Real estate players

Chapter 1088 1108. Hold on! We can win!

After Li Chengcheng stepped on the deck, everyone present stood up to greet him.

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time." Li Chengcheng nodded. In this situation, even if it is not convenient for him to be too strong.

In any case, the special talents were appointed by the inland center, and they were actually higher than him in terms of level. It was only because of Xiangjiang's special historical reasons that the current situation was caused.

"What? Didn't Chen Huajun come?" He looked around and found that there seemed to be one missing person.

Huang Zhenying explained with a sullen face: "Since he failed to compete with me for his specialty in 2007, his performance has been very strange. Although he cooperates in most cases, he often remains neutral at some critical moments. Even resisting. I'm afraid this time..."

"Still unfamiliar?" Li Chengcheng became annoyed.

Heung Kong has three administrative agencies under its expertise, namely, the Department of Administration, the Department of Justice and the Secretary of Finance.And Chen Huajun is the chief officer of the Financial Secretary.

Chen Huajun, who is in charge of Xiangjiang's financial and financial affairs, would make Li Chengcheng very difficult to deal with if he has an ambiguous attitude. After all, although his expertise is overwhelming, he still cannot compare with the pre-97 Governor of Xiangjiang.

Although eleven of the main administrative institutions of Hong Kong are jointly led by the Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary, they are outside the main body, and the most deadly financial administration and economic analysis for the four major families have found that they are Directly responsible to the Financial Secretary.

As long as Chen Huajun made no mistakes, even Huang Zhenying's speciality would not have the right to directly interfere in Xiangjiang's financial affairs.

But at this point, Chen Huajun chose not to move!

"Does the HKMA have any action?" This is what Li Chengcheng is most concerned about.It is an eventful autumn. If Chen Huajun stumbles at this time, the four big families will be completely desperate, and they can only choose to destroy both sides.

Fortunately, Lin Ruilang from the Department of Home Affairs replied, "No, I will let people take care of them. At the moment, everything is normal."

"Do you want to protect yourself?" Li Chengcheng nodded, did not say any more, and asked Huang Zhenying: "What happened to us all in such a hurry?"

Huang Zhenying looked at the crowd and asked, "Mr. Li, do you know why I chose to meet here?"

When this word came out, everyone was shocked!

Originally, as capital, meeting with politicians collectively was a prohibited matter, and confidentiality was a matter of course.But deliberately asked... yacht, offshore...

"Is it serious enough?" Li Chengcheng said solemnly.There is no doubt that Huang Zhenying's subtext is: run away at any time.If this meeting fails to produce results, he might drive the yacht straight to the high seas.

"That's right!" Huang Zhenying said solemnly: "As soon as Fei Zhe's investigation team was established and after obtaining the right to investigate from Xiangjiang, in addition to monitoring the outflow of funds from your account, it also monitored the accounts of many senior government officials. If not, I put people in the group in advance, and I have no right to intervene."

"Mr. Li, if I'm right, the center may want to do something with us. Xiangjiang, it's going to change!"

Li Chengcheng heard the words, his eyes suddenly became dark, he staggered a step, supported the sofa to stand firm, then slowly sat down, frowned and started thinking...

If what Huang Zhenying said is true, then the predicament in front of him is probably a dead end, so it's no wonder that he actually wanted to run away.

"Unexpectedly, just one Chen Jin dragged down the four major families to this level." Li Chengcheng bitterly said: "No, Chen Jin is just a cover, and the real behind-the-scenes is the inland center. Hey...I was early. What to think of..."

Huang Xiaoqing also said anxiously: "Mr. Li, what shall we do now?"

"Don't panic." Li Chengcheng said seriously: "The matter has not reached the worst. Isn't Fei Zhe monitored? Let him monitor it. As long as we are not messy, he will not be able to catch evidence. When there is no evidence, Under the circumstances, even the center cannot do anything to Xiangjiang..."

"After all, as far as the current internal and external situation is concerned, the most important thing for the center is stability rather than chaos. And they should be very clear that once we fall, Xiangjiang will immediately fall into chaos. The sequelae of more than 100 years is not So easy to cure. So we still have a reason to exist."

With a few words, everyone was a little settled.It's not that they don't want to understand these logics, but things have been developing in the worst direction in recent days. They need a backbone!

"Don't panic, hold on! We can win!" Li Chengcheng finally decided: "Next, our corporate side shrinks the front and strives to manage the projects previously invested in the inland. It is a show of weakness and sincerity. At the same time, your special government We must also take some measures to give the people some benefits and hope."

"In any case, it will be fine to survive this year. Obviously, as long as the competition within the center has a result, our situation will become clear."

Following Li Chengcheng's orders, everyone calmed down again, thinking about each other, and indeed they could only do so first.

Although Huang Zhenying's attitude is not optimistic, it is impractical to run away and give up all this choice in the light of the top figure in an administrative region that is extremely special in the world. Up.

It's hard to go from extravagance to frugality!

Finally, under Li Chengcheng's order, the yacht's engine started and began to return to Xiangjiang Bay...

At the same time, Chen Jin also left the remote village. With Zhao Xiuxian's help, he secretly reached the Regent Hotel.

After receiving Chen Jin’s notice, Fei Zhe has also invested all the resources in his hands into monitoring the top figures in Xiangjiang...

All forces have their own calculations, but Lou Bingzhang's reputation in Xiangjiang also reached its peak in this stage!

Especially after this evening, after the Public Professional Union announced the first draft of the new design budget, the total budget was only 32 billion, which was even a savings of 4 billion compared to the 36 billion announced by New Century Architecture!

This plan has made all the people of Xiangjiang start to look forward to it. How much can the real construction cost of the funding plan be saved?

And even according to the budget of this plan, once it is submitted and adopted, then according to the original plan of 75 billion, 43 billion of funds can be saved...

That is equivalent to that the special government suddenly vacated a budget of tens of billions. Where will this money be invested?

Everything is unknown!But the unknown means hope...

Late at night, Chen Jin finally met Lou Bingzhang in the hotel after having a meeting with Ma Yun and a group of executives.

When he saw Chen Jin's first glance at this man with a gorgeous hair, his eyes were a little disappointed, which exposed his heart.

"Mr. Lou!" Chen Jin smiled and shook hands with him: "It seems a little dissatisfied with me?

Lou Bingzhang was very pragmatic and nodded earnestly: "Even though I know you are very young, I didn't're so young. It's terrible..."

"The four big families that have dominated Xiangjiang for decades were actually driven into desperation by a young man like you?"

"Mr. Lou, we have an old saying in China that you should know, saying that you are not in your old age." Chen Jin said seriously.

Lou Bingzhang smiled awkwardly, speechless.

Chen Jin didn't care, and instead asked, "Where is your design and budget? Can I see it?"

"Of course." Lou Bingzhang nodded and led Chen Jin to the conference room used as an office.

In the huge space, the round table has been removed. The ground is drawn by various lines, a dozen computers, a dozen huge design desks, and some desks, forming the current "public professional alliance" .

"In fact, there are hundreds of members, but due to current conditions, many people work in their own homes and submit the latest plan every 6 hours." Lou Bingzhang explained.

Chen Jin stood at the door and watched carefully for a long time. He found that most of the people present were young people with a little childishness on their faces. Only a few middle-aged people, as the leaders of the small group, coordinate with each other.

He can even tell from the clothes, expressions and subtle movements of these people that most of these people are actually not rich.

Even Lou Bingzhang himself, as a member of the Legislative Council and the chairman of the Xiangjiang Architects Association, is also not so rich...

"You guys at Xiangjiang, it's been too hard!" He sighed with emotion: "So it seems that what we are doing now is correct."

Lou Bingzhang stood beside him for a moment, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Look at the design plan." Chen Jin smiled and walked in.