Biquge, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Rebirth of a Lady: The Second Wife of the Hou Mansion!Shen Dingshan said three good words. He bent down and picked up his daughter with one hand. "In the future, Dad and Xiao A Ning will make money together, and we will make ten miles of red makeup for my sister."

With tears in his eyes, he gently bumped his daughter's hand with his fist.

It really deserves to be my daughter of Shen Dingshan. When the Shen family is like this, we don't rely on anyone, we only rely on ourselves.

"How can you, how can you?" Mrs. Shen said several times how could it be possible, thinking about it, she has been messed up by the sudden incident. It was originally for these dowries, but now they are Didn't get it, but lost the wife and lost the soldiers.

From now on, Shen Dingshan won't even have Lou Xuefei's dowry, so what else can they dispute.

Shen Dingshan felt that Mrs. Shen was in charge of too much. Those things belonged to him. They belonged to A Ning. Whatever A Ning said, it would be the case. Besides, it was his wife’s last words on her deathbed, as long as she asked him. All agreed.

He is not afraid to give away his wife's dowry, because his little aunt said that they will earn it for themselves, and they are not afraid.

Outside the door, Shen Wenhao had already red eyes, but he did not cry, because he was a man, and he was educated to bleed without tears since he was a child, but he still cried, and he pulled his sleeve hard to wipe. He shook his face and straightened his body.

From then on, he will also earn ten miles of red makeup for his two younger sisters. He will take care of their dowry. As the eldest brother, he should protect his younger sister and stir up the family business.

From this moment on, he actually had a sense of responsibility that he had never had before. He used to love his sister and wanted to be nice to her, but he has never been like now, almost always taking an oath to protect the two sisters.

He only has two younger sisters, if you don't protect them, he would not be a good man.

"Let's go," Shen Dingshan walked to the door and said quietly to them, not to blame them for bringing Shen Qingci out.

The two and a half-year-old children followed their father without a single word. Only Shen Qingci was still lying on his father’s shoulder, with a pair of bird-black eyes, staring at those not far away. People in the second room who quarreled.

This promised second room is simply wishful thinking. It hurts her mother and needs her mother's makeup. Even if her mother's dowry is all donated, she will not leave them a half.

Shen Dingshan patted the shoulders of the little daughter in his arms again, and said to the two children behind him as if deserted.

Tomorrow, I will ask you to be written into my Shen family tree, in the name of your mother."

"Father..." Shen Wenhao opened his mouth, and all the things he couldn't finish talking were all gone.

Shen Qingrong pulled his brother's sleeve, first bent his knees, and then knelt on the ground.

And Shen Wenhao also knelt down quickly.

Both of them kowtow to Shen Dingshan in a regular manner.

"Go, go back, don't stay in this smoky place," Shen Dingshan was afraid that these people in the second room would ruin his little A Ning. His little A Ning is such a good child, he can't be like the second room. The children of, at a young age have already learned those intrigues that make the whole house restless.

And Shen Dingshan did what he said. On the second day, he adopted the names of Shen Wenhao and Shen Qingrong directly under the names of his deceased wife Lou Xuefei. In the future, their identities will also rise. The eldest son and eldest daughter of the General's Mansion will not only be their identities from now on, but even their marriages in the future will be completely reconciled and changed.

Although the adoptive sons and daughters are always less serious, but who made Shen Dingshan a few people, there are only three children, and the eldest son is only Shen Wenhao, and this promised family business will also He must inherit, so their adopted eldest son and eldest daughter are different from the others.

On this day, the weather was fine and the wind was warm in spring. Shen Qingrong was sitting in the small courtyard, teaching Shen Qingci to calligraphy personally, which can be regarded as an enlightenment for her. Most of the people in Beijing have already enlightened her brother when she was four years old. The children are only five or six years old. They also have schools in their mansion. Both men and women came from separate schools. Shen Wenhao and Shen Qingrong also went to school there before, but Shen Wenhao himself was admitted to Cangsong College and stopped She went to private school in the mansion, and Shen Qingrong has not gone for a long time, but she has been studying for more than six years, which is enough to enlighten her sister. Of course, she also feels that her sister is better than the average four-year-old child. Be smart and well-behaved, but what she likes most is holding her face in a daze, and what Shen Qingrong is afraid of is that her sister will become a nerd.

That's why I tried to help her enlighten, but I didn't expect that Shen Qing resigned and liked writing very much. Of course, he also wrote well.

"Daddy, Daddy..."

Little people have two toes on their heads. Because they are young, they can’t wear heavy jewelry, but they are decorated with three or five pearls, and the clothes they wear are all beautiful , Obviously a little fairy boy around the Bodhisattva, the more likable.

Although Shen Dingshan is a general, he has a lot of belongings. Some of them were left by his father a few years earlier, and his wife had brought many shops from Lou’s family. And Qiantian Qianqing, how much money he makes every year, Shen Dingshan didn’t even know, but from their daily food and consumption, and the waste of the other yard, one could know how much there was. They could also wear gold belts and silver, and have an old lady addiction. , Everything is to be compared with others.

Shen Dingshan cared for his little child the most. When he saw her coming, he also stood up, and left the few military generals who were still standing behind him. When he saw his daughter, he had no thoughts. .

And everyone knows that Shen Dingshan is like a treasure like a pearl to this prostitute, and sometimes he will sigh that the murderous general is such a good father, and they are really ignorant.

As soon as Shen Qingci came in, I saw that there were quite a few people inside, all of whom were Shen Dingshan’s subordinates, and they were all born and died with Shen Dingshan. She had seen these uncles and uncles in her previous life, and she was naturally familiar with them. Most of them were martyred in the battle with Shen Dingshan.

Until she saw them alive, Shen Qingci's heart and soul trembled. Only now did she know how many sins she had committed back then, how many people she had destroyed, and many lives.

Her own fault not only harmed Dad, but also harmed so many people. She was beaten to death with a stick in her previous life. She really didn't suffer at all. Even if she was sent to Hell, she deserved it.