

This is a quiet night, in the dark night, a large number of Tarantles flow on the street.

This group of talents are well trained, the county in the city is not their opponent. In the dark, the power of guards quickly was removed by this group of Taofe, and a large number of rebellors gathered to the city of China.

There is a high wall around the county, and the guardians are also guarded by the guards. They have discovered the abnormality in the city, and the signal is being prepared to send alert. However, there has been no action, and the desperation that has already been ambushed is rushing out, and the squad is assassinated.

"The county, there is a rebellion in the city!"

Nanyang County handled these two days of materials, this did not fall asleep, and now heard the warning of the county soldiers, I don't think I wrinkled, and I went out.

The hospital is empty, but there are a sound of killing.

what happened?

Wancheng is the county of Nanyang County. Unlike the general county, the guards of the guards are elite in the county, with a low thief.

However, listening to the sound of the surroundings, but killing, it is getting closer here.

That is to say, the power guards the power of the official is constantly compressed.

The system of Qin State is ultimately to establish a bureaucratic system to control the central and places. However, in today's era, the boundaries between the official position and the title are still not obvious.

Because most of the people are with a dice. Even, there is no need to enter the official.

However, with the increasing territory of Qin State, Qin State needs a lot of talents to fill the gap in this bureaucratic system. The law of the Shangjun, which is described as a cultivation, is gradually unable to adapt to the era, need to change.

In places, there is more than one way to select Qin.

The military in the army is not enough to enter Xianyang's officials, will be arranged to have a position in place. In addition, the place is also trying to establish a school room to cultivate Qin Qin.

These assessments are strict, mainly for the test of Qin Fa.

However, the war in the world of Qin State has not ended, and the bureaucrats on the local bureaucrats still have a big proportion of Qin Jun, familiar with military.

Nanyang County is no exception.

He is very clear and is also worried. Nanyang is a big rear. If it is a break, the first one can rule out the foreign enemy invasion, and more likely to be internal chaos.

Once the latter may be more terrible than the previous one!

The county of Wancheng is not supreme in the entire Qin Jun sequence, but it is more than enough to deal with the local pirates. But now, the killing of Nanyang County is in the situation of the situation.

Can have such a combat, and the Nanyang County is conducive to a terrible possibility!


The gate was opened, and a generals of a rebels were in the surrounding of the rebels, I walked into the last place where the entire county was still resistant.

The tens of arms in the hospital gathered around the county, and the long knife in his hand was slightly subjected to these rebels.

"Sure enough is you, Chang Wenjun!"

In Nanyang, there is still 20,000 wild aircraft, which is not worthy of local jurisdiction. These tandes are missing, and it can be apparent that this army is now impossible to be a command under Xianyang.

"Chang Wenjun, you are deeply affected, why do you want to rebellious!"

"This is the place where Chu is, I just re-come back."

"Chaoson thief!"

Nanyang County was guarded, but he saw Chang Wenjun smiled.

"Where is the big print in your county?

Nanyang County religious face color. It is the guanzhong learned Nanyang chaos, and the army of all major camps in the current situation can be in front. After waiting to collect the soldiers and horses, the army has a flat chaos, and it must be a period of time.

Never let Chang Wenjun get the big print of the county! Otherwise, the rebels can quickly control the county and important in the county of Nanyang.

"Dream, stop them!"

Nanyang County is guarding, the rest of the county is concentrated on the door and blocks the way. The county defended, entered the house, rushed to the case, gathered in the county.

Take the title of Nanyang County, you can already beaver. At this time, he looked at the family of the sword.

"There is a well in the backyard. You can pass to the government. You have a compromise, and you will get out of the city. "

Nanyang County was stunned and said.

"Dew, please Hanyang Jun's Yulin East is flat."

"Can the Hanyang Jun's Yulin Army will send troops?"

"There is no way at this time, this is the army that can support the fastest support near Nanyang. The Yulin army will reach Nanyang on a few days."

Seeing the outside of the outside is weaker and weaker, Nanyang County is guarding.


"On the main, let's go with me!"

"Do not talk nonsense."

At this moment, the situation is critical, Nanyang County is clear, if he escaped, the military is willing, and the last no one can't walk.

Looking at the exception in the house, Chang Wenjun frowned and waved. The rebels of the hand held another one again once, go to the county.

Although there is no suspense, this battle has a tough or exceeded Chang Wenjun's imagination.

It took some time, Chang Wenjun finally captured the company, and he could see the empty official blind box. He couldn't help but frown.


Chang Wenjun is clear, how many people they occupy in Nanyang, but there are some things he have to do.

"Speed, a thousand people, to replace the name of the defense, take the Qin army of the government of the guards, capture the workshop, ruined the three broken Triao."

"In addition, the vehicle, collect the farm animals, how much to take it away in Wancheng County Warehouse, and the remaining is burned, and I will never leave the Qin Jun."

"Immediately set up three thousand people, go to smelt the city, take the craftsman and their families away. In addition, smash the smelting workshop, destroy the mold. It has been created or will be able to build a good weapon, which is destroyed "


After a series of intensive deployments, Chang Wenjun finally made a breath. The rebellion is required for time. He doesn't know how the situation is now chaotic, can you quickly transfer the army to the army? He also didn't know when the Zhao Shuang army of the South Zheng was in Nanyang?

The situation is unpredictable, he can only do it well. However, the top of this is undoubtedly the three broken trialans in the workshop of the public house. These warners that spend huge sums of money and a lot of time can never let them appear on the battlefield between Qin Chu.

As the ally, farm and the Changping Jun and others behind the Yuki Valley know the power of the beast.

The rendering of the ink family is more inherited by Qin Yog. There are not many large agencies stored in Wang Valley. In order to now, the White Tiger and the agency Suzaki add only a few shelves. But this has been able to make the vast majority of the rivers and lakes.

The horse is scattered, and a bloody taste is exuded in the house.

Chang Wenjun came out of the house, looked at the moonlight, and sighed.

"I hope that they will be able to go smoothly!"