Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 341: No Co-Dade! [Ninth Amendment!

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Ten pours of daughter's red wine liquid poured out, limited in content, but extremely sticky, like amber-like colour, attractive, the liquid flowed into the wine bowl, instantly an unspeakably rich and intense fragrance, so vastly emitted.

It seems that this whole night sky in the capital city is drunk at the same time...

The other five assassins sat invisible outside the room, one nose shrugging desperately.

Chirp chirp.

This is just a sip, and you already feel that the belly bug is rebelling at the same time.

You can't drink, but you have to stand here and smell the fragrance, and you have to smell these wonderful fragrances. This is torture!

But the Infinity Holy Lord rarely has such an elegance, a couple of glasses of wine in his stomach, seriously long aftertaste, drifting like a fairy, feeling like he's just a few years younger, watching the world get better - this is really the most rare emotion for a killer!

So the Infinity Saint Lord really enjoys this feeling.

The only chance of drinking in this year, even the head himself needs to be the author, no exception, the infinite Holy Lord is naturally cherished, almost unconscious drank a few more glasses, immersed in the booze, a laid back party.

Drinking ecstatic.

Drink with a big heart.

Drink... Feel good...

Drunken and delightful, he suddenly heard a shocking drink outside: "The Infinity Holy Lord! Get out! ”

The Infinity Holy Lord and several killers suddenly heard the voice and stunned!

What's going on here?

What's going on here?

I'm drinking at the end of the line. I don't seem to be messing with anyone. Why do people call me...

Haven't returned to God yet, just heard another loud drink outside: "What, Infinity Holy Lord, are you really afraid to come out? ”

“How dare you? ”

The Infinity Saint instinctively feels that something is wrong.

But he still doesn't want to go out.

Who is this seat? You told me to go out and I went out?

Besides, I'm in such a good mood today, I really don't want to ruin my current mood...

So he sat still.

But it is rare for the Infinity Holy Lord to hold on to more than one thing, and to rest in peace.

He didn't want to go out, he didn't want any trouble at this time, but the other side didn't appreciate it at all.

Immediately afterwards, another person was heard yelling, “Holy Infinity! You son of a bitch! ”

As soon as this sentence came out, together with the Infinity Holy Lord, eight top killers of Infinity Lake came out in the eyes at the same time with anger!

Overwhelmed with killings!

This is the first time in so many years I've heard someone scold me so badly!

Soon, however, they knew that it wasn't bad enough, but it was just pediatrics.

Because then, instead of stopping, the outward cursing intensified, several people cursed at the same time, the sound was bright and shook the night sky.

The Infinity Holy Lord is a son of a bitch!

This sentence, instantly, makes half of the people in the capital familiar, echoing by everyone's ears, endless, endless...

The whole god of infinity is going to blow up!


I'm in a good mood once a year!

At this time, it's okay. Finally, I didn't go out to kill anybody. I drank a little wine where I lived. How could such a bunch of bastards carry my name outside and curse so badly!

What hatred do I have with you? Such a name scolding!

The infinity saint kicked over the table with one foot, and the anger rushed out!

He's decided!

Whoever the other side is, but since you dare to curse me like this, you must pay the price!

If you don't show up today and cut this off, won't the world laugh? If we don't kill all of these guys today, then how can we walk in the infinity lake?

What other faces are famous for?

The sound of “brushing” rushed out, the next moment the black robe flashed, but the trance room had reached the sky, then plundered dozens more, and at first glance saw the group of people scolding in the air.

Infinity Holy Lord this will almost just wash past without consideration.

If he didn't drink, he could have watched in the dark and raided. But at this moment, drink a few cups of the finest daughter, the Red Infinity Holy Lord, only feel invincible in the world, Uchi name, can not be so insulted.

Then he rushed to the peak of the season and other people, and the yin test sounded.

That gloomy rage is long overshadowed.

Ji Chengfeng turned around and again faced the infinite saint, laughing sarcastically: “What, are you scolded mad? Can't you finally bear to come out? Why don't you continue to be your shrinking turtle? Isn't it fun being a shrinking turtle? Have you finally revealed your turtle head? ”

The Infinity Holy Lord took a deep breath and suddenly shouted.

This sudden shout shouted and shook the sky!


The next moment, he just said: “Sunshine Sect is really a super sect, many masters, talented people, heh... I'm sure that my little infinity lake has not been in the eyes of the people of Sunshine Sect? ”

He said, “What do you want to do in the light of what the Japanese people want?" Provocative, demonstrative? ”

Ji Chengfeng faintly said: “The Infinity Holy Lord, the wise do not insinuate. Tonight, whether you come out or not, whether you always shrink or eventually show up, we will not let you go! ”

The infinite saint said, "Hmm? So you're waiting for the Japanese people to die? ”

A sunshine sect shouted: “The Infinity Holy Lord! You son of a bitch, curse you? I'll scold you. What can you do? Why don't you just keep hiding in your shithole? Is that your bitch giving you the guts? Hahahahaha... it seems like I'm saying something, you really have the guts of a dog! Dog daring is all the rage, isn't it haha, haha...”

The next few people laughed together: “That is, haha, haha...”

According to the authentic name of the Japanese Sect, the killer organizations such as the Infinity Holy Lord have always been less despised, plus what happened tonight, has made everyone sincerely insane. At this moment, there is no half good word, and there is no room for half turning.

Anyway, it's already clear, it's all in front of us. What more can we explain?

The Infinity Holy Lord is also angry at this moment. He was just scolding behind his back. Now that he has appeared, the other party still scolds so much. It's like scolding in front of the house, naming names, what else can he tell them?

One face to the other, no reason is mentioned at all. Each sentence is intended to develop in the worst place. Each of the three sentences is destined to stand apart from the other! (Great activity of pie falling from the sky, cool phone waiting for you! Follow ~ Point Chinese Official Account (WeChat Add Friends - Add Official Account - Enter qdread) and join now! Everyone has the prize, now follow the qdread WeChat Official Account!