Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman

Chapter 146: Apricot Branch Watch Loyalty

Sang-wan was a little stubborn in this matter. He shook his head and laughed: "I never wanted to ask anyone else. Let me see what the apricot branch means! Sister, ask her. Just say what I say, so she doesn't have to worry. Say what she thinks! After so many years of dedicated service in Ningyuan, it is okay to ask for such a grace! ”

Sister Li could not persuade him any longer. She had to promise and felt sorry for herself. The apricot branch can be said to be that she looked like she had grown up. Although the girl was a little too sane and Ming Zhe was conservative, her work was very reliable. As long as she promised to go down, she would not make a set of small actions in front of her back. It was very reassuring. If she walks away, Red Leaf can't do the main thing, only her two good willow buds obviously can't, then teach the little girl, it depends on fortune and fortune!

In fact, the Yang Quan family wanted to come to Ning Garden for grace a few days ago, but was deliberately stopped when she found out. The Yang Quan family is also intelligent, so they stopped this without giving her face.

After a few days without movement, Sister Li thought she had really given up, so she was relieved. Who knew that the woman was so sly, but didn't say clearly, but put the wind in Sang-wan's ear, Sang-wan asked her again.

“Even if the apricot branches are willing to go out, the old slaves will have to wait till the end of the year! In March and April, there was not so much going on in the palace. What did Grandma think?” Sister Li laughed again.

Hurry back to find two or three proper little girls, let the apricot branch help bring along first, then teach yourself slowly, choose one of the best focus cultivation, there is a few months slower but stronger.

More importantly, at that time, Uncle Song's second uncle Chunju should have come out as well. Bodhisattva blessed a middle-income soldier or something, so Grandma could rely on another layer, and nobody dared to mess with Ningyuan!

Sang Wan also knew that it was New Year's Eve at the moment. I didn't know how many things were waiting to be busy. It was not appropriate to change people at this time. He nodded with a smile: “Still the nurse thought carefully, please explain it clearly to the apricot branch! ”

“Yes, Grandma!” Sister Li shook her head in the dark, Grandma, you were too careful! No matter what, she's just a girl. Explain something to her!

Who knows, the reaction of the apricot branch was so popular with Nanny Li. Before Nanny Li finished speaking, the face of the apricot branch changed slightly. “Nanny, this is the mother of the slave's choice. The slave doesn't want to go out yet! Slaves want to serve Grandma for years! ”

Sister Li stood still and couldn't speak for a moment. The first thought was, could this girl be a magic trick?

If it's red leaves or some other girl says it, Nanny Li believes it, but she really doesn't believe it. This girl doesn't love a lot of things. Now she has such a good chance in front of her, she refuses?

“Listen to me first!” Sister Li, at her discretion, decided whether not to push the boat in the water, or let Grandma's meaning be clearly stated, save the future from failing Grandma's kindness.

Nanny Li laughed. “If Grandma asked me to ask you, I would say it in good faith. I'm not playing with you! You don't have to worry. If you really want to go out, just nod your head! Don't worry, Grandma is not such a conscientious person, you little girl, don't think left! ”

Apricot Branch's heart was dim. I had no idea that Sister Li mistrusted her so much. No wonder she said nothing more than what she deserved. The first thing she thought about was whether she was harmful to herself or not. If she felt there was, she would never do it. The reason why Sister Li would keep her, but one of the advantages of seeing her is that she is serious about what she should do. Of course, she herself stands by it.

“Sister, this is what slaves say. The slaves want to serve Grandma for a few years and don't want to go out yet. Please tell Grandma so!” The apricot branch said categorically.

Nanny Li remained calm and quiet. She still had some doubts in her mind. She laughed again. “Can you think so and don't think so unjustly that Grandma loves you? Is that what your parents mean? ”

Speaking of parents' apricot branch immediately understood, it must have been the same affair again, her face slightly red. Gold steward family is very good, his son has a good reputation, and the apricot branch has occasionally seen one or two sides in the past. Her heart does not exclude this affair, but she does not want to marry so soon.

“My parents will listen to me, Sister. Don't worry.” The apricot branch hastily said.

Nanny Li saw that she had said that, so she didn't persuade each other anymore. Finally, she had a few more smiles on her face. She nodded her head and smiled: “That's fine. Go out in three or four years. I'm sure Madam won't hurt you! Actually, I want you to stay. After all you've been in this garden for so many years, you know everything. Grandma, think for yourselves, don't take yourself seriously! Why don't you go talk to Grandma yourself? ”

Xingzhi knew that Sister Li was intent on making herself faithfully attracted to Sang Wan. She smiled and promised to go with Sister Li.

When Nanny Li answered, she withdrew and left the apricot branch to speak to Sang-wan alone.

Without waiting for Sang Wan to ask, the apricot branch has knelt down and kowtowed a tearful head: “Grandma, the slave really wants to stay to serve Grandma, please leave the slave! You owe the slave a rebirth, and the slave will serve you for the rest of your life. How dare you save this selfishness and leave? Please, Grandma, complete! ”

After that incident, the apricot branch did not change much compared to before. It remained so silent. Sang-wan thought she had forgotten. Naturally, she would not deliberately remind her of the reward. Anyway, to help her, more out of a certain feeling of compassion for the disease, Sang Wan didn't expect her to be grateful at all. At this moment, listening to the apricot branches, I feel like I want to turn my back. I'm a little overwhelmed by Sang-wan.

“Get up and talk!” Sang Wan raised his hand and smiled. “It's not that serious. I shouldn't have detained you for it. If you want to leave, I won't stop you. You'll stay. Naturally, it's better! ”

“Slaves stay!” The apricot branch kowtowed and, thanks, got up and said: “The slave wants to stay to help Grandma, the slave said that since then the life belongs to Grandma, the slave has never forgotten! ”

“What's wrong with that?” Sang Wan couldn't help but sigh and laugh: “It's like I'm in the Dragon Pond Tiger Cave! ”

“Grandma,” said the apricot branch positively. “That's exactly what the slave thought. ”

Sang Wan couldn't help but change her face for a moment.

The apricot branch glanced up at her and said frankly: “There are some things the slaves have long wanted to say to Grandma, it's just that they never found the right opportunity to talk. Grandma, you should not forget, in February of the year, the cousin will take away, the means of the cousin,” Xingzhitong, "continued:“ The slave has seen too much... now there is a big aunt in the house, her temper, even more so - Grandma, not the slave boasts, the slave stays with you at this time, there will always be a little use. ”

Sang Wan's face changed slightly without realizing it.

“It's hard for you!” Sang-wan sighed softly: "I don't want you, but it's all for me!” He said with a joke: “You are also stupid. If you know what's inside you, you should try to avoid it at this time. Yes, why spread the water! ”

"" Even though you are not a noble man, you know the logic of the gratuitous newspaper. Grandmother, you can trust the slave in the future, no matter what you leave to the slave to do. ”

This sentence is more credible than any oath, and Sang-wan believes that as long as it is said by the apricot branch, there is no need to doubt it.

“Well, that would be nice to hear from you!” Sang-wan finally nodded with a smile.

“Grandma trusts the slaves, and the slaves are relieved!” The apricot branches were relieved, and they laughed at each other.

Turning to La Moon, the master cabinet and the guys in the company have been arranged. The holiday home has been set in motion. The remaining affairs have been allocated in a well-organized manner, and the various accounts have been accounted for, and the rest will be counted in the next New Year.

As usual, this month is Phoenix's most leisurely month, so you don't have to go to the trade name to rest in the house every day. He rarely rests for a few days of the year. The Wang family cares about his son. If he asks for peace in the morning, he will spare him and let his son rest. Even Sang-wan's regards were spared. She was only ordered to serve her husband well.

At times, Phoenix won't really get away with it. However, she has to go later than usual. She often used breakfast for a while. The couple went there together and sat down with Wang to say a few words.

The sons and daughters of the Wang family are all beside each other and are naturally in a happy mood.

On this day, they had just returned to Ning Garden from Wang Shi. As they took off their inner lined thick fur and complained about the cold weather, they had not had time to sit down and have a hot cup of tea. Who knew that Xiu Chun's feet next to Wang Shi came in and laughed: “Young Master, Grandma! Ma'am, I need you both to hurry up! ”

"The two were slightly surprised at each other." Why? Mother's bored. Wanna play cards with us? Grandma, there's something else you can't do. Let's go. I'll go with you! ”

Xiuchun hurriedly laughed: “Young Master, it's best to invite Grandma to come with us! Madam received a letter. It seems to be a letter from the Third Master. I wonder what it is! ”

“Uncle San?” Xifeng was stunned and smiled at Sang Wan: “Uncle Sanchuan was an official in Sichuan, but he hasn't sent a letter to his family in two years. Maybe something really happened, let's go check it out! ”

“OK!” Sang Wan nodded, busily ordered the person to bring the big hammer she had just taken off and put it on. She couldn't help but play the drum in the dark. I hope nothing happened. I hope the people in the third room don't look like Grandma...

By the time Feng Feng and Sang Wan arrived, the Wang family had already asked someone to read the letter. As they handed it to Feng Feng Feng, she said: "Your third uncle, third aunt and two cousins said they were coming back for the New Year. They were afraid that they would be here in a few days. Hurry up and pack up the house and get a few rooms out, as well as a clothing shop and a copy of everyday household items. ”

“Uncle and Aunt San suddenly said to come back! Is something wrong?” Xifeng was surprised and busily took the letter and opened it.