan Guo Prince, Yan Dan!"


This shocking intelligence allows Chang Wenjun's expression. He doesn't doubt the reliability of his brother's discourse, but it is still vibrating.

"The Mo Jiade Tongji is standing on the side of Zhao Shuang, it means that it is a death enemy, it is destined to be aware. In this way, we can make the field of Tian Guang and Yan Dan to help him expand the forces, split the ink, and find Zhao Zhao. Cooling evidence. "

Changping Jun slowly said that his hands were gripped, and his eyes were more quiet.