Reader's Double Track Recovery Log

Episode 115. Praskeak


There are two extracurricular races in the Five Heroes.

The first is Zirgal Alexik, the commander. Elder Richie is also the owner of one of the four major Sienxia books that we obtained during our previous visit to Umbril.

The second is the multi-types, and the 'dopelganger' Irmockwee. The polyhedron is a species that has the unique ability to transform into other living things. It had a very long lifespan, but inversely, it was a rare species with a very small population.

said Plevellijam.

[···확실히 다형족의 변신 능력이라면 대상의 고유한 파동까지 모방할 수 있지.

That’s right.

The crown prince in the palace was a fake, a doppelganger.

But doppelganger is also a living creature. This alone cannot explain why the character sheet reading function is poor and why it is possible to order amchairs for objects.

Of course I have tentatively concluded.

The crown prince we saw at the banquet hall is highly likely to be the alter ego created by Irmockwi's incarnation, "The Divide Lion (U)."

Although it is moving on its own according to orders issued by the main body a long time ago, it is difficult to call it an independent creature. Therefore, the order for the amchairs worked, and the character sheet did not appear because it was not the main body.

Irmockwee's alteration, just like the main body, has a unique ability to transform. In the original book, there was a mention that the five heroes used it to go around the continent black and white until they woke up from a long sleep.

Although the intention is still unknown, it is believed that he was responsible for sending Clara out of the Sun Cathedral disguised as Tanya Ornick.

I never imagined that this self-inflicted man had penetrated deep into the Wibble Empire.

McGuerpin No.319 / /Division Lion 회수 has been recovered.

[Performance Point + 1,000]

Looking at the MacGuffin recall message, Plevelziam said.

[I never imagined that the Irmockwee, or his lack of presence, would have been this annoying.

"Even in the Great Forest, when it comes to Irmockwee, only the story of a great wizard is told. I've never heard of her as a multi-brother."

"He must have kept his information as much as he could when he was on the run 400 years ago. It's understandable."

What bothers me more now is the fact that Irmockyu's alter ego and the Crown Prince Eustacio appear to be a cooperative relationship.

The Crown Prince of the Empire is a very busy position.

Do you work as such a crown prince and concurrently serve as the leader of an international criminal organization like Praskeak? Just a little thought can tell that it's a ridiculous story.

It is said that Doppelganger is the one who stays in the palace.

"Epio, Clara. The guy you met on the street must be the real crown prince."


Epio wrinkled his face.

The original Wibble Empire of history was half destroyed shortly after the resurrection of the Five Heroes. Considering that Ustacio, a triple star power, has not even been seen, it is hard to think that Irmockwi's alter ego is helping with pure intentions.

Perhaps just as Tiamia tried to exploit her descendants, Irmockwee also tried to get hold of the Praskeak and the Wibble Empire. The other five heroes have also left their future arrangements.

Personally, I care about how the Crown Prince and his alter ego came to cooperate, but let's put it off because it's not that important in the current situation.

"···저기 말이야.”

Estriel, who was still listening to the story in the corner, raised his hand slightly.

"So, Iden, you're saying you have the gift of foresight, right?”

"That's right. It's actually thanks to this precognitive dream that I met Estriel at Stroke.”

"I didn't think it was a bad intention, so I went over it roughly, but your words and actions in Gongguk certainly didn't add up, ··· I understand why Blisspiel Clan has been on a roll so far."

"The story of precognition still needs to be kept secret, Estriel."

"Hmm, 'Not yet'."

As he pondered, he asked.

"Anyway, you're saying that the five heroes left behind in the legend are now acting as the Crown Prince, right? The real thing is I'm working as a boss for the Praskeak guild."

"Right. Find Eustacio himself and stab him with his holy grail of saliva, and you'll have the perfect evidence."

The sacred object of the Gongri Church, "The Tent of the Inquisitor (S), takes out the accumulated energy from the stabbing opponent's body little by little by little. If you can return to the Holy Kingdom with saliva and extract the devil's energy, you can easily prove that Eustacio is a devil worshiper.

If that happens, we will be able to fully support the Great Powers in destroying the Fraskeak Guild, a stumbling block to our clan.

We cut off the power of the five heroes.

Raise Clan's position.

It was a win-win.


I called Linia and Chesha to the conference room inside the mansion.

"님님님님님님. What brings you here?”

"I had something else to tell you."

Shake it!

Nano ether in Chesha's pouch escaped by itself and spread out into the air. Above it, holographic images appear.

[What are their trends?]

[We are smoothly taking control of the empire and neighboring markets. The chief said he wanted to have a meeting with you at the end of this month.]

[Hmmm, tell the snake-like authorities that you will send a surrogate, for you should not be caught by a tail. The place is the White Rose Mansion.]

In a dark room, there was a scene where the prince and the hero talked. The other day, it was a video of the memory of the alter ego read through Amchehr.

"As you can see, Doppelganger and real Eustacio seem to have had talks sometimes. We intend to infiltrate the White Rose Mansion mentioned in the video and catch the tail of the Praskeak Guild."

"Okay, Master."

Linia bowed her head politely.

From now on, it's really important.

In fact, I've seen the right opportunity since I stopped by Illinois, but I can't delay it any longer as I face a situation where I have to confront the alterations left by Irmockwee.

" "·니아니아 Linia. As you may have noticed, the five heroes will be revived in the near future. And they're all our enemies. Of course the same goes for the Tiamia you admire."

Linia looks at me with a soft look.

Then he opened his mouth with a smile.

"Nothing's different. To me, you are the new Tiamia."


It was a declaration, as it has been, that it will continue to be trusted and followed. There was no need for a lame explanation.


"I saw a play called 'Tulgha Chronicles' on the main street the other day, and it was the poem 'The Hill of the South' that became the original version of this play."

"Or is Your Highness the Emperor interested in poetry? It happens to be the girl, too."

"This, you speak with Earl Pontiroig."

At first glance, he was the second prince to talk calmly, but his lips are almost ringing in the ears.

Mariana, who sits opposite him, also smiles as if she is happy to talk to him.

Salvador Wibles Leonor is 33 years old this year, eight years younger than Mariana. The reason for the age gap between Eustacio, the crown prince, and his eldest brother, was that six royal daughters were born.

The other day I asked the emperor that I wanted to build rapport with the royal families of the Wiblé Empire, and he readily complied with my request.

This blind date seat was arranged through such a process.

Fortunately, the atmosphere was amicable.

In the case of Mariana, she had a classic aristocratic spirit of thinking, putting background and practicality first when choosing a spouse. Salvador was not only a royal family of the Empire, but also a sociable and kind personality, so he would have seemed like a perfect groom.

It was natural for Salvador to be stuck in her strike zone because of the halo effect of her status, good first impression, and interest.

Second Prince Salvador's position was not necessary to think. There's no man who won't have any favor for Mariana's beauty.

The status of Count Young-ae is relatively insufficient to compare to the royal family, but if I and Blysfiel have a backbench, it is well worth the marriage alliance. The emperor, Eliodo, is also kind to us, so there are no factors that bother him.

He coughed slightly and opened his mouth.

"Young-ae, it's getting late."

"Well, · 알겠습니다, I understand, submaster."

Mariana rose from her seat with a slight regret, and after a while only me and the Second Prince remained in the room.

Salvador muttered with dreamy eyes.

"It was a beautiful and cultured woman, indeed.

"Because of Count Pontiroig's health problems, I'm looking for a good marriage on behalf of my acquaintance. "Is the Emperor of the Emperor interested in her?"

"···To be honest, yes, sub-master stroke. I have interacted with many noble spirits as a prince, but I've never met such a heartthrob."

He is stamping his feet very hard.

He looks like he's in a real pain.

"If Young-ae were to meet a worthy opponent like the Emperor, his father Earl Pontiroig would be more than happy."


"Of course, I can't give you a definite answer here because I have to think about realistic conditions and situations. We'll have to go through due process.”

"Well, ··"

Salvador's expression hardened.

Soon the eyes become bloodshot with excitement.

I only smiled low in my heart.

The man in front of his eyes is also a talented man, and he has learned imperial science as a spare for Ustacio.

But when what you really want appears in front of your eyes and you come in a situation where you can't seem to get caught, your vision becomes extremely narrow. Mariana, from his point of view, is a woman who is so close to ideal that it is hard to meet once in a lifetime.

Since he is the second prince of the Wibble Empire who could have had anything he wanted, he must have never experienced such impatience.

"What shall I do, then?"

"One piece of advice, Miss Mariana, is a woman with aspirations. In order to win her heart intact, the Emperor will have to spare no effort to strengthen his position in the Empire in the future."

The expression of the 2nd prince turns into wonder.

I added a word at the right time.

"I don't mean anything disrespectful, so don't get me wrong. It's just enough to gain a position to keep the Crown Prince in check and to exert political influence."

"Well, ··"

"If you promise to send full support to the 'family of Miss Mariana' afterwards, her father and I will also be satisfied."

Salvador, who listened to me and was lost in thought for a long time. Soon he nodded with his eyes burning.

"Okay, I promise to move entirely for her family if I am to be bound by Miss Mariana."

Shortly thereafter, Shambhabi, the Great Spirit of the Pledge, was implemented, and he secretly moved and bit the second prince's shoulder.

"Uh, ··?"

"What's the matter, Your Highness the Prince?"

"Nothing. For a moment, near my shoulder, I have a weak sense ···."


He set fire to his ambition, and made dots.

Although it is a pledge with little force compared to Isabella, who became the queen's king, this is enough for now.

I laughed and told him.

"Okay, we'll send someone later to talk about the marriage."

"Waiting, Lord Stroke."

His mouth was torn wide with anticipation.


The year of the 'Ledaeyeon' worldview is 13 months, and the month consists of 28 days. In other words, 364 days a year is ambiguous.

28th, 985, the last day of April.

Estriel, who headed to the White Rose Mansion and the tangent of Praskeak and the Crown Prince, returned to his quarters that night.

He gave me the "intangible lobes" to give me good news.

"Succeeded in tailing. I've found the home of the Prazkeak's boss."


Epio jumped up from his seat and looked at me with a look of desperation.


"I know."

I shrugged and patted him on the red hair.

It's a bit complicated, but let's go save the princess.