Biquge, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Rebirth of a Lady: The Second Wife of the Hou Mansion!And Madam Du has no way to refute, because this is a fact, but it can't be ruled out. Now Shen Qingci means some revenge.

"I know what you are thinking?"

Shen Qingrong gave Madam Du a blank glance, and after this glance, she knew what Madam Du was thinking about?"You are just thinking, did my sister take revenge for those things?"

Madam Du's expression was embarrassing, and Shen Qingrong really got it right.

"She doesn't have so much idle time."

Shen Qingrong snorted, "If she wanted to retaliate, she would have already retaliated and won't wait until now."

Madam Du was embarrassed.

Shen Qingrong felt that she was about to break up with her, she kept missing her heart, she would get lost, and even her heart would be blind.

And there are some things that she didn't want to say at first, but she couldn't tolerate others to slander her sister, even if it was slander in her heart.

"You may not know?"

Shen Qingrong sank, no, not many people may know about this matter, and Shen Qingci didn't tell too many people, even she knew about it after she was like her brother.

"The Master Song sent a letter to my sister a few years ago."

Mrs. Du said.

"Letter, what letter?"

Shen Qingrong rolled her eyes, "He wants to ask my sister to do him a favor."

Madam Du was also relieved, she was really scared to death, what did she think she believed was?

"What does Master Song ask for?"

Of course, Shen Qingrong did not disappoint Madam Du.

Madam Du wants to know that she will tell her completely today.

"The Master Song is not childless for many years. He wants to find the genius Doctor Mo Feilei to treat him."

Shen Qingrong raised his eyelids faintly, and then said, "Later, my sister let the genius doctor Mo pass once. Guess why that one married a concubine in the seven or eight rooms, but in the end he still did not give birth to one. Son and half daughter?"

Mrs. Du shook her head. How did she know that her fate was not good?

Shen Qingrong greeted her suddenly, and then he told her clearly and clearly, "Because that Mr. Song, his aunt's wife, is also the mother-in-law of the girl Song that you like. The medicine of the last son, any of those concubines who don't want to be pregnant with a child and a half, it is always impossible for Song Mingjiang to give the medicine, so the only one who can give this medicine is the Xie family. This is really the most poisonous woman. People’s minds, because they can’t give birth to a son, and are unwilling to let other women give birth to their eldest son, they abolish their husband. This person is all broken. What is the difference between being abolished?"

The smile on Madam Du's face froze there.

Shen Qing took care of his Yun Temple, "And when the genius Doctor Mo returned to my house, A Ning, my family A Ning did not tell Master Song, that is to say, the face of Master Song, and the other Song The girl’s future is nothing more."

"Otherwise, you think that as the daughter of the Xie family, even if Master Song doesn't irritate Song Min, the old lady Song will be able to let go, and the girl Song still has a good food and clothing studying in Songlin Academy, and then she becomes this In Lin Song Academy, a well-known talented woman?"

"If you like it, let your Yuan'er marry her."

Shen Qingrong picked up the cup and took a sip of tea. After saying so much, his mouth was dry.

"En," Madam Bai nodded slightly, "Waiting for her to be like her mother, unable to give birth to a son, until you gave your brother Yuan a few concubines, she also gave you that kind of medicine. , You must know that if you have a mother, you have a daughter. In your whole life, you will count on having a grandson."

And Madam Du didn't really think about it, if it wasn't for an impure woman, how could she make Shen Qingrong so disgusted, because besides her impure mind, she was also a snake-hearted.

This not only harms people, but it also harms people's children. If someone marries this, it may be true, and it must be cut off.

Madam Du's entire face was pale at this time.

Just when she wanted to say something, she heard someone falling into the water in the distance, and she couldn't help but chuckle.

This one stood up and ran forward, as if he knew something.

Shen Qingrong and Mrs. Bai glanced at each other. What's wrong is to be a demon again?

But no matter how it was done, it has nothing to do with them.

Mrs. Bai has only one daughter for three months now. Shen Qingrong’s adult sons were taken away by their maternal ancestors. Except for being young and entering school, if they dare to run back by themselves, they will definitely be given away by their maternal ancestors. You can't break your leg.

As for the two of them, neither of them has a son, nor is one of them here, so no matter how you calculate, you can't calculate them both.

"Let's go see it too."

Shen Qingrong stood up and evened the corners of his clothes.

If you want to come, there will be excitement to watch.

Yes, there may be real excitement, but I don’t know if that person caused it?

And until the two of them arrived, the lake was surrounded by many people.

After a little inquiries, you can find out, it seems that a young girl fell into the water, and now it seems that someone has jumped to save people.

Madam Bai pointed to one side, and also let Shen Qingrong look over.

With this look, Shen Qingrong saw Madam Du clutching her son's arm tightly, and her face paled in fright. At this time, Madam Du's son also looked nervous, thinking what happened to Madam Du?

"Mother, don't be afraid."

Mr. Du quickly comforted his mother.

Are you still afraid?Madam Du was so frightened that Huarong was pale, she didn't see that she was sweating now, but fortunately, she ran fast, she took out all the strength to breastfeed when she was a girl. It was her son who pulled the sleeve of this son, and at night, it was her son who jumped off.

If there were not so many people now, she would really want to hold her son and cry, she would have no grandchildren.

"Mother," Young Master Du was still comforting Mrs. Du, "Don't worry, that girl Song will be fine. Brother Ruofeng was born in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, and he will surely rescue her."

The ones who can't be saved have something to do with her.

Mrs. Du is still pulling her son's sleeve. If she said that she still had three points of suspicion, she now believes it completely. She also grew up in a wealthy family. Such methods are ruined by others. Song Min's heart of Sima Zhao came out.

No matter how other people didn't fall into the water, it was just that she fell into the water. It was so good that she didn't go anywhere, but she had to go to the lake and fell back.

These eight achievements are for cooking mature rice with raw rice

"Come up, come up!"

I don't know who said that, everyone has already discovered a young man in the lake, hugging and pulling a young girl over, and the plain white clothes worn by that girl is very conspicuous.