# 45
After continuing to walk through the Goblin meadows, Su-hyuk was able to reach the entrance of the destination Bullem Mountains.
The Bulem Mountains are huge enough not to come at a glance. Su-hyuk looked at the Bulem Mountains and thought,
‘What shall we catch? ’
Where Su-hyuk now stands was the centre of the Bulem Mountains. And on the left side of the mountain range, in the middle, the oaks, the trolls and the ogres inhabit on the right.
I've been thinking about what kind of monster to catch. Orcs have significantly lower EXP compared to Trolls and Ogres, but have an enormous population.
Trolls had moderate EXP and moderate population. Finally, the ogre had a lot of EXP, but a small population.
‘If it is my skill composition.... ’
Su-hyuk opened the Skill Window to check his skills.
‘Orcs would be better. ’
After confirming his skills, Hydra made a decision. Skill shows that even with less EXP, it would be better to catch a large population of Orcs.
‘One shot of Fire Storm can wipe it out no matter how many. The boss can be killed by flame. ’
Of course, the reason I made that decision was because of Flame and Fire Storm, which I learned two days ago.
Skill: Beginner Stage 1 (10%)
Special Effect: 100% chance of inflicting Burn on target.
Mana: 200
Cooldown: 1 minute
Casting time: 3 seconds
Duration: 20 sec
Skill: Beginner Stage 1 (22%)
SPECIAL EFFECTS: 1. 50% chance of inflicting Burn on target.
2. Movement Speed –20%
Mana: 500
Cooldown: 1 minute 30 seconds
Casting time: 15 seconds
Duration: 1 minute
A Flame that deals more damage than any skill to a single target. And a Fire Storm that attacks an incomparably large range than the Fire Wall.
Before learning these two skills, it was easy to hunt, but after learning both skills, there was no difficulty at all. Su-hyuk closes the Skill Window and turns to the left where the Orcs live.
As soon as he entered the mountain range, Su-hyuk was able to meet Orcs.
The Orc was wearing a helmet, with one feather on it. One feather meant a scout.
The Orc Scout runs to Su-hyuk with a snoring sound.
“Magic missile. ”
Of course, the oak was killed a few steps before it moved. Su-hyuk, who made Orcs into a corpse with a magic missile, continued to walk after acquiring dropped items.
‘Where are you going? ’
As he moved his steps, Su-hyuk looked around. The moment I found the Orc Scout, I had something to find.
‘What's the downside this time? ’
What Su-hyuk was looking for was a fall. Orc Scouts scout around the fall. In other words, there was a fall nearby.
It was then.
Human. Profitable.
Exploitation. Intruders.
Su-hyuk encountered two oaks.
“Fire play.”
At the moment of encounter, Su-hyuk cast a fire play. A small chunk of fire flew and in less than five seconds, the two oaks were killed. Su-hyuk wandered around and began to look for the fall again. Is it because we're close to the subdivision? Over time, orcs appear more frequently.
It's not a boss monster, nor a high-level oak, but it can't be a threat. Su-hyuk moves with the slaughter of the Orcs he meets and stops walking within minutes.
‘ ……! ’
Waterfowl, who stopped walking, stood on a cliff. Su-hyuk smiled and looked down the cliff.
‘Found it.’
* * *
What's that?
Situated in the Bulem Mountains, the chief of the Sun Orc tribe Taren asked with a distinctive snoring.
It's like fire. Profitability.
The tribe leader Ados next to Taren's question answered.
I know that. Profitability.
Taren looked at Ados' answer and said,
I don't like what I'm wondering. Why is the fire whirlpool shaped?
What Taren wants to know is why the fire in front of him is in the shape of a whirlpool. was.
I don't know. Profitability.
But Ados didn't know why either.
By the way. Profit. Isn't this where we belong? Profitability.
In the words of Ados, Taren looked surprised. Then I looked around and looked at him again.
Taren starts to speed up with the snoring. Unlike a normal oak, Taren, who has a height of 4M and a thick body that fits the height, speeds up and the surrounding land begins to sway.
Within a few minutes, Taren stops moving after arriving at the Sun Orc Falls. And I looked at the whirlwind of fire wandering around inside the subdivision.
Why…… benefit…….
Taren did not understand what this situation was now.
It was then.
“Oh, here we are! ”
Taren sees where his voice was heard in the ear.
There stood a man. Why are humans here?
"No way!"
Taren pulls out the hand axe that was kicking at his waist as soon as he comes to mind. And the moment he took out his hand axe, he said,
* * *
[Level Up!]
A message appeared. However, Su-hyuk did not pay attention to the message. It was already the third message and was checking through the character window in real time.
‘Good morning. ’
Su-hyuk looked at the character window and thought, The experience is still climbing.
‘As expected, Fire Storm.... ’
The reason EXP went up is because of Fire Storm. Of course, using Fire Storm does not increase EXP. The reason EXP increases is because it catches monsters with Fire Storm.
Su-hyuk was now in the sector. And the Fire Storm was also slaughtering the Orcs with a swirl in the fall. Orcs constantly dying in the Fire Storm.
‘It's time to show up. ’
Watching the Orcs, Su-hyuk looks around.
‘Is this different? ’
Su-hyuk was waiting for someone right now.
It was then.
[The leader of the Sun Orc tribe, Taren.]
A message appeared and Su-hyuk shouted after seeing the message.
“Oh, here we are! ”
Someone who was waiting for Su-hyuk was the boss monster Taren. Su-hyuk saw the entrance at the same time as his cry. A giant oak stands at the entrance. It was Taren, the protagonist of the message.
Su-hyuk, who was waiting for Taren to show up, immediately cast Flame. Of course, Flame's target was Taren.
Flames were cast and flames appeared all over Taren's massive body. The flames were small. But like Taren's sphere, the flames began to grow in size.
Whether you take out your hand axe or not, Taren starts knocking the flame with his hand to extinguish the flame. But there was only one hand that Taren could use, and there was a lot of flames. When Taren realizes he can't turn it off, he starts coming towards Hydra. I felt like I had decided to eliminate Hydra instead of the flame.
“Magic missile. ”
But Su-hyuk's attack didn't end with a flame. I'm not trying to do damage experiments, but I don't have to wait for Flame to die.
“Fire Spear. ”
Su-hyuk blows his magic to Taren in a row.
Bang! Bang!
Was it the Flame or was it something you didn't intend to avoid? Taren did not escape the magic of Hydra.
If not, Taren, who was losing his health to the Flame, finally kneels down on one knee with a loud snoring. And he shook his head. The moment I shook my head, a message appeared.
[The leader of the Sun Orc tribe, Taren, has been killed.]
[Solar Orcs fall into chaos for 10 minutes.]
[Solar Orcs become confused and ATK +50% for 10 min.]
[Sun Orcs are confused and DEF -50% for 10 min.]
It was a pleasant message whenever I saw it. Su-hyuk then confirmed the drop window. It was a drop window that was constantly being updated because of the Fire Storm, but there were some items that stood out.
It was an equipment item.
[Level Up!]
A message appeared again when I was blurring as I looked at the drop window. This time it was a level-up message.
‘I'm a monster, boss. ’
The boss monster was the boss monster. Not long after leveling up. However, it was thanks to Taren's EXP that he was able to level up again.
I heard a snoring right behind me. It was an oak's nostrils.
'Have you been out scouting? ’
Are you sure the Orcs who went out on reconnaissance are back? Su-hyuk turned around and confirmed the protagonist of the nostrils, and Su-hyuk panicked after confirming.
What is it?
The protagonist of the nostrils was Orc as expected.
Why are you so big? ’
However, it was not a normal oak. It wasn't as big as Taren, the chief, but it had a sphere much bigger than the regular Orcs.
‘I'm not the boss monster.... ’
It wasn't the boss monster. If it were a boss monster, a message would have appeared.
"Middle boss! ’
The message did not appear, but if it was not a normal monster, there was only one case left. He was the middle boss.
It was then.
“ ……? ”
I have doubts about the look on Su-hyuk's face, who tried to cast magic on the Orc, who is assumed to be the middle boss.
Something pops through the glans of the Orc. And Su-hyuk looked closely at something that protruded from it and saw that it was an arrowhead.
Is it because of the arrow that went through the glans? Orcs fall forward. And then I heard a voice.
“Huh? What? ”
Su-hyuk, who was looking at the orc, saw the entrance where his voice was heard. At the entrance there was one in-house stand.
Above the head of the corpse, a guild mark floated. It was clear to the user that the guild mark was floating.
In addition, the user was holding a bow, not a staff. He was also wearing a dagger around his waist. Archers, not wizards, were clear.
Did you get over it? ’
There is only a Wizard in the Tower of Horses. I have no other job. Seeing that it was an archer, it seemed to have come from another region.
So I wondered. There are many other good hunting grounds, but why are you here?
The user greeted Su-hyuk while he was locked in his thoughts.
“It's called Doran. ”
“Oh, yes. Hello."
Su-hyuk also greeted Doran after introducing himself. After a moment of greeting, the silence began to subside. Of course I had to. I don't even have a face. I've never met you before.
“I..... ”
It was Doran who broke the silence.
“Sorry, I didn't know you were hunting. ”
It was an apology that Doran broke the silence.
“Oh, no. ”
Su-hyuk, who didn't think he would apologize at all, shook his head and replied to Doran's sudden apology.
“I wasn't fighting. ”
If you were in combat, it was before you fought. It wasn't really an apology, it was a thought.
“ ……. ”
The silence passed again.
It was neither Su-hyuk nor Doran who broke this silence. The duration of the Fire Storm is over and the undead Orcs begin to run.
“Fire play.”
The runners cast five oaks, and Hydraek cast a fire. Less than a few seconds later, all five oaks are dead and the drop window is renewed.
Su-hyuk pressed OK to acquire all the items in the drop window. And I looked at Doran again. Then Doran opened his mouth.
“I want to ask you one question. ”