The light is moving, illuminating the entire house.

Under the high platform, standing with ten gods. Zhao Shuang faces the water, listening to these subordinates to organize intelligence.

"On the main, the moon rebellion, each family will lose a few cars, and more 10 cars. And we lost two hundred cars!"


Within the house, Zhao Shuang has jealous. Baiwei, standing on the side of Zhao Shuang, I have never seen him.

"Is there a good news?"

Zhao Shuang said, and the deployment is silent, only one person, standing out.

"The moon rebellion, the two big horses are standing on the side of Barrett. Barrett took the Moon's Wangcheng, slaughtering the Crown Reserve and his son. In addition to the princess Alice, the neighborhood of the Moon's old king Under the guard guard, head to the East's huntow, escaped a robbery. When the incident, Zhao Xin General got a letter of contributing, immediately sent light ride, and received the moon's princess to Jincheng. "

Zhao Shuang smiled.

"It is really good news."

The royal family of the moon is still there. For Zhao Shuang, there is room for turning.

Zhao Shuang looked at the person and asked.

"Sima Han, what do you have?"

"At this time, the situation is chaotic, Barrett rebellion, the moon is undecided, if there are five thousand troops to ill, or can be customized."

Zhao Shuang relies on the right soft pillow in Fang Fang, listening to this, slight smile. This truth of Zhao Shuang is unknown for the secrets of the inside of Qin National.

"Today, most of the Qin Dynasties are concentrated on the battle of the East Line. At this time, it is necessary to let the 50,000 army west, and Qin State will not support it."

To make tens of thousands of troops overseas, the risks are too big, and it consumes great consumption.

After listening to Zhao Shuang, people present were completely silent.

Zhao Shuang saw this, and his heart has been determined.

"Sima Han!"

"At the end,"

"You immediately went to South Zheng Land, with the celebration, the whole army. Notify all departments, organize the armament, to be hit."

Zhao Shuang said, Sima Han looked up at his own Jun, some did not know what it was.

"The Lord should rely on 10,000 Yulin, go to the moon betray alone?"

"Is there any other choice?"

When I stopped Zhao Shuang, I was in a scene of the scene.

"Jun, this will be too adventurous. The murderer is fighting danger, and it will be lost in caution!"

"Don't have to say, I have done it!"

Zhao Shuang waved, and the scenes retired. White appears frowned, close to one step.

Zhao Shuang turned his head and asked.

"You also want to stop me?"

"On the main point, if there is no king, how can 10,000 Yulin?"

Bai Lu did not stop the meaning, as long as Zhao Shuang is willing, no matter where, she will accompany it.

"Reassure, someone will help me."

Zhao Shuang's mouth revealed a smile, and it is uncomfortable for this problem.


"Help, I will help!" Changping Jun laughed, there is a quick thing in words. Since Zhao Shuang is not willing to eat this boring loss, I still want to press all the moon's no-hole. I certainly get help!"

Changping Jun and Chang Wenjun were sitting, and the table was placed in a bottle of wine purchased from the Xianyang wine shop.

Chang Wenjun poured two glasses of wine, looking at the wine in the luminous cup, and smiled on his face.

"Zhao Shuang's teenager has been asked, after all, still a lot of fire."

"What do Zhao Shuang want to do?"

"He let the princess of the Moon wrote the famous book, please ask the king, let Daxin help its country."

Zhao Shuang's operation, so Changping Junle.

"Da Qin has always been in the people, where is it helping others?"

"Yes, so it's there. Zhao Shuang seems to be expected, one should be military power, the country is like the country. However, there seems to be a big opinion in the court."

Changpingjun has drank a wine, slightly bites, frown, some drinking. And Chang Wenjun seems to have a very smooth.

"Of course, there will be comments. If it is successful, I have to have? One should be military power, do not say he himself, Zhao Shuang's 10,000 private army, people will be judged, how will consequences?"

Chang Wenjun has not thought about it, nowadays.

"Zhao Shuang is in the gamble! If it is success, it is afraid that it will become the country of China."

Zhao Shuang is a seal, and the belongings that can be subordinated will still pay taxes to Qin State and himself. Different, the proportion of the court and the Jun will be obtained. If you drill the empty, until the end, they don't have to pay taxes to Qin State, and Qin State also gave these soldiers to land and fields.

"So, we simply sit on. Anyway, Zhao Shuang also has no choice but."

"Do you think Zhao Shuang will win?"

Chang Wenjun is a man, but he saw Changping Jun smiled.

"Zhao Shuang's partial part, mostly blood relatives, relying on blood as a bond, is very close. It is usually, we don't have a way. This time, it is a good opportunity to weaken his forces."

Changpingjun took the table in the table, and the cup of wine was drank. This is a sour wine, in a good mood, I feel sweet.

"Let's ride more than 10,000 cars. Let's teach our Hanyang Jun."


The moonlight is star.

Qin Wang stood in front of the temple, watching the sky, I don't know what I am thinking?

The cover is slow, and it is a gift. But see Han Fei followed by Qin Wang, see him, showing a smile.

Today, the war of the Qin State is very smooth, and Qin Jun is coming to Pingyang. Going up toward this momentum, you can get great effort before grain.

Just, Qin Wang's war is don't care.

"How do you see about Moon's things?"

"The war is the final festival. No matter the victory, there is no big difference."

The meaning of Gai Nie is obvious, and the west of the soldiers is helping the moon.

"Yes, such obvious things, but the court of this court, but not see the same. Have a speech, it is not very interesting?"

Qin Wang smiled and turned to look at the cover.

"You don't agree with this matter, think Zhao Shuang will win, or afraid of him lose?"

Grid Nie faces. Qin Wang's voice is very light, but it means inexplicably.

"The king, the cover is an old man."

Han Niyi, replaced Nien. The eyes of Qin Wang look at Han Fei and laughed.

"Since you say this, how do you see?"

"The soldiers are fierce, since some people have already set this bet, naturally have the corresponding bets, in order to get this gamble. But this bet, it will be folded."


"This war, only talked, one should be rewarded, all in the war?"

Zhao Shuang looked at this ultimate will, in which the hand is very familiar.

"Han Fei?"

Zhao Shuang smiled, although this result is not ideal, but it can be accepted. He looked at the side white dew and ordered.

"Mailing all, we want to go to the west."
