
Having returned to the country with Chesha, I had a meeting with Sotiro.

Things to watch out for once you enter the Duke of Yutland, things about Elbio's personality or stenchiness, and other stories that you will send letters regularly and exchange news.

Now there's a really important matter left.


"Yes, Prophet."

"Can you tell me about the hunters who took you from Zaparia? Who were they?”

"Um, ··"

Sotiro swallows his sleep, as if he had come up with a bad memory. He took a deep breath with his head on it, and soon opened his mouth.

"They had snake tattoos on their arms. They killed my mother and they killed me.

I laughed in vain at the sight of Sotiro, who was spilling his words.

"It's a snake tattoo. They were the ones who kidnapped you, too.”

"···'그 녀석들'이요?”

"Yes, they're very bad guys.

Soon a message came up.

MacGuffin No.815 / Loyalty to the enemy 회수 has been recovered.

[Performance Point + 50]

I made a rough estimate because there was a hint about this in the main film, but when I checked it myself, I wondered how it could be so coincidental.

The reason why I am interested in Sotiro's past is simple.

This is because there was a double-track that some manipulation was done to the memory of this man, who was very active in the second part of the original movie.

Readers made some guesses about this, noting that in my case, among the top officials of the Yongma Church, there is a character with quite powerful mental manipulation skills.

When I came into the world in the novel and checked it myself, I think I was right.

A sharp person may have already guessed when he heard McGoffin's name, but those who kidnapped Sotiro and sold him to a black poem are none other than the Yongma Church, where he devoted himself to history.

The Yongma Church did a number of activities just two to three years before now to raise funds for the great business. I've done everything I can to make money on the continent, and slave hunting is part of it.

I remember it impressively because it was funny that evil forces trying to throw the continent into chaos sold their footwork in that way.

And the believers there have one thing in common. He has a white snake tattoo somewhere on his body.

To explain it in a mix of brain-phrases, the church may have accidentally regained the Sotiro they had sold in the past, recognized his talent and manipulated his mind.

Of course, the higher the level of the target, the weaker the effect of mental manipulation. Only a small hint would have been left for Sotiro, who was close to level 50. Nevertheless, it is no doubt that Sotir has easily blinded his idol, as he has given his allegiance to Haggel as Ekatl, the prophet.

"Yongma Order, ··"

When Sotiro was told the truth, he kept his anger and repeated the name of the Yongma Order. A strong venom can be seen in his glistening eyes.

That's great.

Not only did they cut the opponent's future power, but they even made it our side. In other words, preparations to face the enemies of the second part are proceeding smoothly.

"Let's stop talking about today."

"Yes, Prophet."

After I ordered Sotiro to congratulate me, I stayed in my room and was lost in thought. He then slightly manipulated the Tripfer system to create a translucent window.

No.981 / Purple-colored spy

No.815 / Loyalty to the enemy

No.717 / A passenger at a funeral

It contained none other than the MacGuffins I had collected so far. As you can see, all three of these are now.

It's not accurate because there are fewer samples, but the lower the number in front of McGuffin, the more important the double track is in the original work. In fact, the amount of achievement points given increased as the number of MacGuffin was lowered.

In that case, "No.001" is likely to be a double track that penetrates the core of the numerous MacGuffins.

My heart was aflame by itself.

"Yongsin Kangrim, Soul of Plevellijam, Initial Flame, Clare, Machine Parts of Puzzle Island, Meaning of the title of the novel, ··"

In my head, the double-track lines that are considered strong candidates for "No.001" pass like a panorama. He was so excited that he even casually recited them out of his mouth.

The most likely candidate for No.001 is also the gibberish about Yongshin.

From the age-old law of this view of the world, it is "courageous." Even if you read a novel with your feet, you can easily feel that it is something serious.

Yongsin is called God, but his personality is a little different from those he often serves in circular churches and struggle churches.

각 교회들에서 섬기는 신들은 가끔 신도들한테 축복이나 권능을 내려주는, 후원자나 관찰자 같은 위치에 가깝다. 원작의 서사에 직접적으로 관여한 적은 한 번도 없다. 요즘 장르 소설에 자주 나오는 ‘성좌’ 스러운 존재들이라 할 수 있다.

반면, 용신은 보다 직접적으로 세계관의 역사에 관여하는 타입의 초월자다. 비록 그 상세가 밝혀지지는 않았으나, 설정상 용신력 0년까지는 대륙 어딘가에서 군림했다는 기록까지 있다.

거기에 언젠가 재림할 것이라는 복선 역시 소설 초반부터 꾸준히 깔려 있었다.

당연하지만 이건 회수되지 않은 복선, 맥거핀이다.

주인공 에피오가 갖고 다니는 에고 소드, ‘플레벨지암’에 얽힌 비화 역시 흥미로운 이야깃거리다. 플레벨지암을 가리켜 용살검이라 일컫는 등장인물이 몇몇 있었고, 검에 깃든 자아 역시 용신과 관련된 키워드가 나오거나 할 때마다 영문 모를 정도로 강렬한 적의를 보였다. 플레벨지암에 깃든 에고의 기억이 흐릿했던 탓에 단순한 떡밥으로만 남았지만, 독자들은 후반부에 이 복선이 회수될 거라고 기대했다.

Of course, but this is also McGoffin.

Next is the double track on the characteristics of the main character Epio, the origin of "The Flame of the Beginning," and its exact function. This feature, the only '?'?'' quality of the work, was strongly implied that it had a serious secret since the character sheet was first released.

Of course, this is McGoffin, too.

Next is the identity of his missing stepfather, Clare, as well as the reason why the main character, Epio, went on a trip. According to Epio's recollection, which often came out in the works, Claire was also implied several times as extraordinary. Readers expected him to play an important role in the future development, but he couldn't even show his face until the end.

So this is McGoffin, too.

Next is the identity of the oddly shaped islands that exist throughout the worldview. Often called 'Puzzle Island,' these islands are scattered in the seas around the world, with one curious thing in common. The remains of similar-looking mechanical parts are scattered on any island. But there's a double-track that it was originally a huge machine.

It is also McGoffin.

The last thing that comes to mind is the meaning itself, titled "Lecafsicily Continental Chronicles."

There are three large continents in the novel's worldview, each named 'Prima', 'Ciencia' and 'Omnizmo.' There is no continent called Recafsicily anywhere. Due to the meticulous nature of the work, many readers predicted that it would also be a kind of rice cake.

But this is also McGoffin.

These are the double-track lines that make us wonder how to retrieve them all.

Now that these interesting double-track lines have been left to perfection day by day, NonameC is indeed a vicious writer.

There is one thing that bothers me more than that.

···The highest number among the MacGuffins I collected is 981, so doesn't this mean there are at least 978 left?

I feel like it's an amazing piece of work.

Even I, who read this novel countless times, never imagined that there would be so many undetected double-track lines.

I shook my head and got up from my seat.

In order to retrieve those appetizing MacGuffins, you have to be strong enough to go somewhere and not fit as soon as possible.


Kkang! Kkakang!

Seven wooden swords danced in the air and intertwined.

Standing in the middle of it, I was fighting a number of apprenticeship knights and a wooden sword, as always. The number of apprenticeships that can be dealt with has been increasing, and is now competing with as many as six.

At one point, lightning-like inspiration flashed through my mind, as I was dodging, dodging, striking back, defending, and sparring with busy bodywork.

[Warning (B) is in the 'specialized' stage. The effect is greatly increased.]

[Northern Intensive Inspection (C) is in the 'Talking' stage. The effect is greatly increased.]

Technology is a step forward.

Let's check the character sheet after a long time.





[Characteristics: Sword genius (A), Backflow vein (A), Magic gifted (B), Spirit-friendly, Medicinal (C)]

[Technical: Alsigma Resonance Crushing (A), Alsigma Gearing Method (A), Young Warning (B), Stroke Graft (B), Stroke Gearing Method (B), North Intensive Test (C), Brandish Harmonized Gearing Method (C+)]

[Explanation: 14 years old, human race. Although he was notorious throughout the country, rumors have recently been circulating that he has changed.]

Level 11, pure level, which is equivalent to a rank of rank-and-file engineer. In addition, the characteristics and technology layout are fraudulent, so it will not be difficult to win even if it is a match with a elite article. If the strategy is well-organized, it may be worth a try against Linfred, who is in his 20s, beyond the hoolio he had beaten before.

Kkang! Kkakang!

I took a look at the sheet and hit the six swords leisurely. Should I say it's a kind of multitasking ability? As I kept fighting with many people, I got used to the neural dispersion.

"Laughing out loud!

Then at one point, an apprentice ran with a shout of unity. It's fierce, but I can see the intention clearly.

Cunning timing, I moved my feet half a step.

And slipped his leg on him.


An apprentice who loses balance and collapses so easily that it is ridiculous.

"It was brave to rush forward, but it took too much strength."

"So, I'm sorry."

With the rest of the five swords beating around, the composure of giving advice to the fallen opponent.

After repeating the many-to-one confrontation, I realized a trick. The fact that dealing with multiple sewage does not necessarily mean that I am at a disadvantage.

If you actively use the "Young Warning (B)" to disturb your enemies, you will have a chance to pass at some point. The puncture effectively reduced the opponent's head count.

Kkang! Kkakang!

When you hit the wood sword, you can hear the sound of a blow. Feeling a heavy touch of hands, I glanced slightly into the sheets that floated in the air.

As we continue to train, our physical strength and sensory abilities have increased by one. Although the intake of yin and yang tea has been reduced recently, the doping effect has been sufficient.

Now that we've improved our skills, we'll have to wrap up today's battle. I operated the flag of vibration by breathing al-Sigma and wielded the wooden sword in my hand.



Then four apprentices are swept away by the aftermath.

"Second Confucius has won."

said Linfred, who was visiting Dalian. It's a declaration I've heard hundreds of times already.

He came up to me and said,

"The growth rate is very high. I think it'll be okay to have a match between the layman and Lee Dae-il."

"I will from tomorrow."

Perhaps beating two rank-and-file drivers will be much harder than winning against six apprentices. The higher the level, the higher the quality of the combination.

"Haak, Hak, ···"

Soon I looked at Chesha, who was running faithfully in the corner of the kerb.

She developed her basic physical strength through my suggestion. It's already been two weeks since Chesha came to the stroke mansion, and Sotiro had already left for Utland.

said Linfred.

" Confucius' marriage is like a flower in the middle of nowhere. It's an admirable beauty."

It's an unbelievable compliment that this wooden man did. And I totally agree with that. Even though it is a place full of sweat, it is as if it smells like flowers.

Looking around, I often saw articles that looked one eye in the direction of her running.

His presence alone is enough to hinder his training, so he should rent a private training room from tomorrow.

Character sheet.


[Physical strength:03][muscle:01][Personnel:02]



[Characteristics:Extreme cyclic (S), Concentration-Optical Amplification (S), Magic Genius (A), Analytical Mana Proposal (A), Mana Sensitivity Disorder ()]

[Technical:Massage (B)]

[Explanation: 15 years old, human race. Official second daughter of the magic-prestigious Eutland family of the Kingdom of Croatia. However, he is known for his bluntness that is not worthy of the family's reputation.]

As I thought when I first saw it, it is a very appropriate distribution of abilities as a wizard, except for the sensory ability to penetrate the ground due to the characteristics of "magic disorder."

However, if you want to accompany them on the rough road ahead, you need to increase your physical ability to some extent. The amount of exercise should be adjusted properly so that it does not become more than six unnecessarily.

At one point while watching Chesha, who continues to exercise without knowing the world, Linia hurried into the smokescreen and told me.

"Sir! We have a visitor."

To me? Who?"

an end

c Furuba