# 6
Currently, the only gold you have is 17. I need 33 more gold in the future.
‘It depends on how much rabbit hide you sell. ’
After confirming the gold, Su-hyuk thought by completing the quest and looking at 1 remaining Rabbit Hide. There are only rabbits in ‘Oren’, the town of the beginning.
There are no other monsters like wolves or foxes or bears. In other words, the only way to make money was to acquire and sell items that the rabbit was dropping. And the only item that the rabbit from ‘Oren’ dropped here was rabbit leather.
Gain on bait
After arriving at the store, Su-hyuk took out rabbit leather from the inventory. Then I approached the shop owner Tara and handed it out.
“How much do you buy this? ”
Tara lowers her head at the words of Su-hyuk and sees Su-hyuk's inner rabbit leather. Then he looked at Hydra again with a distressed expression and opened his mouth.
“ ……? ”
“I don't buy one. Bring at least four to give me one gold. ”
Su-hyuk, who had doubts about Tara's words, began to say nothing after Tara's words had ended. Su-hyuk recovered the rabbit leather he gave to the inventory.
“Oh, I see. That's one gold in chapter four. ”
Then he nodded and came out of the store as if he knew. Su-hyuk from the store stepped forward with a blurred expression.
‘I thought I could get at least one gold in a single chapter……. ’
I thought I could get one gold no matter how bad. Or two gold? What if it costs more than that? Expectations of others were also made. But you don't buy one?
‘One gold in chapter 4……. ’
Su-hyuk counted.
It's 33 gold.
The gold you need is 33 gold.
4 times 33 is... ’
After completing the calculation, Hydra frowned on her glabella.
Chapter 132?
132 rabbit hides were needed to make 33 gold. 132 were never small. Even if you drop it every time you catch it, you have to catch 132 rabbits.
Su-hyuk, frowning at the enormous sheep called 132, unfrowned.
‘Let's do it until we're bored. ’
When I first caught a rabbit, I was so reluctant about the graphic. However, from the second rabbit, I think I got into a real novel. Su-hyuk vowed to hunt tirelessly until his interest faded.
“Ah! Don't stil it! ”
“Shit, you don't know what kind of leather Steel came to me? I had a bun, but what happened was that Ji Steele left it there. ”
Soon after making a pledge, Su-hyuk was able to get out of town. Outside the village, more users were arguing about rabbit ownership than ever before. Su-hyuk continued to walk past those users.
‘Wow, there's a lot here, too. ’
After arriving where the rabbit was caught to complete the quest, Hydra couldn't stop walking. Before, there were more rabbits than users, but now there are more users.
Of course, it was less than the entrance to the village, but Hydro-hyuk, who had to catch at least 132 horses, continued to move towards a place where there was no competition.
‘We can do it here. ’
After continuing to move, Hydro-hyuk stopped walking when the number of users was less than that of rabbits. And I started hunting.
* * *
The water from the capsule breathed deeply.
Su-hyuk's expression was filled with regret.
‘I can't believe I only caught 70. ’
The reason it was full of regrets was that it failed to achieve its goals. Su-hyuk caught 70 rabbits. The 132 that were aimed at were endlessly lacking.
‘Fifty skins. ’
The problem was that the drop rate was also regrettable. The drop rate was worse than I thought. There were only 50 leathers that caught 70. No, I had one, so I could call it 49.
‘Tomorrow you'll get more. ’
It's today. I can't say that I spent a lot of time hunting because I've broken several quests. Tomorrow, you won't be able to break a quest, and you can devote your time to hunting.
‘You can gather 132 chapters. ’
But I was not sure if I could gather 132 chapters. Su-hyuk approached the computer thinking.
Pangea's official home page became open one hour after Pangea's opening. I was going to see what information came up.
There was more information on the official homepage than I thought. The information posted by users as well as the company was significant.
“I don't have much information about the library……. ”
However, there was not much information about the library.
“Is there anything else you need from each library? ”
The information that came up was the lack of access to the library and the qualifications required to use the library.
“Noble? Targeted? What are the conditions? ”
Unlike Oren's library, which is only 50 gold available, libraries elsewhere needed a high profile.
“Are there any readily available libraries? ”
Su-hyuk did a little more searching. I wondered if there was a library that could be used without the status of a noble or a target.
Su-hyuk, who was searching, soon spat out his resilience.
“It's okay here! ”
It wasn't unconditional, but there was a library with decent conditions.
“All you have to do as a wizard is use it. ”
It was a library that could be used if the job was a wizard.
“The Tower of Horses?”
It could be seen that Su-hyuk, who identified where the library was, was not a library belonging to the country. It was a library in the management of the Tower of Horses, a coalition of wizards with greater influence than any other nation in the world.
“I have to ask you to send me to the Horse Tower. ”
You can only use it if you are a former wizard. And it wasn't that hard to be a wizard. Lv.10, Wisdom 30 was the former condition of the Wizard. Su-hyuk, who had planned for the future, took place in his place. Then I got out of the room and came up to the second floor.
“I have to go to bed soon..... ”
While walking around the bookshelf, Su-hyuk pulled out a book that was thin enough to read it all for about an hour. Then I came back to my room and started reading.
‘I thought I'd catch 10 more. ’
Reading the book, Su-hyuk thought.
And Su-hyuk panicked.
‘What's going on here? ’
The reason why Su-hyuk panicked was because of the current situation. Su-hyuk has always focused on reading books. I never thought of anything else. However, even though I am now reading the book, I have an idea of Pangea.
‘Is that too bad? ’
The reason I came up with the idea was clearly because of the regret. Su-hyuk paused reading the book. And I thought about the regret.
After completely blowing his regrets through his thoughts, Hyuk began to read the book again. Is it because he blew his regrets? I didn't like it. I was able to concentrate entirely on the book. That's how Su-hyuk fell into the book.
* * *
“Who's the highest level user now? ”
Yangju Hyuk asked Zhongyang.
“Wait a minute.”
With five monitors, Zhang Yu, who was watching the main situation of the virtual reality game, tapped his keyboard answering Yang Joo-hyuk's question. Then a new window appeared on one of the monitors, followed by a long view of the window.
“A user named Hunting King. It's 21 leps. ”
“What? Already? ”
After hearing the answer of Zhang Yu, Yang Joo-hyuk was forced to be surprised.
“It's only been a day. ”
It's not even a few days after I opened it. One day, only one day has passed. It's day two. Level 21?
“It's a tester.”
Yang Joo-hyuk's surprised voice said,
And Yang Joo-hyuk said he understood.
“Was it a tester?”
Pangia became open after numerous tests. I recruited testers in secret as well as internal testing to conduct the test.
“That's it, then. The average user is 21. ”
If I was a tester, I wouldn't be surprised if I took a level 21 shot.
“How many of Oren's killer titles did you get? ”
Yangju Hyuk asked again. The town of the beginning, Oren. A title that can only be obtained from Oren. You can get it if you kill 100 Oren's only monster rabbits.
The option was initially a fairly helpful title by increasing the base stat strength, agility, stamina and wisdom by 3.
“0.7 per cent. ”
“Hush, did you get that much? ”
After hearing Zhang Yu's answer, Yang Joo-hyuk was a little surprised. It was a title you could get by catching 100 rabbits.
If there are fewer users, the number of users has now surpassed one million a day. It was expected to continue to increase.
0.7% in that situation? Did many of those users catch 100 rabbits without leaving the tutorial area? It was hard to believe.
“What about the users who got special jobs? A lot?”
“Training articles? Or a timer?”
Yang Joo-hyuk's question was answered.
There was a special job that was not only available in Oren, but also in Oren. It was a training article and timer.
“Both. ”
“500 trainees, three timers. ”
“… less than you think? ”
It was thought that 0.7% of users who got the title would also get a special job. However, unlike I thought, the number was very small.
“We go down before we meet the conditions. ”
“Even so.”
Former conditions for training articles and timers were quite challenging. For Training Knights, you must complete all 4 Training Camps located in Orange. That way you can receive the Ex Knight Training Quest.
Thamer was even more demanding. In order to serve as a tamer, you must first feed the 'very well baked bread’ that is sold for 5 gold by putting the rabbit to death. And you have to kill the other rabbit with it. That way, the former timer quest will appear.
“So it's a special job. ”
It was a special profession that I would never get if I followed normally.
“Then one last thing. ”
The question of bijuralism is not over yet. There were more questions left over than the top level users, the titled users, the training articles or the special jobs such as timers.
“What about the library?”
It was the library.
“Of course not. ”
“It's my first day. ”
“No, I don't think it's going to be a few days. Orange's library is full.”
There was not a single user using Oren's library. No, there will be no users available. Long-range was certain.
‘I need 50 gold. ’
50 Gold is required to access Oren's library. But 50 gold was a very big money in Orange. You pay that big money and use the library? It doesn't make any sense. There can be no such user.