Rebirth Enchanted Xiangjiang

Chapter 627: An Embarrassing Ending

"On August 13, 1937, the Japanese invading army launched an offensive against the squadron in Shanghai, and the squadron rose up to resist. The Nationalist government successively invested more than 400,000 troops in the Shanghai area to start the "Songhu War" with the Japanese army.

In September, the Zhabei Baoshan Road position fell; in October, the Japanese broke through the Dachang line of defense.The squadrons fighting in the Zhabei and Jiangwan areas were in a situation where they were confronted by the enemy and were forced to retreat westward.

The commander of the Eighty-Eighth Division and the deputy commander of the 524th Regiment under the famous long-legged general Sun Yuanliang led the officers and soldiers of the first battalion. He was ordered to stick to the four-row warehouse to attract the attention of the Japanese army and cover the main retreat.

At that time, the four-line warehouse was close to the Suzhou River in the south, the public concession controlled by the United Kingdom and the United States to the east, and the Japanese army occupied the west and north.This reinforced concrete building covers an area of ​​0.3 hectares, is 64 meters wide and 25 meters high. It was originally a joint warehouse for the storage of loans by four banks.

Until 3 a.m. on the 27th, a total of 420 people retreated from the front line to the four-row warehouse to participate in the cover. Due to the early casualties and the original establishment, it was also for the purpose of "rounding the whole number" and boosting morale to expand the momentum. In order to confuse the enemy, Xie Jinyuan still used the nickname of the regiment to have 800 people, from which the 800 strong men got their name.

The reason for defending the mortal place of Sixing Warehouse is that the place is right on the edge of the public concession and there is no cover. It is equivalent to broadcasting live warfare to the whole world, which is beneficial to expand the influence and win sympathy.

At that time, the west and north boundaries of Sixing Warehouse were occupied by Japanese troops, and the east and south were public concessions.When the Japanese attacked, they were afraid of accidentally injuring the concession and dared not use heavy artillery bombardment and plane bombing.

The soldiers fought alone for four days and four nights, repelling many Japanese attacks.In the meantime, people in the public concession waved their flags across the river, and even crossed the river to send condolences.The media reports from various countries have basically achieved the expected results.

After completing their mission, the officers and soldiers who had no way to retreat were ordered to retreat to the public concession and were disarmed.After the outbreak of the Pacific War, all the concessions fell into enemy hands.Xie Jinyuan was assassinated by soldiers bought by the Wang Puppet government, but unfortunately died. The remaining soldiers were escorted to the prison camp by the Japanese.

The Yang Huimin I played was a second-year student of Shanghai Runzhou Middle School. She joined the "Jiangsu Boy Scouts Field Service Corps" and came to the front line of the Anti-Japanese War.When she saw the "plaster flag" of the Japanese invading army all over Shanghai, she was full of anger.At midnight on the 28th, when the fighting was the most intense, she wrapped a national flag on her body, risking her life, dashed across the line of fire, swam across the Suzhou River, and presented the national flag to the eight hundred soldiers.

At that time, Xie Jinyuan said excitedly: "Brave comrades, what you sent us is not only a lofty national flag, but the unyielding spirit of our Chinese nation."

"Oh, then this Miss Yang Huimin must have been reused by the government in the end. I don't know what job this Miss Yang held in the end." Although I have seen the movie and knew about Yang Huimin's feat of sending the national flag, I heard Lin Qingxia introduced it in more detail. After the fierce battle, Spielberg was still surprised by Yang Huimin's bravery.

In Spielberg's view, at that time, Yang Huimin's heroic actions would definitely be promoted by the government, and Yang Huimin would definitely be on the same footing, and how could he get a job in the government.

Because let alone China that talks about human relations, even people like the United States will be reused.

But Spielberg was clearly wrong.

Lin Qingxia shook her head bitterly, and said with embarrassment: "After that, Yang Huimin returned to Chongqing. Well, Chongqing was the seat of the central government at that time."

Lin Qingxia was afraid that Spielberg was not clear, so she explained it specifically, and then continued: "Yang Huimin, who returned to Chongqing, was received by many KMT officials. The Minister of Finance Kong Xiangxi even arranged for Yang Huimin to be named by relevant departments and sit monthly. The leading salary was 500 yuan. Soon, Song Meiling summoned Yang Huimin again, encouraged her to study hard, and asked the Ministry of Education to make arrangements.

At the beginning, the Ministry of Education arranged for Yang Huimin to attend the Central University, and was later sent by the Ministry of Education to the Central Technical College in Geleshan.But here, Yang Huimin is not quiet, and has been unsatisfactory for various reasons.

Later, an American overseas Chinese helped Yang Huimin complete the admission procedures and scholarship of Columbia University, so she got the opportunity to study in the United States.But the trip to the United States was far away. In order to make up for the toll, Yang Huimin directly approached the Minister of Finance Kong Xiangxi to apply for government funding.

When the financial situation was extremely tight during the war, Kong Xiangxi directly approved a check for $3,000 to her. At this time, Yang Huimin was still taken care of in the KMT!

After receiving the cheque, Yang Huimin decided to set off for Hong Kong and from there to the United States.Before leaving, she went to meet Song Meiling again and bid her farewell. Out of love for young people, Soong Meiling also told her to "think twice about everything."

But just as Yang Huimin was preparing to transfer to the United States in Hong Kong, when the Pacific War broke out in 1941, Hong Kong fell, and his plan to study abroad fell through.Yang Huimin had to disguise as a small trader, caught in the refugees and returned to the mainland.She went to Qujiang via Huizhou, Guangdong, and was accepted by the National Government Relief Committee in Qujiang County.The committee has a refugee reception station in Qujiang, and its director is Chen Zhigao.

Chen Zhigao asked Yang whether he could accept the task of secretly transporting patriots from all walks of life stranded in Hong Kong back to the mainland.At this time, Yang Huimin was full of illusions. He wanted to devote himself to a thrilling life and create another glory. He agreed without thinking. Then, according to the list provided by Chen Zhigao, Yang Huimin traveled back and forth between Hong Kong and the Mainland to rescue people in Hong Kong. has received more than 40 key officials, such as the family of professor Wu Jingxiong of Soochow University and the relatives of President Lin Sen.

In 1942, Yang Huimin successfully completed the rescue work of three groups of patriots. The Relief Committee rewarded her and planned to make proper arrangements for her.

But at this moment, Yang Huimin met Hu Die, the big star at that time. At that time, the Japanese army discovered that Hu Die and Mei Lanfang were staying in Hong Kong, and they planned to take the two to perform in Tokyo.Filming a "China-Japan Friendship" video.As a result, Mei Lanfang "has beard and aspirations."Hu Die returned to the mainland with the help of agents.

Among those who helped Hu Die leave Hong Kong was Yang Huimin.However, it was this contact with Hu Die that caused Yang Huimin to suffer injustice.

When Hu Die left Hong Kong, he packed his clothes, jewelry, souvenirs, etc. in more than 30 boxes, and asked Yang Huimin to transport them back to the mainland.When Hu Die returned to Guilin, Yang Huimin wrote that he was robbed by bandits in Dongjiang, Guangdong and all his belongings had been robbed.Hu Die was heartbroken upon hearing the news.I was sick for several days.

After Hu Die returned to Chongqing, he lived at the former Shanghai Police Commander Yang Hu. When he cried out to Yang Hu and others, Yang Hu and others agreed to ask Dai Li for help.Dai Li had long thoughts about Hu Die, but couldn't find a suitable opportunity to get close.Upon hearing this, he immediately agreed to help solve the case. He sent people to Zhuzhou, Hunan, to arrest Yang Huimin and escort him to Chongqing, where he was imprisoned in the Lime City Inspection Office Detention Center. Soon, he was transferred to Xifeng.In 1945, he was sent to the dregs of a concentration camp where political prisoners were being held.

At this time, Yang Huimin no longer received attention. During the interrogation, Yang Huimin absolutely denied the theft.As the interrogation of Yang Huimin had not made any progress, Hu Die’s luggage could not be found out who was robbed. However, Yang Huimin was not released, but she was kept in prison for several years."
