
# 1

Hwa 1

A long-acting addict.

I went to high school and I heard it from the wall. However, I didn't care. As the wall said, he was a leprechaun.

I liked to read.

Uncompromised? Fantasy? Essential? Romance? Humanities? Science? Essays? I don't care about genres. Just reading something, reading itself was good.

I'm a bowhead.


“Do you read again? ”

“ ……. ”

Su-hyuk knew what he was saying to himself, but he didn't say anything. I just kept my mouth shut and read the book.

Should we say destiny? From the second year of primary school to the third year of high school, the number of years of hydro-hydrology and education has always been half the same.

So he knew Hydra very well. Of course, he knew that Su-hyuk would not answer.


Year-round sat in front of Su-hyuk. Then he lowered his head and identified the book that he was reading.

“Oh, Force Master? ”

The book is called "Force Master".

“Didn't you read this a few months ago? ”

I didn't remember exactly. But it was clear that it was a novel that Su-hyuk saw a few months ago.

“You're finished with 24 volumes. ”

The reason the year remembered it was because it also read throughout the year. Year-round, who had read up to 19 volumes at the time, asked Su-hyuk.

“It's in the bag, right? ”


This time, unlike before, Su-hyuk replied. Year-round, he listened to Su-hyuk's answer and opened his bag.

“Okay, I've only got 20 books! ”

There were 10 books in the bag. Four of them were "Force Master". And those four volumes ranged from 20 to 23 volumes to be read during the year.

“I'll read it and get it for you! ”

The year took place in its place. Then, speaking to Su-hyuk, he returned to his place and began to read.


As time passed, a bell rang from the speaker announcing the start of the class.

“…… hmm. ”

Su-hyuk, who was focusing on the book, covered the book with a sad expression. Then I put the book in the drawer and checked the timetable.

‘.. Oh! ’

After checking the timetable, Hydra smiled. It was because it was literary time. Su-hyuk took the literature out of the drawer and opened it, thinking he wouldn't be bored at this time because it was a lot of literature to read.

Gain on bait

“I'm sorry. It's a little late, isn't it? ”

The literature teacher Lee Chunbok arrived within a week. Su-hyuk, who was reading a literary book, paused reading the book when Lee Chun-bok arrived.


It was because of attendance. It was Su-hyuk who was the first name to appear as attendance number 1.


Su-hyuk focused again on literature while at the same time answering questions. It is a literary book I have read several times, but I was intrigued by the eyes of Hydra who enjoyed reading itself.

“There's 98 pages to go today, 98 pages wide. ”

In the meantime, Lee Chunbook finished attending and started the class. Of course, Su-hyuk had no intention of participating in the class and did not even open page 98.

The reason why Su-hyuk liked literary time was simply because he had a lot to read in his literary books. Su-hyuk quietly read the literature.

“Till today! ”

Lee Chun-bok finished class. Then I started talking to the students who were sitting in front of me, waiting for the bell to announce the end of the class.


Su-hyuk immediately covered the literature book at the end of the class. Then I took out 24 volumes of Force Master in the drawer. I liked to read it. However, it was more fun to read something new than to read it several times.


Within hours, a bell rang to announce the end of the class and Lee Chunbok went out.

“Hey, did you see that video yesterday? ”


“Oh, isn't that great? ”

“It was great. It was open December 31st of this year, wasn't it? ”

“Yes, you will? ”

“Of course! But go back to your capsule? I don't think I'm going back. ”

“You have to ask your parents to buy it. I've passed so many times, but won't you buy it? Well, we've got plenty of time to run, Alba. ”

“Ka, I envy the acceptance from time to time. ”

At the end of the class, the children came together and began to have a three-oh conversation. However, Su-hyuk did not move in his place. I just focused on reading the book. His eyes were filled with joy while concentrating.

* * *

“You have one month left to compete! Don't be foolish, all of you. Study hard! More than!”

Kim Pilgyeo, a gymnastics teacher at Hyundai High School, and a third and fifth graders, ended the convention and left the class straight away.

“Wow, you don't even get to say hello? ”

The year arose, with a surprising expression. No matter how urgent the greeting was, it was Kim Pilkyo who received it. Seeing that I didn't receive a greeting, it was obvious that something was very urgent.

In the middle of the day, I heard four books with bags on my desk. It was Force Master that I borrowed from Su-hyuk this morning.

“I read it well. ”

As he approached Su-hyuk with his book, he handed it to Su-hyuk. Su-hyuk, who was waiting to open the bag, took the book, put it in the bag, and opened his mouth.

“Are you going straight? ”

“You're amazing. ”

“ ……? ”

Su-hyuk looked suspiciously at the answers of the year.

“I don't talk like a mute when I read a book, but it's normal when I don't. ”

At the end of the year that followed, Su-hyuk put on a feeding bag with a smile.

“Let's go.”

Su-hyuk, carrying the bag, began to move forward. And the year after that, he said,

“Hey, you have to give me 24 copies. ”

Year-round read up to 23 volumes. Twenty-four volumes, the right of completion, were not read. Time was also time, but it was because Hydra was reading. However, at lunchtime, Su-hyuk read all 24 volumes and took out another book. Years ago, he cleverly confirmed it with two eyes.

“I'll go to the library and give it to you. ”

Su-hyuk replied to the words of the year.

“Where's the library again? ”

“Yes, I can return it, I can borrow it. ”

During the conversation, Su-hyuk and Yearbook headed to the library.

It was then.

“Huh? Su-hyuk! ”

“ ……? ”

Su-hyuk looked ahead to his calling voice. And Su-hyuk was able to see the protagonist of his voice running at a fast pace.

“Where are you going? ”

The protagonist of the voice was Yandex, who bought the library. The Yangxi was facing a rush. And the fact that the exponents that should be in the library are here means something happened.

“Yeah, I got a meeting in a hurry. I told the ruler everything you asked. You can go borrow it. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

“No, then I'll just go! ”

As he quickly approached and greeted the fading Yangxi, Su-hyuk and Yeon-hyun began to walk back to the library.

“Is it because of the meeting that the wall went to? ”

“I guess so. ”

Hydro-hygiene and the middle of the year, which had stopped walking, moved on again. And shortly after, the two arrived at the library.


As Su-hyuk and the year approached, the rule of organizing the book came to an end. Su-hyuk answered the ruler's greeting and opened his bag, taking out the five books inside and putting them on his desk.

“I'm returning this, and I need you to rent me a book you missed. ”


I already knew about positive exponents. He sat down and proceeded with the return and rented out the books that he had omitted next to him.

“But why are you borrowing these? ”

He asked Su-hyuk after processing the rental. Su-hyuk borrowed three books, "The Importance of Stretching," and "What would have happened to Earth without gravity?" , What is Humanities? These were books that had never been rented in the three years that the law came into the library.

I did not understand why the three books were not related to each other, nor why Su-hyuk borrowed them.

“Huh? Of course I borrow it to read it. ”

Su-hyuk puts the book in his bag, giving a natural answer to the ruler who asks what is natural. Then I took out 24 copies of the Force Master and gave them to him in the middle of the year and put them in the bag.

“Good work!”

Su-hyuk, who had come to the library, greeted the ruler and came out of the library with him throughout the year.

“Does that all read? ”

When I saw what book Su-hyuk borrowed, I asked him with a tired look.

“If you're asking, you don't mean understanding. ”

Su-hyuk answered the question of the year. It's not related to each other, but it's a genius if you can understand it just by reading books in different fields. It's not usually a genius either. However, Su-hyuk was not a genius. I didn't borrow it to understand. I just borrowed it to read.

“If you just want to read, don't you think it's better to read a book that makes sense than it doesn't make sense? ”

Su-hyuk's answer was asked again during the year. If reading is fun, if reading itself is fun, would it be better to read a book that doesn't make sense and feels fun? I thought about doing it.

“It doesn't make any sense. ”

Su-hyuk also answered the question of the year again. It didn't make any sense. I can't understand most of it when I first read it, but I don't finish it once. I read it several times and repeatedly. If I read it like that, I could understand what I didn't understand.

“Phew, you don't understand. ”

Su-hyuk's answer was muttered across his head. Su-hyuk continued the conversation, laughing at the murmurings of the year.

“See you tomorrow! ”

After that conversation, it was time to break up. Year-round greeted Su-hyuk and went into the apartment.

“Goodbye. ”

Su-hyuk also waved his hand with greetings throughout the year. And as the year went by, Su-hyuk began to run out of sight. Honestly, it was too late to take a step without doing anything.

If I ran home, I would take care of my health, save time, and have a good day. Su-hyuk ran fast and was soon able to reach the side of the house.

Arriving at the side of the house, Hydro-hyuk stopped running. Then I began to move slowly with a choice of breath.


Hydro-hyuk, who was continuing to move forward, stopped walking. In front of the step-stopped hydro-hyuk, a three-story single-storey house was located.

㐀 㐀

Su-hyuk pressed the password and opened the door.

“ ……. ”

Su-hyuk, who came into the house, said nothing. I didn't have to say hello. It was because there was no one. I didn't have a parent.

Due to the confrontation, Su-hyuk's parents leave home early in the morning. But it didn't even come in fast. If it comes in early, it was 10: 00 p.m. and usually comes in at 12: 00 p.m. when the new day begins.

Su-hyuk can only see his parents late at night, but it can only be seen if he refuses to sleep and stays late. It could not be said to be a universally good situation.

However, this is literally a universal situation. Su-hyuk was not a universal child. Su-hyuk was also aware of the poor situation of having to be alone most of the day, but he didn't care much.

The reason I didn't care was that I wasn't far from my parents. Su-hyuk's parents tried to spend more time together because they were not often together. A little loneliness is a problem, but Su-hyuk had a book. I wasn't lonely with books.

50,000 won. ’

After taking off his shoes and confirming the dining table, Hyuk smiled at the 50,000 won and the letter on the dining table. Su-hyuk approached the dining table and confirmed the letter first.