# 340
However, the answer to Su-hyuk's question led to a year of embarrassment.
Catch Erte? ’
It was completely unexpected.
‘Then I got a message.... ’
I didn't think the reason the baloks were weakened was because of the map update.
Because Erte's dead? ’
Yeon-yeon whispered to Su-hyuk.
All year: Uh, I got a message. You're talking about the Baloch Weakening Message, right?
Su-hyuk: Yeah.
All year round: But weren't you circling the city? What's going on?
Su-hyuk: I arrived in the city, but there is Erte.
Throughout the year: …… is that the end?
Su-hyuk: Yeah.
Su-hyuk's answer was silent for a moment.
“What's wrong with you? ”
The hunting king, who was watching the face of the year, asked.
“Oh, that's..... ”
The year I woke up to the hunting king's question blurred my horizon.
And then he said with a nice smile.
“Su-hyuk caught Erte? ”
The king of hunting rebelled.
Then the hunting king, who remembered who Erte was, opened his mouth with a surprised expression.
“That Erte? ”
The whole year nodded.
“I don't think it was the map that got the message. ”
“... I see. But what about Su-hyuk? Are you coming back?”
“Wait a minute.”
In response to the hunting king's question, Yeon-yeon whispered to Su-hyuk.
All year round: Are you coming back now?
Su-hyuk: No, I haven't caught the best yet. I'll be right there.
All year round: OK.
Su-hyuk: Oh, and Erte dropped a good item. Just for you!
All year round: For me only?
Su-hyuk: Yeah, I'm waiting. I'll give it to you later. I'm looking forward to it!
Year-round: Uh, yeah. I'll see you later!
Year-round ended his whispering with Su-hyuk.
And said to the king of hunting.
“They haven't found the best ballot yet, so they'll be here in a little while. ”
“Well……. ”
The king nodded as he spat at the words of the year.
During the year, I thought,
What kind of items are there? ’
I wondered.
What the hell did Erte drop?
* * *
“As expected.”
Longevity nodded in anticipation.
The battle between Suhyuk and Erte is over.
The results were as expected.
“It's over sooner than I thought. ”
I knew I would win, but I still thought it would take some time to catch Erte.
“The Light of Destruction is not such a powerful skill. ”
He murmured with a ridiculous expression.
Why Erte died sooner than I thought.
It was this time because of the light attribute magic ‘Light of Destruction’ acquired by Hydra.
Not many monsters can avoid the light of doom.
Because it was inevitable magic, the Light of Destruction was a skill that had a fairly low damage scale.
The problem was the magical power of Hydra.
The magic attack power of the foundation was so high.
“Now we have to see that our weaknesses are gone. ”
Su-hyuk was strong, but he also had weaknesses.
They were physical monsters.
Among the physical faction monsters, the ones with the greatest speed were the weaknesses of Hydra.
Because it's speeding up and doesn't work magic.
No matter how powerful it is, it is useless if it is not right.
What if it's too high for physical attack?
It's the perfect counter to hydro-hydration.
But now there is inevitable and even powerful destructive light.
In other words, the weakness was gone.
“Story is a problem. ”
I was worried.
There were not many monsters or NPCs that could stop Hydra at the moment.
Given that it will become stronger in the future, it is not worth it.
Su-hyuk can tell the story all the time if he only likes it.
Of course, it will take a long time to see the end because there is a story that needs time, but I had no choice but to worry.
However, I smiled at the thought immediately.
Thinking about it, I didn't think I needed to worry.
“You don't have to worry about having a library. ”
It was the library.
More time spent in the library than hunting or breaking quests.
It wasn't usually much, but overwhelmingly much.
I am now proceeding with the 11-material quest, but I will leave for the library soon after I see what I have done.
You don't have to worry about consuming the story.
I knocked on the keyboard when I was worried.
Then new information appeared on the monitor.
I muttered about the information on the monitor.
“Quite a lot more quests than I thought. ”
Erte died and the story was greatly revised.
Then the story is revised and the quests that need to be done disappear.
Of course, there are newly created quests, but given the number of lost quests, it was the blood of a new foot.
“It'll be over in a month without Su-hyuk. ”
Thinking about the level of quests and ballocks left, only the Hunting Kings and Demons could finish in a month.
It was time, of course, except for stabilization.
Unlike 10 horsepower with a warp gate, 11 horsepower does not have a warp gate.
It will take tremendous time to stabilize.
“When are you going to find the next portal? ”
There is also a portal in the 11-meter horizon.
There is a portal connected to the middleman, and a portal connected to the twelve horsepower.
The problem was that the two portals were hidden.
“I think I'll find it while stabilizing. ”
It was then.
A message appears at the bottom of the monitor with a notification sound.
When I saw the message, I was amazed.
“You've finally conquered the 12,000. ”
Routing and his party, which entered the 12,000s a long time ago.
The message said that Routing's party ended the 12,000 story.
“I'm going to 13 horsepower, but I'm going to 10,000 horsepower. ”
The twelve thousandths were connected to the thirteenth and tenth thousandths.
“If you go to the Ten Thousand, you'll be at 11 horsepower. ”
And the Ten Thousand were connected to the Eleven Thousand.
The eleven thousandth century was the end of the story by the hunting king.
In other words, when you finish the story of the 10,000, you can quickly move to the eleven thousand, the ten thousand and the eleven thousand.
Longevity smiled.
“It's going to be a new variable. ”
What if Rooting's party goes to 10,000? Things seemed to be getting interesting.
* * *
Year-round: Uh, yeah. I'll see you later!
Su-hyuk, who finished whispering to him in the middle of the year, looked at the inventory.
Items that Erte dropped in the inventory were new and in place.
‘I really need to leave now. ’
The inventory was really packed when Erte acquired the dropped items.
It's time to vacate.
‘Then I just wanted to return it. ’
Su-hyuk closed the inventory by looking at the books that make up a large part of the inventory.
‘Now let's go. ’
Then I started moving towards the city.
I haven't entered the city yet because of the battle with Erte.
It was time to battle the Baloks in the city.
[Senior Baloch Corafel has appeared.]
[Senior Baloch Eloplas has appeared.]
As I approached the city, a message appeared.
And I was a little surprised when I saw the message.
"There's more here than you think. ’
The number of senior issuers was higher than expected.
Is it Erte? ’
Su-hyuk turned his head in a message and looked over the wall.
Above the wall, numerous balocks were in place.
‘Too bad there's no poison dragon. ’
I would have been able to handle the ballocks more easily, but it was a little sad.
As he approached the city, Su-hyuk began summoning the children of darkness.
“Son of Darkness, Son of Darkness...? ”
But Su-hyuk was forced to stop summoning the dark child in the middle.
The Baloks began to disappear from the walls.
The problem was that it did not jump off the wall and run to Su-hyuk, but disappeared inward.
"Run away?"
It is not certain.
But the feeling was pointing to a run.
Su-hyuk summoned a ghost.
Then he quickly drove the ghost towards the city.
“Magic missile, fire ball. ”
After destroying the gate, which had been tightly closed by two magic strokes, Su-hyuk passed through the gate and entered the city.
And he was able to feel the serenity of entering the city.
Did you really run away? ’
Until just before, there were baloks on the walls.
But now I can't see an ant.
They all fled.
Is it Erte? ’
You must have seen the battle against Erte since you were on the wall.
‘The Baloks were frightened and fled.... ’
The Baloks, who can be pronouns for struggle, are afraid and avoid the fight?
Su-hyuk frowned and began to roam the city's interior.
The city was big.
Not one or two Baloks are in this big city, and not all Baloks have seen the battle against Erte.
In other words, there would be baloks left.
Su-hyuk's projections exactly fit.
Soon after, the children of darkness began to move.
And soon a drop window appeared.
"Is it just normal?"
But it was all just plain Baloks.
No senior reporters were seen anywhere in that city.
“Ha……. ”
Su-hyuk sighed deeply and thought.
It's a big deal. ’
It is not the first time that Baloch has escaped.
There were always runaways in the cities visited earlier.
The problem was that the Baloks who had fled now knew Erte's death.
Aren't you hiding more? ’
Erte's death will begin to be known through the escaped ballocks.
‘I need a top-notch record. ’
At this time, Su-hyuk had to catch one of the finest balocks because of the quest.
But what if Erte's death also hid the best footage?
‘No. ’
The water hyuk from the city drove a ghost and moved quickly towards the next city.
The Baloks have no warp gates.
In other words, it will take quite some time for Erte's death to be known.
Before that, I had to roam the cities to find the finest balocks.
* * *
“ ……? ”
Kozan panicked.
“How……. ”
The report contained evidence that Calaplane had been devastated.
There was Erte in Calaplane.
But how did they devastate the Calaplans?
Kozan continued to read the report and could not know why.
Knowing why, Kozan's impression slowly began to crumple.
"No way. ’
Something that should not have happened.
"You were beaten?"
Erte is defeated.
To a man who handles dragons.
I didn't see one or two.
Numerous senior readers and general readers saw it.
Morte comes in with a roughly open door.
Cozan looked at Morte's angry mood and intuited.
It was clear that Morte did not know Erte's death either.
“Are you serious?”
Morte, who came right in front of Kozan, asked in a furious voice.
In response to Morte's question, Kozan thought how to answer it.
Once you tell a lie, you cannot tell a lie.
I can avoid it right now, but it's literally just now.
To tell you the truth, Morte's personality caught me.
Erte was a king, but Morte had only one brother.
What if I find out that Erte is dead?
I will not cover my back and forth, but will go around looking for humans.
But Erte was also defeated.
Can Morte beat the humans?
“Are you for real?”
When Kozan had no answer, Morte smashed his desk and asked.
“…… yes. ”
In Morte's mood, Kozan was forced to tell the truth after all.
Morte, who heard Kozan's answer, swung back.
Then I started moving my steps out of the room.
Kozan shouted.
But Morte didn't stop.
Within seconds, Morte's hindsight disappears, and Kozan murmurs frowning at his glance.
“..... This is crazy. ”