Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 613, terrible man

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"PX-1 starts attack!

The treasure pills put the huge ax back, and the road flying in front of the road, and the PX-1 of the peacefulist PX-1 was issued.

Lift your hands, a bright light from the palm of the palm, two laser lights to Qiaoba and others, the fierce explosion rose, and the arms produced will fly out.

Top-walking stopped the shape of the shape, the mountains are not very good: "Not good, this guy has a light wave from the palm of the meatball."

Flying to Namei on the ground, flustered from the ground to the far away, "What is going on, how is there anything, is this all the harvest of the Navy?"

"If I guess is right, these horror is not transformed, but the truly cut robot, but this kind of thing is just illusory for now."

As a transformation person, Franci will link the previous scene of the previously seen, and suddenly discovers different ordinary things.

Three weapons as the seven Wu Bear have been continuously appeared. This is impossible to transform through the human body. There is a compatrioven brother in front of the body, but it may be interpreted by trikimetry.

And passed the PX-1 number in Wat Toreneus Mouth, they just defeated the PX-4 number, so that this kind of guy also has four.

"Is the technology within the Ministry of Naval have stronger so much, actually can be so powerful robot, from now on, the Navy has reached the massive manufacturing."

I thought here, Franchi failed to appear a fear.

A peacefulist has made them a hundred pirates, two I am afraid enough to cover them, if this terrible thing is in battlefield, the rewards of hundreds of millions of thieves are difficult to escape, let alone the rest.

Soon's right hand is holding autumn water, and the face is ugly: "I discussed this, we are not as good as how to solve the problem now, if you are playing, we will be seriously injured."

Said here, the body is trembled, the body is seriously injured, and it is also hit by the laser light, and Solaron has reached the limit. If it is enough to be firm, Solaron is still not necessarily supported.

"And there are also Navy's generals on the island, I think we should now go to the Sunny there, there is a legendary Pluto Rally and Lin Tian, ​​we safe ..."

Robin proposes.

Just thinking slightly, everyone is not about the same point, in the face of this situation, I have to say that the idea proposed by Robin is the most suitable.

"Well, I am going to the policy, we apart from the action to escape" "

At this time, Lu Fei suddenly issued this command as the captain.

Everyone stunned, because they all understand anyone, sailing now, Lu Fei This is the only one to escape two.

Lu Fei is a person who does not give up, can say that leaving this decision, and it is conceivable to know how much pressure is in the heart of the road.

But now in the face of this kind of straw thieves, it is like a cliff, and has been in a desperate, and the enemy that appears again is no longer able to overcome it.

'' "Soron, Shanzhi, we three dispersed to protect them"

Lu Fei shouted with Solaron and Shanzhi, which is also good for his face.

Come to the great navigation now, even if they face many powerful enemies, they are not as good as today, and even the battle does not fight.

Shanzhi, Franch and Nami are all the way, Solaon and Upo have Brooke, Lu Fei, Robin and Qiaoba, nine people run into different directions.

"Point, everyone is in the position of the Sunni) and" "

"They scattered, PX-1 quickly chased, if they fled, then trouble, don't let them escape from wood"

, The face of the peach pill is slightly changed, and the ax in the hand is put behind, and the opponents will move toward the peace.

The figure flashed, the war of Wat Pills is very flexible. It is very fast to fly, and the grass road flying is the most difficult existence in a fire. The remaining members can escape, but the straw hat must be caught. live.

"Must kill.

Super Flame Star

Uso, Upopo, suddenly turned back, pulling the unformth of the unforming fairy.

I took the boy, the war, the giant ax, the giant ax suddenly, and the time was swayed and shouted through the ax, the beads were shredded, and the big group smoke blocked the War Toreneous Pills.

"Not good, flash!

Solaron suddenly stopped his footsteps, shouted in his mouth, grabbed Upopo behind him, and quickly pulled out the waist and ghost.

"Two knife flow.


Two shining chops waved, welcoming the void rushing War Torenews and launched the ax, suddenly turned down, powerful collision in front of Solaon.

The body that arrived at the limit was just launched an attack, and the pain in Saolong came to the pain, and the shock wave of the burst was in the chest.


Upopp climbed up on the ground, screaming in his mouth.

In the body, the injury is finally unbearable, and a bright red blood is sprayed out, and the body flew out behind the back, Brooke forated in a timely, caught the Solaron.

Jump to Up, I'm busy: "Go away, Uso, Mr. Soron, Mr. Sauon, is very serious, his body is being attacked to the attack."

"Ah good!

I didn't come in that I haven't been coma, and Upopon is too tone, climbing up, and the two rushed towards the 13th red tree.

On the other hand, Nimei and others were chased by the Peaceist PX-1, lifted the palm, and a laser light shot to Namei in the middle.

"Be careful, Miss Mi Mei"

After the mountain, the mountain governance was hit, and immediately shouted.

Without the reminder, Nami can already be aware that there is a hit behind and hold the body, and now you have anything to block the laser light, fear shout: "What is going on, why is there any attacked cute Beautiful girl, "

The laser light wiped Na's top, and the raised orange yellow hair suddenly had a lot less, nor did it know if it is a coincidence, or a flatist calculation, the laser light is in the bridge.

"What to do, the bridge is destroyed!

Seeing the bridge is completely destroyed under the explosion of the laser light, and the mountains and other people are busy stopping the footsteps. The bridge is destroyed, and the next Peaceist has chased it up, this is not escaped.

I heard the explosion from Namei, Lu Fei looked back, worried: "Go there? I don't know how they are."

Ping ... a break, the huge ax is flying over, deeply inserted into the road to the road to fly into the road, and the figure of the War Toreneous pill falls from the sky, falling in the ax, blocking the road to go forward.

Way Toleum Pills said: "You still have a feeling of worrying others, although I don't have a resentment for the pirate, nor a navy, but I am ..."

Rubber machine gun

Lu Fei did not listen to so much time and energy, stepped into Way Pills, and his hands quickly waved, and the endless boxing shadow was hit.

Since the other party has launched an attack, the War Torenesu has not said nonsense, and the feet are slightly opened, the body is half-squat, and the hands are in the palm, there is no very fast speed, just push it in front.

I haven't close to the road to the war, not only the move is interrupted, but I have been hit by itself, and I will fall in the direction of Paba and Robin.

"In the end what happened!

Choba couldn't believe that the war is just pushing, and the road will fly out. Is the other party to be so terrible? Qiaoba didn't dare to think, in the face of such a trick, you can defeat the opponent of Lu Fei, and how many opportunities they can escape here.

I saw the road flying over the eyes, and the peach pills came in the way, quickly moved to the way to the road.

Calm: "The attack is really different, but Laozi is the strongest man in the world, as if you have this kind of strength, even the opportunity to make the old man is not". "

Half your body, the handsome pairs, the road falling down, flying out, just as the force as a big force, Lu Fei was once again hit.

" "


The mouth is screaming in his mouth, and even with blood spurting, he will turn it into a housing that will become a ruined in the distance. The terrorist power has become a large pit.

"Lu Fei is a rubber man, how can this attack can fly a way?"

, Choba was once shocked again.

As the War Torenell, he is not a Navy, but he is the bodyguard of Beigagon, and it is also the captain of the Naval Science Forces, which is like the Navy.

It can be a very high status of Bergacon, which is a strong body of the World Government. The war is not simple. He said that he is the strongest man in the world, this sentence is not his own.

If Lin Tian is clear, Wat Tore Pill does match this title, and Lin Tian has never thought that the navy actually came to the hungry pill, if he did not let the bear came, I am afraid this road flying and others still It's really dangerous.

There are more powerful warfare, which can be said in the Navy of the young generation, only Lin Tian can press this guy.

Just as a bodyguard, War Toreneus body is not suitable for appearing in the world, otherwise the launch of the war will teach the entire great route.

The captain of the white beard, the superman diamond fruit capabilities, can change the diamond, known as the world's strongest physical defense, but the guy of the War Toreneous Pills can be the strongest man in the world, who is weak I will know it.

In the war, the gap between the road flying and the War Tung Pill is completely the astika, even the weapons are not used, with a double-handed second to kill the road, and the War Torenar has this powerful capital.

"Straw hat kidfall, today you don't want to escape from Laozi, Lin Tian's bastard has been treated by Laozi, with the old man's power, will not let Lin Tian run over, wait for me to bring you The Navy's department, Lin Tianlai is also useless. "
