# 426
It was the leader guild that just entered.
However, the leader guild passes through the gateway at the same time as entering.
Moassis, who was in first place, was pushed to second place.
And the record also changed from 8 minutes 47 seconds to 21 seconds.
Eight minutes and 26 seconds.
The difference between first and second place was enormous.
No, the word "enormous" was not enough.
I was so different too.
Comparison was foolish in itself.
Let's take another look.
The moderator raised his hand.
Then Hydra appeared on the screen.
Then a video was played of how the Ultra Cow was captured.
Of course, the video ended quickly.
“What..... ”
“Crazy, Hell Fire one shot? ”
“Not even the other rankers attacked. ”
“Alone……. ”
At the end of the video, users started muttering.
It was the shock itself.
It was only Su-hyuk who attacked Ultra Cow.
The other leader guildmen didn't attack once.
The only thing that helped was Buff.
Nevertheless, Ultra Cow was killed in a single breath.
Thinking of other guild battles that appeared in the middle of the screen, it was unbelievable.
In the case of other guilds, everyone rushed to catch the Ultra Cow.
Nevertheless, Ultra Cow did not die easily.
No, the guild that killed Ultra Cow was still only the Moassis guild.
“How high is the attack.... ”
“No, how could you be so strong? ”
“Temp suck?”
“You're a god, aren't you? ”
The users were just talking about the whole hydro-hydro thing.
Foil smiles as he hears the user's conversations.
I knew it!
The Moassis Guild is so fast that I was worried about what would happen if I passed second place. I was worried about it.
Foil stares at the screen with a blurred expression.
Su-hyuk didn't give up on expectations.
There are nine remaining gateways.
I was so excited about what Su-hyuk would look like.
‘Now let's go. ’
Foil woke up in his place.
Bought a ticket solely to see Hydra.
Now that I've seen Su-hyuk, I don't need to be in the competition anymore.
The foil that came out of the Imperial Palace immediately logged out.
Kim Hyung-jun checked her phone for ringing the bell that struck her ear at the same time as coming out of the capsule.
“Yes, Mr. Yunji. ”
I'm in trouble!
“What's going on? ”
The Imperial Guild Contest is a mess! That's why you're making a living right now! Can you come now?
“Oh, yes. Okay, I'll be right there. ”
* * *
“…… what? ”
Lophed muttered with a ridiculous expression.
“How many seconds? ”
I felt I heard it wrong.
No, I must have heard it wrong.
“…… 21 seconds. ”
Faragus answered Lophed's objection with a distressing expression.
“ ……. ”
According to Faragus' answer, Lophed had no choice but to remain silent.
I was already expecting the Leader Guild to pass Gateway 1.
I had already anticipated passing to first place.
But 21 seconds?
It was too fast.
“How long has it been? ”
Lophed asked Faragus.
The Ultra Cow assigned to the Leader Guild was not usually an Ultra Cow.
It was mutant and several times more potent than other ultra cows when treated in the dark.
“It didn't last two seconds. ”
Paragus replied.
“ ……. ”
And Lophed was silent again.
The fact that he didn't last two seconds meant he just died at the same time as the attack.
How strong is he? ’
It was Lophed who was predicting how strong Hydra was because he had captured the 3rd ranked hump of the Black Moon.
However, the situation seemed much stronger than I had predicted.
“Umm……. ”
Lophed spits.
Suddenly I felt ominous.
Within days, however, Lophed trembled with indignation.
I didn't expect to be able to hit Su-hyuk at Gate 1.
And now I just passed Gate One.
There were countless gateways to the future, and Su-hyuk would step forward to death.
“And I got word from Marquis Pilov. ”
“You seem to want to hear more about the plan. ”
“…… Argh. ”
Lophed frowns.
I only told Pilov I would give him the first place, but I didn't tell him the details.
I felt anxious because I didn't hear the plan.
Lophed knew why Pilov was anxious.
“How much did you bet? ”
“I know you bet a million gold. ”
It was about betting.
Such a big competition necessarily involves gambling.
Numerous types of gambling were created, including who would win first place, and Marquis Pilov also wagered.
“Call me when you tell me you'll be there soon. ”
“Got it.”
Paragus stood up in his place, answering Lophed's words.
Then I left the room.
Lophed leans on the chair and closes his eyes as soon as Faragus leaves.
And murmured.
“That's a good choice, isn't it? ”
* * *
The waiting room of the main guild ‘Moassis’ in Katung.
“Well done.”
Karutan, who returned to the waiting room after the Ultra Cow hunt, told the guild members.
“Well done!”
“Hey, we're number one! ”
“I don't think there's a guild to catch, either. ”
“That's right, it's very hard. ”
Hearing the guild members' stories, Karutan thought about the next gateway.
‘I know the way. Are you going to be okay with the next gateway? ’
The second gateway was the labyrinth.
And I've already told Pilov the way.
In other words, you can escape the labyrinth without wandering.
Of course, I didn't intend to escape immediately.
If you escaped right away, you knew the way ahead, right? It was because the question could come up and the facts could not be ascertained, but the question itself struck the guild image.
Karutan deliberately thought of Hamal.
It was then.
The guild members who were looking at the screen gave embarrassing voices.
Karutan, who was thinking about the next Gateway, turned his head to the guild members' voices and looked at the screen.
“ ……? ”
And Karutan's expression was filled with doubt.
Twenty-one seconds?
The screen had a number of 21 seconds.
Karutan frowns at the glance of his eyes, looking at the eight minutes and 47 seconds that lie beneath him.
You passed in 21 seconds? ’
Twenty-one seconds was clear.
‘Leader Guild……. ’
And as expected, the guild that passed in 21 seconds was the winning leader guild.
Can you win? ’
I received more information about the gateway from Pilov.
I also heard that those who manage the gateway will help.
Pilov said he celebrated the victory with a proud expression.
However, I have doubts about the leader guild's record.
Not 7 minutes and 21 seconds, not 1 minute and 21 seconds.
It was just 21 seconds before you existed.
Is winning possible?
‘Yes, the power of combat does not determine the winner. ’
I didn't need combat power, but not all of it.
‘I have to go right through. ’
Karutan intends to show himself wandering deliberately at the second gate.
However, I changed my mind when I saw the leader guild's record.
You don't have to be ridiculous.
I just felt like I had to escape the labyrinth.
Otherwise, you can be pushed from the score to miss the win.
‘But does 21 seconds make sense? ’
Not everyone in the Moassis Guild is a ranker.
However, the ranker level becomes quasi-ranker.
At least 20 junior-level users ran.
Nevertheless, it took me over eight minutes to catch it.
But 21 seconds?
No matter how much I thought, I was steamed.
‘Should we just give up winning? ’
Karutan pondered for a moment at the steam.
‘I think it would be better to inform Nim of this information and take something else during the year. ’
Master of the Leader Guild ‘All Year’.
Karutan was close to me during the year.
Of course, he was not a friendly person created within the game.
Through acquaintances, I happened to have a place in the real world and was able to make an acquaintance.
I thought it would be better to hand over a lot of information to the public this time of year and take other things.
‘Umm.... ’
Karutan began to ponder as he spit into his heart.
* * *
Leader Guild's Waiting Room.
“You're not going? ”
Su-hyuk asked the year round.
Gate One ended and Gate Two began two days later.
“Uh, I just wanted to check in for a second. ”
Years ago, he nodded at the question of Su-hyuk and looked at the screen in the waiting room.
“I'm going first? ”
Su-hyuk asked.
“Yeah, I'll see you later. ”
The answer of the year was lost and the rest of the year, alone in the waiting room, kept an eye on the screen.
Ah, Dogo Guild Master Kane! It's devastating!
The screen shows the battle between the Dogo Guild and Ultra Cow with the moderator's voice.
Hey! The symbol of Kane! There's been a massive explosion!
Ultra Cow! The explosion has finally caused death!
The Dogo Guild's record is eight minutes and 58 seconds!
You're going to third place!
The whole year, listening to the moderator's explanation, I thought,
It was definitely weird.
But I wasn't sure yet.
I thought I should keep an eye on it a little longer.
Oops! Another Ultra Cow has been captured!
The guild that passed this time!
On the screen, the Ultra Cow continued to appear.
“As expected.”
And the whole year he watched the screen murmured with a confident expression.
“It was just us. ”
I think the whole year felt weird.
It was the size of an Ultra Cow.
So far, most ultra cows on the screen have similar masses.
However, the Ultra Cow that Su-hyuk killed was bigger than the Ultra Cow that other guilds dealt with.
It didn't make a little difference, it made a very big difference.
I don't know exactly, but it was at least twice as big.
“Was it a mistake? ”
I know it has to be fair, but it's not fair.
But it should not appear so openly.
Did you make a mistake in the Empire?
Or does it matter if it's known?
“I don't think it was a mistake. ”
Based on what Fabian said and this situation, it was clear that there was a force aiming for Hydra.
“You must have used the number from the Cancer Faction, Pilov..... ”
Suspicious forces also existed.
It was a dark party.
“Let's make contact. ”
Pylobes associated with the dark sugar.
And Moassis, the main guild of the city of Katung, ruled by Pilov. I was in the middle of a year with Guild Master Karutan of Moassis.
The year I was pondering for a while made a decision.
“I have to make contact. ”
I decided to talk to Karutan.
The year I made my decision, I immediately logged out.
Then I came out of the capsule and picked up my phone to contact Karutan.
“…… huh? ”
I had to panic a little during the year when I checked my phone.
Hello, this is Karutan! I have something urgent to tell you. Contact us when you can!
A text came from Karutan.