Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 642: Shadows in the Dark

Cairo, the capital of Egypt, international airport.

Although it was late at night, the international airport was still busy.

But in a corner of the airport, there is a giant plane that is parked there quietly.

Several dark shadows looked at the two Chinese characters on the giant plane from a distance, and confirmed: "Yes, that is the Stardust, the private plane of Stardust Group Chairman Lin Chen!"

"The employer said that as long as the matter is done, you will each have 20 million U.S. dollars, and the money will be directly given to your family members. You don't have any worries. Understand?

In the darkness, several people nodded.


After tossing for a whole night, the next day, under the leadership of Brother Rasu, who was under control, Lin Chen and the others went back on the road, and after driving hundreds of kilometers in the desert, they arrived at another camp.

Compared with the camp last night, the scale of this camp is larger.

In fact, according to the testimony of the Rasu brothers in the car.

The previous camp was actually set up by the Rasu brothers and their family.

The actual tomb robbery was actually organized by a warlord himself, and the Rasu brothers were only one of the members involved in the tomb robbery.

It's just that when they saw the money, they came up with a temporary idea that they could use this tomb robbery to attract those who don't know how to go to the fake tomb, and they deliberately created the fake excavation site.

But they did not expect that the first group of guests they found would have seen through their scam.

The Rasu brothers carried out this scam with the warlords behind their backs. If those warlords knew that they were kidnapped in his name, they would be buried alive in the desert.

Therefore, along the way, Brother Rasu seemed to be squeezed, and kept begging Lin Chen and others for mercy, hoping that they would not reveal the truth in front of the warlord.

Kong's old age is old and easy to relent, he said: "As long as you can guarantee that what you sell to us this time is genuine, we will not talk nonsense."

"Really! Of course it is true!" Abdul said immediately: "Don't worry, old sir, when we dug out the tomb, the warlord was accompanied by archaeological experts. They have confirmed it!"

"This real tomb is indeed the tomb of Queen Hasebusu! They found a special kind of sapling in the queen's coffin. This kind of sapling was obtained from the outside world through trade during the period of Queen Hasebusu. The key evidence of the owner of the tomb."

What he said is true that the probability is...100%!

Seeing this, Lin Chen nodded to Kong Lao.

After meeting Mr. Kong, he was relieved.

After that, everyone entered the construction site. As the first guests to arrive, they received a grand reception from the warlord, and under the personal leadership of the other party, they entered the tomb.

Compared with the fakes prepared by the Rasu brothers, the size of this real queen's tomb is much larger than the previous one.

There are even more funeral objects inside.

But Kong Lao, who had already learned the truth from Abu Duo, wanted only one goal, and that was the mummy of Queen Hasaibusu, and the Queen's gold mask that was comparable to Tutankhamun's gold mask.

Finally, after some bargaining, the golden mask and the queen's mummy were finally sold for 200 million US dollars.

There were too many dreams at night. After everyone got their masks, they were ready to leave Egypt immediately.

"Great! With this mummy, another national treasure can return to China! Kobayashi, I have lost you this time, otherwise we will almost be fooled! Thanks to you!"

When he walked out of the tent, Kong Lao looked excited, but when he walked back toward the jeep, Kong Lao suddenly lost his footing and staggered to the ground.

"Old Kong?"

Everyone exclaimed, Lu Li rushed up and helped Old Man Kong up.

Seeing Kong Lao's pale face and pale lips, Lu Li reached out and touched his forehead.

"Crap! Old man seems to be sick!"

"Isn't it the queen's curse?" Abdul murmured from the side.

Lin Chen kicked it straight up: "You still have the face to say? It's not you who led us to run, will Kong Lao fall sick?"

Kong Lao's illness is not strange at all.

Because of Abu Duo, Lin Chen and the others took more than a hundred kilometers to drive this time, and they slept in the desert for one night.

In a hurry, Lao Kong had never rested since he got off the plane, and he was struggling again. Even young people like Lin Chen and others could not bear it, let alone Kong Lao is so old.

Lin Chen was about to take Kong Lao to the hospital immediately, but in the car, Kong Lao grabbed Lin Chen's hand and said: "No! Xiao Lin, this queen's mummy is a priceless treasure. If you don't bring it back to your country soon, it will be difficult to protect the people here. Will change!"

"Don't forget! They are warlords who kill people without blinking!"

Lin Chen then said: "Old Kong, then you go to the hospital to recover, and I will let Xiao Lu send the things back!"

"No, I must personally escort such a precious thing, I'm fine!"

Seeing Mr. Kong reduce his holdings in this way, Lin Chen discussed with Lu Li.

The two finally decided that it was better to let Kong Lao return home as soon as possible.

After all, the sanitary conditions in Egypt are terrible, and it is dangerous to send Kong Lao to the hospital. It is better to use his private plane to send Lin Chen back to the country as soon as possible.

As a result, everyone rushed back to Cairo with their mummies.

It's another whole day's trip.

Fortunately, it may have been his wish, and Kong Lao is still in good spirits along the way, but he has a low fever.

Lei Long and the others prepared some pills before they set off, which happened to be effective.

However, at Kong's age, it is best to go to the hospital for an examination.

When they arrived at the airport, Lin Chen and the others drove directly to the apron without getting out of the car. On the way, they had already contacted the people on the plane to get them ready for takeoff early.

But when Lin Chen and the others arrived, the plane was not even ready to take off.

A group of local airport staff are slowly adding water to the plane.

"Don't you let you prepare early?"

Lin Chen directly called the flight attendant Xu Yang and asked.

"Sorry boss, it's the airport side. Their water delivery truck has broken down and it has been dragged until now..."

Lin Chen waved his hand: "Forget it, let Mr. Kong get on the plane first, you remember, Mr. Kong is sick, you must take good care of Mr. Kong along the way."

"Good boss."

After sending Kong Lao to the plane, Lin Chen exhorted them a few more words, after asking them to leave as soon as possible, then turned around and went to the departure hall with Lei Long and the others.

Since the private plane was given to Lao Kong, Lin Chen could only take a flight to Europe.

However, when he saw Lin Chen leaving the private plane and heading to the terminal.

At the scene, several local people who were operating the water supply truck were dumbfounded.

Seeing Lin Chen leaving without boarding the plane, one of them left the scene in a panic.

"What's the matter? The target didn't get on the plane?"

"Then what to do?"

"Call them the old version to confirm! Hurry up!"