Rebirth Inuyasha

Rebirth of Inuyasha Chapter 450


The pain of tearing the muscles and "flesh" from the sensitive tail finally made "Tama" Zaoqian utter pain.Kagome's tail was wrapped tightly, and he couldn't help but loosen it, subconsciously retracting it.

After Cuizi's Purification Sword had completed its mission, it collapsed into bursts of light. Cuizi's full blow also received the same counter-shock force.

Without condensing the second Purification Sword, Cuizi directly grabbed the Kagome that had fallen off from the tail of "Jade" Zao, hugged her, and then landed firmly on the ground.

The tearful "Jade" Zaoqian put the tail that Cuizi had cut in front of his eyes, breathing hard.Dozens of silver "hair" hairs have been cut off by the power of purification, leaving a clear dent on them.

" hurts, it hurts, big brother! My tail hurts so much! Uuuuu...This bad guy, she beat me! Big brother, she bullies me!"

The beaten "Yama" Zao stopped attacking, looking pitifully at Inuyasha who was embarrassed by her, he even sued.


Hearing the complaint from "Tama" Zaoqian, Inuyasha was careless and almost fell to the ground.Others also stared at "Yu" Zaoqian with huge sweating eyes, and finally knew what kind of person this little loli was!

What ancient monsters, what nine-tailed monsters, this is a child who has not grown up and is spoiled by his parents!

Nanako, you have company!

Afterwards, apart from Naraku and the ghost spider, the eyes of Inuyasha's people shifted from the "Tama" who was acting like a baby to Nanako!

"What's wrong? Everyone is looking at me!"

Nanako, who was enjoying the embarrassment of "Tama" with joy, felt everyone's attention, and asked strangely.

"Ahem...It's nothing, we just think that you and this little nine-tail can be very good friends! Very good kind!"

Coral put down the flying bones, coughed several times in his mouth with his fists, and whispered back.


The others nodded together, agreeing with Coral's words.

On the other side, Naraku was more shocked. He was rushing towards the ghost spider, ready to absorb him into his body. He staggered, fell directly from the sky, fell on the sharp sword on the ground, and was stabbed into a honeycomb by the sharp sword.

Hello, sister!Inuyasha is our enemy. You were beaten up and acted like a baby to the enemy. What is this?

For the first time, Naraku felt that joining forces with "Jade" Zaomae was the biggest mistake in his life!It's just that it's too late to regret it now. At this point, even the ghost spiders are "exposed", and it is impossible for Naraku to be anticlimactic in this plan.

He hasn't officially appeared yet!

The body pierced by countless sharp swords did not shed a drop of blood, it melted directly into a pile of black undercurrents, and along the gap of the forest of swords, formed a black wave of waves. , the ghost spider skewered towards the sky swept away.

"Want to eat ghost spiders?"

Although Kikyo was also distracted by the thick lines of "Tama" Zaomae, her spiritual sense had already locked Naraku dead!As soon as Naraku moved, she awoke from her lack of consciousness, bent her bow and set arrows, like clouds and flowing water, in one go, the demon-breaking arrow brought a stream of light, and "shot" the barbecued pork meat in the sky-ghost spider !

"Don't think about it!"

"Damn it, you guys, really treat me as the "meat" on the chopping board, let you slaughter it at will?"

The ghost spider that was skewered in the sky stopped the action of slashing and piercing the sword through his body, looking down at Naraku, Inuyasha and others below, and roaring angrily. Seeing that he was full of anger, it seemed that he didn't have a chopping board. The consciousness of the "flesh" on the

"Isn't it? (*n)"

Inuyasha stopped comforting, Xiao "Yu" Za stopped crying, Tsuiko let go of Kagome, Kiji put down her bow and arrow, even Naraku's face appeared from the front of the black "color" spring, everyone's eyes, They all gathered on the ghost spiders strung by countless sharp swords in the sky, and they agreed.


The dumb ghost spider's face turned dark, a mouthful of blood was vomited out of his mouth, and a rain of blood was shed in the air.

The ghost spider that didn't shed a drop of blood after being chopped and beaten by Inuyasha, at this time, everyone said in unison, spit out such a big mouthful of blood.

"Wow! It turns out that there are people in the world who are vomiting blood because of words. Let me vomit a few times!

Little "Yama" who was "sobbing" saw the ghost spider vomiting blood, the expression on his face immediately turned from "yin" to clear, and his brows opened with a smile, pointing to the ghost spider and commanded.

"I...I...I'll show it to you!"

Being ridiculed by such a nervous little "girl" child, the ghost spider has the heart to die.

"Humph, I want to die now, it's too late!"

A black "color" undercurrent was separated, and Kikyo's demon-breaking arrow was stopped. Taking advantage of the delay of less than a second, the black "color" stream of Naraku's incarnation had already burned the roasted meat... No, it was the ghost spider's body that wrapped it up.


The black "color" undercurrent was instantly pierced by the demon-breaking arrow, and then heavily blasted at the position in front of the ghost spider. However, in the gap purified by the demon-breaking power, the ghost spider had been lost.


Kikyo's eyes were cold, and Naraku's name was called bitterly in a low voice.

"Hahahaha... Kikyo, Inuyasha, this is my new ability. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you too. If you didn't severely injured the clone of the eight-headed snake, how could I have the opportunity to be a oriole? Grab! Then swallow"

Naraku's triumphant laughter came from the center of the black undercurrent, and came to the clearing of the Sword Forest cleared in front of the despicable Jamamo. The evil black undercurrent condensed again and revealed Naraku. Silhouette.

"Inuyasha, I am no longer who I used to be! From now on, I have the qualifications to stand in front of you, no! I have stood here, I... stand here!"

Naraku clenched his fist, looked straight into Inuyasha's eyes, and said confidently.

"Inuyasha! I can finally stand in front of you!"

Finally possessing enough power, Naraku, standing dignified in front of Inuyasha, with that mighty body, self-confident and strong demeanor, as well as the "excited" magnificent words, showed his existence to Inuyasha and everyone.

However, Naraku has forgotten what her mother told us, one can't be too proud, let alone be overwhelmed, because that would make it easy!

After setting up the coffee table, Naraku exuded a bit of arrogance, and immediately welcomed the cups!

A huge white "color" rainbow descended from the sky, violently "pumping" on Naruto who had all his attention on Inuyasha.


There was a loud noise, scratching the head of Naraku's posture like a cannonball, and was heavily smashed into the ground below. Then, the voice of the small "Tama" came from the sky.

"Haw, what are you talking about, disgusting thing!"

The little "Tama" who covered his nose gently slapped the air in front of her eyes, and glanced at Naraku who was smashed into the ground by her tail with disdain.

"Go! Fuck me aside, don't disturb me playing with my big brother!"

From the appearance of "Yama" to the present, the three men present, Inuyasha and Ghost Spider were all "pickled" by "Yama" Zao before, and now it's finally Naraku's turn!

Text Hundred and Twenty-second Chapter Deadly Sacred Arrow

In front of "Jade" Zao, who flew all three men present, triumphantly swayed three beautiful silver "colored" tails, looking down at Inuyasha below, for Kagome who was rescued by Tsuiko. I didn't care about the matter.