# 183
183 Hrs
Su-hyuk looked at the note with a satisfactory smile.
In front of the memo, there were libraries available right now, and in the back, there were libraries that seemed to be available at the end of a later quest.
‘That's enough. ’
Su-hyuk turned off the computer and stood up.
And I checked the time.
‘Let's connect now. ’
A call came from the middle of the year three minutes ago.
I'll see you in five minutes.
Su-hyuk entered the capsule and accessed Pangea.
‘It's over.’
As expected during the year, the earthquake was over.
‘The monsters are coming out slowly. ’
Far from the lake, there were various monsters, including Lizardman, Akunhama, and Great Crocodile.
“Son of Darkness. ”
Su-hyuk summoned the child of darkness.
A special effect explodes, revealing 2 monsters. At the same time, 2 monsters are summoned.
“I'm here! ”
When he used the dark child to hunt for about two minutes, he accessed during the year, and with the year, he headed to the next region of the Angel Lake, the Aconian Mountains.
Since the children of Darkness managed to clean up the monsters, Hydra and Yearbook had a conversation with each other.
“Do natural disasters happen again? ”
In Angel Lake, besides earthquakes, there are many natural disasters.
The water in the lake floods and storms overturn the surrounding terrain.
When I experienced an earthquake, I also wanted to experience floods and storms.
“No, it's not gonna happen. ”
During the year, he crossed his head on the question of Hydro-hyuk.
Once a natural disaster occurs, at least a few hours before it happens.
I was thinking that monsters would not be able to get their ankles in this situation, and I would be able to safely get out of the angel lake before a natural disaster occurs.
And the thoughts of the year were exactly right.
Thanks to the children of darkness, Hydra and the year never ceased to walk.
It moved constantly and eventually before a natural disaster.
[You have entered the Aconian Mountains.]
I was able to reach the next destination, the Aconian Mountains.
“ ……. ”
Su-hyuk, who wanted to see other natural disasters such as storms and floods, looked at the lake of angels with a sad look.
“But this time, you didn't level up much. ”
Su-hyuk, who was looking at the lake of angels, turned around and replied to the questions of the year.
“I will.”
Is it because it's level up? Or is it because there are fewer monsters?
I leveled up more than 20 times in damp wetlands, but only 10 times in angel lakes.
‘Can you take 400 of these? ’
The final destination, Hayden, was eight locations, including the Aconian Mountains.
Level up will be slower as you go.
So I was worried.
Of course, I thought it would be over 400, but I was afraid it wouldn't be 400.
‘Ah, 400 will be taken. ’
Su-hyuk ended his worries.
“How long are you going to do it today? ”
And he answered the questions of the year that had flown away as if he had waited.
“12 o'clock. What about you? ”
“Me too, 12 o'clock! ”
“Perfect. How far do you think you can get? ”
“I'll be in the Enchanted Forest by 9: 00 at this rate. ”
It would only take two days to get to the Enchanted Forest.
But thanks to the overwhelming force of Hydra, time was drastically shortened.
“I think I can get into the Ligas Mountains in about two hours. ”
I went to the Enchanted Forest in the middle of the year, but I returned from the entrance.
I didn't know exactly how wide the enchanted forest was and how long it would take to reach the next region, the Ligas Mountains.
However, given the size of the enchanted forest on the map, I thought I could reach the Ligas Mountains.
“I'm a novice from the Ligas Mountains.... ”
I had no idea how long it would take from the Ligas Mountains to Hayden all year.
It was because it was new.
All I know is the information and size of the monster.
“I think we can reach Hayden tomorrow if we don't have a disaster like the lake of angels. ”
In order to get to Hayden from the Enchanted Forest, we had to pass through the Ligas Mountains, the Desert of Death, and the Forest of Leica.
What if those three areas had a natural disaster like the Angel Lake?
It will take a great deal of time or we will be able to get to Hayden tomorrow immediately.
* * *
Ramos smiled bitterly and saw numerous chimeras sleeping in the cavity.
“It's the day of disaster. ”
The day that was waiting for me was approaching.
It's time to see the results.
Ramos turned around.
Then I left the cavity and headed home.
“ ……. ”
Ramos frowns as he heads home.
It was because of a man standing in front of the house.
A man who's pushing black robes.
Ramos knew very well who the man was.
Ramos was the direct supervisor of the master, Erimen.
“What's going on? ”
Ramos asked Erimen in an annoying voice.
“Oh, you're here. ”
Erimen put his hand in his arms, spitting out elasticity in Ramos' words.
Then I took out a small envelope and handed it out.
“The Master told me to deliver this. ”
“ ……. ”
Ramos received his inner envelope without a word.
“Well, I'll see you later. ”
When Ramos receives the envelope, he lowers his head slightly, greets him, and then disappears through the warp.
So Erimen disappeared and Ramos went into the house.
And I sat in the chair and checked in the envelope straight away.
What was in the envelope was a letter.
Ramos began to read the letter.
“ ……! ”
Alarmed by Ramos' expression reading the letter, panic appeared alternately.
After reading all the letters, Ramos murmured with an unreliable expression.
“The Son of Darkness appears? ”
The letter said that the true dark magic, the dark child, appeared.
“You didn't restore it from the Tower of Darkness, it's magic the Master couldn't restore either..... ”
Ramos frowns.
The child of darkness is not usually magic.
I put a lot of effort into restoring it in the Dark Horse Tower, but the restoration failed.
The master of Ramos, who wrote the letter, was also a complex enchantment that could not be restored.
Who the hell restored that magic?
“It's not like Rapid has reappeared..... ”
Rapid is a man hundreds of years ago.
No matter how long the wizards live, it doesn't make sense to be alive for hundreds of years.
Even if it's Rapid, the cannabis.
“Then did the progeny appear? ”
There was a legend that Rapid's legacy was hidden somewhere in the stable tower.
What if the legend is true and someone took Rapid's legacy?
“Hmm……. ”
Ramos spits.
The only thing that was certain was that the Son of Darkness appeared, and nothing else was certain.
Ramos folds his mind on the child of darkness and turns his gaze back to the letter.
The letter did not just say that the child of darkness appeared.
“Reduce your time as much as possible……. ”
A disastrous day that was scheduled one week sooner or two weeks later.
The letter said, "Advance the day of calamity."
He was not perfectly prepared, but Ramos intended to follow the order as it was.
Ramos took his place.
Then I left the house and headed for the cave.
‘Four days. ’
* * *
[You entered the Enchanted Forest.]
A message appeared.
“ ……. ”
Su-hyuk saw the message and couldn't say anything.
I just opened the character window without saying anything to check the level and EXP.
‘357, 60% ……. ’
After confirming the level and EXP, Hydra frowned and thought.
Don't you think you can't shoot 400 when you get to Hayden? ’
I was worried about it in the Aconian Mountains, but it was brief.
I didn't think I could go over 400.
However, I don't think I'll be able to shoot 400 when I get to Hayden.
Even if the monsters in the rest of the area are higher and give more EXP.
‘Well, if it doesn't level, that's fine, too. ’
Su-hyuk decided to think positively and released the frowned glans.
If the level does not reach 400, it is good as it is.
There will be fewer libraries available, but many libraries are already available.
Moreover, the lower the level, the lower the Steat EXP needed to increase Wisdom by 1.
In other words, if the level is low, you can gain more wisdom.
After thinking positively, Su-hyuk smiled and continued to walk with him throughout the year.
* * *
“Oh, I'm tired. ”
Yang Joo-hyuk opened the base to blow the tiredness.
Yang Joo-hyuk, who was a little tired with the base, confirmed his time.
“It's the end of the day..... ”
Yang Joo-hyuk snorted and muttered.
It was just midnight.
Looking at the clock, Yang Joo-hyuk called for long-range.
“Where are the privileged users now? ”
“Wait a minute!”
Long-range began to tap the keyboard, answering the words of Yang Joo-hyuk.
“First of all, the king of hunting is in the ten horsepower. ”
“What about Su-hyuk?”
“What about Su-hyuk... huh? ”
Longevity spits out elasticity.
Yangju Hyuk nodded his head to the resilience of longevity.
I just asked you to check the position of Su-hyuk. Why did you spit out that elasticity?
“That team leader..... ”
He turned his head from the monitor and called for Yang Joo-hyuk.
“…… why? ”
Yangju Hyuk replied to the call with an uneasy look on his face.
And Long-range said.
“I'm in the Rygas Mountains right now. ”
“What, the Ligas Mountains? Unsettled?”
“Why all of a sudden? Didn't you go to the library? ”
Yang Joo-hyuk muttered at the words of Zhongyang.
Until yesterday, Su-hyuk went to conquer the library.
Why did you suddenly go to the Ligas Mountains?
“I don't know. There seems to be something in the quest, but the only thing I can confirm is the location..... ”
Su-hyuk's information security rating, which is subject to special grade management, was the highest.
The only information available was the location.
“Throughout the year, where is the year? ”
Of course, it was convenient to find out the information.
You can use the surroundings of Su-hyuk.
Knowing that Su-hyuk, who only knew his location, was going to conquer the library was also a convenient way to use library information.
“I'm with you all year. ”
Information during the year that was not subject to special grade management was accessible.
“But there are no quests? ”
However, having access did not mean that there was a large income.
“Where are we going? ”
Long-range murmurs at the monitor.
“You're not going to Hayden, are you? ”
“ ……. ”
Yangju Hyuk frowned at the words of Zhongyang.
The reason I frowned at my glance was because of a region called Hayden near the Ligas Mountains.
No, it wasn't Hayden, to be exact.
Hayden himself is not a problem.
“If you find the Devil's Nest and find a 10-horse entrance..... ”
The problem was the dungeon called the Devil's Nest that sits inside Hayden and the 10 horsepower door that sits inside it.