Rebirth Enchanted Xiangjiang

722 The Importance of Choice

"Listen to Director Yu saying that Mr. Qiao is going to buy Liao Zhai to broadcast on TV?" Wang Fulin asked while helping his glasses.

"Yes." Qiao Feng smiled and nodded and said: "I think it is time to get Hong Kong to let Hong Kong people see the outstanding works made by mainland TV guys. Especially in terms of classic classics, I think the investment of the mainland will be used to sell far. The effect far beyond Hong Kong is really worth learning from Hong Kong TV filmmakers."

"Learn from each other." Wang Fulin humbly waved his hand, and then said with emotion: "But it is really hard for us to film TV in the mainland. This Liao Zhai is better. When director Yang Jie was filming Journey to the West, it was really hard. "

Wang Fulin said that Yang Jie, another director who filmed the four famous works, was extremely admired.

But it is normal. Director Yang Jie can be said to have explored the first special effects road for mainland TV filmmakers.

As a myth drama, the special effects of Journey to the West are naturally indispensable. But for the mainland in the previous years, the special effects are simply blank. Without lessons from the past, Director Yang Jie can only make himself a teacher of the back.

Using almost all the work of the crew such as camera, makeup, props, lighting, smoke, martial arts, etc., to work together to shoot countless times from all angles of a lens.

You must know that at that time the Journey to the West crew had no funds, no equipment, and only one camera.

The shooting of that lens from all angles is not like decades later. Several or a dozen cameras are shot at the same time. As long as the actors perform, the images from different angles can be shot at the same time.

Journey to the West shoots all angles of a shot, that is, the actor repeats the performance over and over again, and then the camera repeatedly changes the angle to shoot, and finally combines into different angles on the film to show the same shot.

It can be said that Journey to the West directed by Yang Jie is the originator of all movies and TV series that need special effects.

When shooting Liao Zhai, many special effects were made on the basis of director Yang Jie's summary and exploration of Journey to the West.

As a latecomer, Wang Fulin certainly admires it.

When it comes to hardship, it is technically one aspect, and the other is naturally capital. Journey to the West took six years before and after shooting, and Liao Zhai was a little bit less, two and three years before and after, but the investment was only a few million.

For example, Journey to the West was once blocked because of lack of funds. The actors did not work for nothing at the beginning. This is one of the three reasons why the actors in Journey to the West changed frequently at the beginning. Tang Seng had three reasons.

In order to save money and safety, we reused the facilities of Hangweiya, and a rope was ground very thin and still in use.

In a coercive scene, the monk Sha, who was 170 kilograms, fell directly on the cameraman's head, causing the camera to be unconscious for two days.

Big Brother and Ba Jie will give high fives every time they finish shooting. They are not injured this time, so they will continue to work hard next time.Everyone is filming with life safety.

Later, there was a salary, but it was only ninety yuan a month. But the actors did two jobs with one salary. In addition to filming and being an actor, they also did field work.

There is no starring and supporting role in the crew, everyone is treated the same.There is no assistant, no nanny car and no special treatment.After the filming is over, a few carts of equipment and tools must be moved with the crew.

When there is a lack of actors, the crew must also make up to save the scene.Li Hongchang is the deputy director of "Journey to the West", and he plays seven roles in "Journey to the West".

In addition to his own role, Yan Huaili, who plays the Drifting Monk, also guest-starred in nine other roles.

In addition to these two, almost all of the play's leading roles and the staff of the scene have guest roles in "Journey to the West".

I have to say that Director Yang Jie's ability to use resources is simply superb.

Then the Journey to the West filmed in such a difficult environment has become an eternal classic. When it was fully broadcast on CCTV last year, the ratings reached 89.4%. Even if there are not many TV stations at this time and the TV programs are boring, the ratings are still It is an absolute myth.

"I heard what she said." Qiao Feng pointed to Chen Hong on the side: "Taking Liao Zhai is also very difficult."

"Yes." Wang Fulin nodded in exclamation: "Fortunately, our hardship has paid off.

"It's a pity that Director Wang's Dream of Red Mansions was preempted by ATV. I have been sorry for not being able to broadcast such a good show on the radio for a long time. Fortunately, I finally don't have to regret this time." Qiao Feng laughed.

It's no more. Qiao Feng doesn't know what Wang Fulin is asking for him, so he can only continue to compliment him.

The compliment is false, because Qiao Feng, the classic of Dream of Red Mansions, is also heard. He hasn't watched it much himself and doesn't like to watch it. Unfortunately, it is true. The ratings of Dream of Red Mansions on ATV are still quite high.

If it is placed on the wireless broadcast that has always been overpowered by ATV, the ratings can definitely be higher. Naturally, wireless can also earn more advertising expenses, and it can also get closer with counterparts in the Mainland, TV stations, and cultural departments. relationship.

Hearing what Qiao Feng said, Wang Fulin also slapped his lips, which he was also very sorry. When ATV bought the Dream of Red Mansions, he was quite happy. He felt that he could export the TV series to Hong Kong.

But after a large-scale promotion of Dream of Red Mansions on ATV and then broadcast, Wang Fulin was not so happy.

Because the ratings are far below his expectations, not to mention that he can get the fabulous 80-plus like the domestic broadcast, but at least there must be 60 or 70.

But the fact is that the highest ratings of Dream of Red Mansions when it was broadcast on ATV did not exceed 50.

This is the importance of choosing channels.

If it is put on wireless, prime-time TV shows that are of better quality will rarely have a ratings below 30. But for ATV, it is great to be able to exceed 30.

Naturally, the ratings of Dream of Red Mansions on wireless may reach sixty to seventy, while on ATV, it will not pass the 50th hurdle.

"This Liao Zhai is a good start for our cooperation with Mr. Qiao and Wireless. I hope we can have more opportunities to cooperate in the future." Wang Fulin said sincerely.

"Definitely, I will cooperate more in the future." Qiao Feng nodded with a smile.

Cooperation, whether it is buying a film or making a movie, will be a big trend in the future.

Even if wireless self-produced dramas are enough for their own broadcasts, cooperation with the mainland will still become a trend, it is just a matter of how much.

Just like ATV, because it's not good at making its own dramas, it often seeks to buy good TV dramas produced by others to play.

However, because of the strength of the TV industry in Hong Kong, Wireless TV is good enough for self-produced dramas, so they buy very little.

"Miss Chen's costume is really amazing." Wang Fulin suddenly turned the subject and praised Chen Hong.



Thanks to the book friend Devil Little Tiger for 100 coins reward.

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