Real estate players

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"The vision is really poisonous!"

Chen Jin secretly said with emotion.

Since Tianwang Company bought Jinbo Building, Chen Jin has not paid much attention to them.

The other party also knew that the Chinese New Year was immediately following, so he didn't immediately start the business plan, but quietly fell silent after accepting the Jinbo Building.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly appeared at this juncture!

Moreover, I recently made other developers in Dongjiang City have a bit of turmoil. It is impossible for Inaba Kiyomi to fail to pay attention to him...

"These Japanese people are really good, kill the donkey." Chen Jin said to himself: "I know this land is bound to be acquired, but I don't even say a word! Haha~"

At the same time, Inaba Kiyomi was sitting in the office of the Jinbo Building, frowning while looking at the information in his hand.

He is quite familiar with Chen Jin's. Whether it's the Scheming City Mansion or the tricks, they are absolutely superb.

So he can better appreciate the keenness and ambition of this young man, especially his ability!

If he could, he would not choose to directly compete with Jinhua Company so soon.To be honest, Inaba Kiyomi really didn't have much confidence in the face of Chen Jin.

But this time the commercial land bidding in Ganjiang District is almost the focus of the real estate industry in Dongjiang City.Whether it is the development plan of the city government, the benefits of the subway entrance, and the consumption capacity of the surrounding communities, it is a fatal attraction for a real estate company dedicated to complex development.

Regarding this, Inaba Kiyomi saw it very clearly, and he was very confident in Chen Jin's project.

Don't look at the current United Chamber of Commerce, because of the price, it seems to be booming, and the sales rate is also very high.But the opportunity in 2011 is not the heavier it is now.

As a country that has experienced the burst of a real estate bubble and suffered a major economic recession, Heguo people have their own unique analysis of the real estate industry.

Although there are a large number of well-known so-called experts and scholars in the country who are bad at real estate, according to some research data obtained by Inaba Kiyomi, "market saturation" does not exist.

He believes that China's potential is far from breaking out!

Because on February 14th, the Cabinet of Ministers announced the 2010 GDP of 544.2 billion dollars, and the fourth quarter compared to the third quarter also showed a 0.3% decline, showing a negative growth situation.

But at the same time, the Chinese government announced in January the GDP of 2010 was 5878.6 billion dollars.It is 404.4 billion dollars higher than that of China.

At this point, Heguo has officially handed over its position as the world's second largest economy and was replaced by Huaxia.

This is the result of China's economic development over the decades, and it is also a manifestation of China's potential.

In such a situation, it was originally a ridiculous argument.

Since ancient times, several dynasties in China have been the world's largest country.Although modern times have experienced the subversive revolution of the social system and the baptism of war, the explosive power of the descendants of Yan and Huang is more vivid and vivid!

No one has ever dared to underestimate the heritage of this ancient country!

This is also one of Inaba Kiyomi's sources of confidence. On the other hand, as the president, Tian Wang Jihai also has some sources of high-level channels...

He Guoren’s research on Huaxia has never stopped!

Based on this, even if not willing, Inaba Kiyomi could only bite the bullet.

Even the reason Tian Wang Company had to take this piece of land was created by Chen Jin himself.

Inaba Kiyomi has always followed Chen Jin and Jinhua Company.

Especially during the "Hui Xueji", others may not remember clearly, but Inaba Kiyomi knew that "Hui Xueji" was not the core of that big show.

The core is that after Huo Yibo gave Chen Jin the platform that day, it seemed that Chen Jin would give a little more discount as a TV sales.

Then Chen Jin gave a promise: People with high academic qualifications can enjoy the discounts of the "Study Season" forever.

In other words, as long as you have a master's or doctoral degree, buying Jinhua's real estate at any time is almost a free gift.

It may not be obvious now, after all, the number of masters and doctors is still too small compared to the housing group.

But over time, as long as it is a real estate owned by Jinhua Company, it will gradually form an attraction.

It is not only the attraction of highly educated elites to ordinary people in the neighborhood, but the attraction of these elite circles.

Imagine that if you are a highly educated person, when your classmates, friends, teachers and even your boss are all gathered in an area, a circle will naturally form.

What's more frightening is that these people have all benefited from Chen Jinshi, and naturally they will become Chen Jin's fans without knowing it.

Didn't Chen Jin publicly stated that Jinhua Company wanted to open the market at a high price. Is a considerable part of the elites waving the flag?

They buy cheap houses with their academic qualifications, but if other people want to enter this circle, they must buy them at a high price, which is equivalent to an admission ticket.

Thinking of this, Kiyomi Inaba couldn't help thinking: "Chen Jinjun, circle culture is the core of Chinese social interaction. But you are creating circles, which is really...too clever!"



Chen Jin sat in the office alone, thought about it in a daze, sighed, locked the door, closed the blinds, took out the phone, and turned on the radar.

"It's time to upgrade new features!" Chen Jin thought, looking at the points.

The next level of the new function of the live spot radar is "freely select the target".Although for Chen Jin now, the practicality is very high, but the last time he got enough points, there was a third-order market reminder.

Finally, Chen Jin chose to exchange the market forecast.Now he is sincerely grateful that he made such a decision.Because this decision allowed him to take advantage of the enemy's opportunities everywhere and remain invincible when faced with the encirclement of the Jinsha Group.

It also allows him to make arrangements as soon as possible, and completely plan his route and situation for the top real estate in Dongjiang City.

"See you on Monday" a few days ago, Jinhua Company immediately undertook more than 28 billion unfinished project debts, so Chen Jin once again won a huge amount of points!

That huge project was a collaboration between Jinhua Company and Qianshu Group.Among them, Qianshu Group invested 9.5 billion yuan, accounting for 30% of the shares.Jinhua Company invested 28 billion yuan, accounting for 70% of the shares.

So Chen Jin’s points are {(28000000000×70%)×60%}÷10000=1176000.

1.176 million points!

Chen Jin nowadays is no longer the stunner who used the function to make a transaction after he got a few hundred points.

In just a few months, whether it is so many people he has contacted, so many things he has experienced, and so many things he has learned, his way of handling things has become more and more mature and comprehensive!

So after getting the 1.176 million points that day, although he was ecstatic, he forced himself to calm down.

After all, he won more than just this point.Thanks to the heavy trading volume after the year, the sales agency department of Wance Company continued to make transactions after the year, with a total turnover of 1.8 billion.

This item alone has brought him 180,000 points today.

In addition, there are 4 divisions of transactions after the year, the total amount has reached 100 million, and brought him 10,000 points.

Coupled with the more than 310,000 points left by him, now his total points have reached 1678064.5!

This is the fundamental reason why he is full of confidence no matter what he does.The reason why it has not been used is that it is waiting for market reminders that may appear at any time.

The two meetings in March are about to come. God knows if there will be another policy?

Market reminders started at 100,000 points.In case of two or three Tier 3 quotations all at once, millions of points are needed to exchange them.

But now, the live-point radar hasn't moved, but Tian Wang's company has stepped in again.Coupled with the information of Han Kaihong and Wu Qingshan, he has not obtained it yet.

Even Fan Lianghua, Jiao Qishou, and Lang Zhengtao, who are entrenched in Yuzhou City, behind the two, are all people that Chen Jin has no way to reach.

He needs this new feature against the sky to help him plan the next step!

As he thought about it, Chen Jin also held his breath with a little excitement, and clicked the "Exchange Function".

The live spot radar immediately popped out a prompt: "Do you use 400,000 points to redeem new features?"

"Yes!" Chen Jin didn't hesitate this time, and directly clicked to select.

The remaining points were instantly reduced by 400,000, but the "freely select target" function has changed from gray to color.

"There are still 1.27 million points left..." Chen Jin thought: "Although it looks like there is still a lot of money, it can't be squandered. Even if you don't need to exchange the market forecast, you must guard against unexpected situations."

In the "other functions", in addition to the "market forecast", there are also "real-time thinking monitoring", "best business plan", "most favorable result-oriented", etc., which are used at a rate of 100,000 points. Features.

The so-called existence is reasonable, and the purpose of Live Point Radar is to guide oneself to build a business kingdom, so these functions must have their abilities.

Although everything is going smoothly now, I can't help but guard!

While Chen Jin was thinking about it, the door of the office was knocked suddenly.

He frowned slightly, he should have explained that if the door is locked, try not to disturb his thinking.

The subordinates of Jinhua Company also know that Chen Jin alone is responsible for the rise and fall of Jinhua Company and is under great pressure, so they are very sensible!

But since it's here, it must be something urgent?

He got up and opened the door, only to see Jia Qiong standing at the door with a frown.

"Come in and talk." Chen Jin went back and sat down.

Jia Qiong stood opposite him and said, "Mr. Chen, we were put together..."

"Be more specific." Chen Jin took a breath, not surprised.

"For some reason, our suppliers suddenly increased their prices." Jia Qiong solemnly said: "Whether it is reinforced concrete or bricks, the price has increased by about 10%."

Chen Jin heard the words and chuckled lightly: "I know that the United Chamber of Commerce will not let it go. His grandma has so many tricks!"

The rise in the price of construction materials means that construction costs will increase accordingly.Suddenly 10%, if it’s just a self-built house, of course it won’t feel particularly big. Maybe the cost has only changed from 500,000 to 550,000?

But once it is enlarged to the current raw material demand of Jinhua Company, the cost pressure will be terrible!

At present, Jinhua Company has not returned the funds, and it is completely supported by the boss. The other party has spotted this point and made it, right?

The purpose is to force Jinhua Company's capital to have problems, it is best to break directly?

Chen Jin fell into thinking...