Rebirth I can see the success rate

The 559th chapter Lin Chen's big action

After leaving the Dust Cloud Foundation, Lin Chen returned to Stardust Investment.

In the company, several senior executives of Stardust Investment are already waiting for Lin Chen in the company's meeting room.

Not only Stardust Investment, Yu Chendong of Huawei Mobile, Ma Xiaoyun of Tmall, and even Xu Ling of Chenling Entertainment, Stardust Investment and executives of its subsidiaries, all gathered today.

When Lin Chen walked into the meeting room, these people had been waiting for a long time.

Everyone felt very mysterious about the topics of this meeting.

Because before the meeting started, Lin Chen didn't pass the breath with any of them. Even Tang Xin, who was closest to Lin Chen, didn't know what the meeting was going to do.Why did Lin Chen call all the executives of the company under his name?

However, looking at this posture, many people already had speculations in their hearts, thinking that Lin Chen might have something big to do, otherwise, they would not gather everyone together.

After sitting down, Lin Chen checked the time and said, "Now we will start the meeting."

"The first thing in today's meeting is that our Stardust Investment and its subsidiaries will undergo a group reorganization."


The meeting room exploded at once.

Although some people have guessed the theme of this conference, they did not expect it to be true!

In fact, although Stardust Investment and other companies have been established in a short time.

But in this short period of time, both Stardust Investment and other companies have developed rapidly.

Adding to the fact that Lin Chen likes to buy everywhere, Stardust Investment has indeed reached the point where it is time for a group reorganization.

Otherwise, the company will have many problems in management.

As if it is now, Tang Xin is the deputy head of the company, but sometimes some new companies acquired by Lin Chen, even she doesn't know the specifics. Although the management of the entire company cannot be said to be chaotic, it is not far from chaos.

Once the group company is established, it can be easily managed. Tang Xin can also recruit several deputies, and one person is responsible for one area, which greatly reduces his pressure. This is a good thing.

According to Lin Chen's plan, the new group will be named Stardust Group, and all registration work will be handed over to Tang Xin.

In the future, Stardust Group will have many subsidiaries, including Tmall, Huawei Mobile, Chenling Entertainment, and Stardust Pharmaceuticals, all of which will be merged into the group's business.

The current branch directors, such as Ma Xiaoyun and Yu Chendong, will become the executive vice presidents of each business department of the group, and will manage all the businesses they are in charge of.

In addition, the financial investment business and venture capital business of Stardust Investment will also form corresponding subsidiaries, and the original business leaders will be promoted to the general manager of the new company.

Seeing everyone talking and discussing for a while, Lin Chen stretched out his hand to make everyone quiet.

He went on to say: "Please proceed with the reorganization of each company as soon as possible. In addition, I hope that all subsidiaries will conduct a financial cleanup and return idle funds to the group. In the next period of time, I will make major moves. Provide me with plenty of bullets."

Big move?

What big move?

Withdrawal of funds from subsidiaries is actually a very common thing in various groups. After all, the group will provide them with a lot of support for the early start-up of subsidiaries. When the subsidiary makes money, the return of funds to the parent company or group is The return is also reasonable.

But Stardust Investment's situation is somewhat different.

Because it was the first time since Lin Chen bought or bought shares in these subsidiaries that he asked them to withdraw funds.

Before that, Lin Chen had just thrown money in everything, and had never asked the subsidiary for money.

If something is abnormal, it must be a demon. This time, what is Lin Chen going to do?

Under everyone's doubting eyes, Lin Chen ended the meeting.

But then, he left two people behind.

Tang Xin and his subordinates who have just become the general manager of Stardust Financial Investment Company.

There was a lot of people talking, and Lin Chen didn't plan to let too many people know about some things.

After everyone had left, Lin Chen said to his subordinates who had just become the general manager of Stardust Financial Investment Company: "From the past few days, you bought the shares of Guanghui Group on the stock market for me, in unobtrusive circumstances. Down, as long as there is no more than the warning line, there is no need to stop."

"Korn Ferry Group's stock?"

The subordinate just nodded and didn't ask much, but Tang Xin's eyes lit up.

"Lin Chen, you bought Guanghui don't want to do something against the Wu family, do you?"

Lin Chen smiled without saying a word, and did not answer directly.

But Tang Xin had already determined that Lin Chen was going to deal with the Wu family!

Tang Xin knows the grudge between Lin Chen and the Wu family the most in the entire company.

After all, when Stardust Investment was first formed, it was attacked by Wu Hui, the young master of the Wu family. At that time, Lin Chen had told Tang Xin about his grudge with Wu Hui.

"Just follow Lin Dong's words."

After talking to the colleague, the other party understood his face and went down first.

"Lin Chen, can you talk now? Don't say you are optimistic about the profitability of the Wu family."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Yes, I want to deal with the Wu family."

Tang Xin shook his head: "Lin Chen, if you want to deal with the Wu family by acquiring the Guanghui Group, I don't think it is possible. The Guanghui Group has a large plate and the Wu family holds a high proportion of shares. Even if you put everything except the Wu family All the shares are purchased, and it is impossible to shake the Wu family’s position in the Guanghui Group."

When Tang Xin said this, he immediately took out his mobile phone and directly searched the Internet.

"Lin Chen, the market value of the Guanghui Group is now close to 200 billion. The Wu family where Wu Hui belongs holds 60% of the shares of the Guanghui Group. Although our company has developed rapidly, I must say that you do not have the ability to deal with the Wu family! "

Lin Chen smiled slightly: "Tang Xin, do you know that if Wu Hui's father doesn't count the market value of the stock, is the family property actually not as high as mine? And the stock, but it will fall."

"Down? But the current stock price, price-earnings ratio and other data of Guanghui Group are very good. I heard that several P2P investment companies they have invested in recently have high profitability..."

"That's the problem!" Lin Chen suddenly sat up straight and said to Tang Xin, "Tang Xin, do you remember the last time someone in the venture capital department wanted to invest in a P2P company and was rejected by me?"

Tang Xin nodded. The last time a staff member of the venture capital department wanted to invest in the P2P financial investment company that is now flourishing outside venture capital, Lin Chen was directly scolded by Lin Chen.

At that time, many people wondered why Lin Chen was so reluctant to invest in P2P finance.

"If I said that P2P won't last long, and when the venture capital passes, all those companies will fall, would you believe it?"

Looking at Tang Xin, Lin Chen whispered.