Real estate players

Chapter 122 124. Selfishness! (The first one!)

"It didn't make it difficult for you?" Chen Jin smiled lightly.

Cao Liliang shook his head. In front of Chen Jin, he could no longer afford to be a leader, and said: "The leader has agreed to rent."

"That's good."

"In terms of rent, isn't it a little cheaper?" Cao Liliang said, "Is it a family after all."

Chen Jin laughed dumbly, secretly saying that this old fucker can be thick-skinned!

Who the fuck are you family?

But he still answered: "You can make a price."

Cao Liliang thought for a while: "400,000 is hard to forget. Take it all together, 30,000 a month, 360,000 a year, right?"

"No problem." Chen Jin nodded immediately.As long as things are done, these will become side-effects, and there is no need to be too serious.

"Then this year one sign..." Cao Liliang was embarrassed.

For him, price is really second.However, signing once a year does violate the company's practice.

Chen Jin naturally understood this truth, he thought about it, the general direction has been settled, there is really no need to grind on such trivial matters.

"Sign up for 5 years. But the rent will increase by 10%!" Chen Jin said.

Cao Liliang opened his mouth, but he could not say anything to refute, and finally it became: "Let's sign the agreement."

"Zhang Ye!" He shouted: "Lease agreement."

Zhang Ye, who had been standing at the door, was suddenly excited. Although he was prepared, he was equally shocked.

This matter has a strong relationship with Chen Jin, he can naturally think of it, so he was so worried before.

But this thing actually happened?

"I'm a good boy!" Zhang Ye usually called Shen Na to prepare a lease agreement, while muttering: "This Chen Jin is afraid that he will go to heaven!"

A group of agents sitting outside also looked at each other, wondering what Chen Jin and the district manager could talk about for so long, and the district manager remembered jumping up and down!

Lease agreement now?What the hell?

At the same time that Chen Jin and Cao Liliang signed the agreement, Tan Zi had already sorted out his remarks and knocked on the door of Zhao Hanqiu's office.

Paper cannot contain fire.If she didn't take the initiative to talk about this matter, if it suddenly came to light in the future, she would be a bit confused to explain it.So the best way is to speak for yourself now.After all, this matter seems to be a big deal to the lower-level employees.But when it comes to senior leaders, it's nothing more than the difference between one thought.

She entered the office and saw that the general manager Fang Qiu was also there. The two of them were discussing something, and couldn't help laughing: "It saves me an extra trip."

"Something?" Zhao Hanqiu and Fang Qiu looked at her together.

Tan Zi nodded, and took the chair opposite Zhao Hanqiu to sit down. Then she told them what had happened.

Fang Qiu and Zhao Hanqiu looked at each other, and Fang Qiu said to him, "Han Qiu, what do you think?"

Zhao Hanqiu frowned, and said to Tan Zi: "The agent under your hand is really active, no wonder he can win the sales crown. But I am afraid that the truth will spread, and the impact on other employees will not be very good..."

"He didn't do anything illegal, did I just drive him like this?" Tan Zi said in an angry voice: "There is also no stipulation that employees cannot rent their houses to the company. Besides, I will not rent this out now. The store was taken, and other companies took the same. On the contrary, if he hadn’t bought the shop, the original landlord might not be willing to rent it out.”

Fang Qiu smiled and said, "You said that, not only is he not at fault, but he has the credit?"

"Of course." Tan Zi nodded: "Moreover, the order he bought from the shop was also taken from the company. It was nothing more than enjoying the employee discount and the intermediary fee. Anyway, I can't think of anything wrong with him. To be true If you drive him, I guess he will have to go to Tiankun the next day. On the contrary, other employees may feel that we are unkind!"

"When you talked about this, I remembered it. The problem of personnel turnover in your area has always existed. Is there any good way?" Zhao Hanqiu asked suddenly.

Tan Zi took a look at him, and would be overwhelmed, knowing that he was helping herself to change the topic, so she replied, "There is no way. The headquarters of Tiankun Company is in my jurisdiction, and more than half of the 70 stores are also available. In the Great West District, the director even digs out a store manager. I can’t help it.”

Hearing this, Zhao Hanqiu looked at Fang Qiu, and Fang Qiu nodded and said to Zhao Hanqiu: "It seems that your plan is indeed worthy of serious study and then implementation."

As soon as Tan Zi heard him say this, she knew that the two of them had shifted their attention, and Chen Jin's affairs had been taken so lightly, so she asked, "What plan?"

"You can take a copy and take a look at it. By the way, make a copy and bring them to the three. At the same time, think about what else can be improved. We will discuss it at a meeting tomorrow." Zhao Hanqiu picked up a folder on the table and handed it to them. Tan Zi.

Tan Zi nodded and left.

In fact, according to what Chen Jin did this time, it can be big or small, and the key lies in what she thinks as the leader.

However, today Chen Jin started from recommending a site, signing a contract to buy a shop, and finally jumping out to lease a series of operations to the company. She was completely in sight.

For such a genius, to put it bluntly, Tan Zi wanted to protect him!Because she has made up her mind, she must bring Chen Jin up as soon as possible!At least, it has to be at the level of regional managers.

Who said that there is no faction disputes in private companies, and there is no difference between party lords?The four district directors have always spared no effort to cultivate their own wings.

In contrast, the weight of their four regional directors speaking at the top is also supported by the performance of the people under their hands!

Didn't Xu Youzhong ever have a list of Tan Zijiu at the party?One has a market share of more than 60%, and one has less than 40%. Among the current regional directors, Xu Youzhong is the most popular!

Although Chen Jincai has only been in the post for three months, his business ability shown when he got the crown, the social ability he showed when he was fighting for wine, and the strategic ability he showed in this incident today, except for a few district directors or more. Even among district managers, the top leaders of Tan Zi have never seen them stand out.

If she doesn't know how to woo and support such a double-seller, then she will be the district director for nothing!

What's more, there was some "zero distance" contact that night...

Perhaps, the reason she protected Chen Jin, to a greater extent, came from that night?This is unknown.Even Tan Zi herself can't understand her truest thoughts!

Anyway, women's likes and dislikes never need any reason!Impulse is enough to make a decision.

After all, what women never change is fickle.

Tan Zi thought to herself, then opened the folder that Zhao Hanqiu had given her and glanced at it...

"Hehe..." She couldn't help laughing out loud: "God helps me too!"

If this plan is really implemented thoroughly, Tan Zi's own plan seems to be a little smoother.