Rebirth of Naruto's Terumi Ming's fiance

Chapter 147 Mutation of the Vortex Clan?

After half a day of rushing, Bai Yu first quickly returned from the country of thunder to the country of Yu, and then entered the country of grass from the country of Yu.

Finally, at the third mission location, Toida Road's Tsumago-juku stopped.

Although Tsumago-juku is a small place, it is a very famous post in the country of grass, and there is a constant flow of ninja and samurai. In fact, it is more prosperous than Rose Street.

Various facilities in the area, such as bathhouses, taverns, barbecue shops, shops, hotels, and custom shops are all available.

And because most of the travelers are men, the custom shops are extremely prosperous, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a place where you can earn money every day.

When Bai Yu came here, he didn't immediately perform the assassination. Instead, he quietly made the detonation talisman, and the shadow clone was constantly observing the passing pedestrians.

The target to be assassinated was the manager of the Wisdom Inn, but Bai Yu didn't know why.

After all, this kind of entanglement involving various forces is confidential.

However, as a few places in the country of grass that are extremely wealthy, and as one of the sites of the country of grass to pass government orders, killing the administrators of the Wisdom Inn must not be a simple conflict of interests.

The major power wars are coming, and it is understandable to target Konoha's younger brother, the country of grass.

But it is precisely this way, it will not be easy to kill the officials there.

After some observations by Bai Yu, it was discovered that there were still many people protecting the mission target.

Not only the local security team has dozens of people, there are also many dedicated ninja teams.

Bai Yu could only watch the residence of the mission target from a distance, but just by looking at it from a distance, he could see six ninjas standing guard in various positions, and they often rotated.

After several rotations, Bai Yu found that there was a duplication after three rounds, that is, there were 18 guarding ninjas.

But this is still clear. According to the display of perceptual ability, there are still many people in the mansion of the mission target, and it is still uncertain whether it is a ninja.

Although the only thing to face is Kushinoba, it is also a bit tricky.

Although Kusano is not very strong, they are good at learning ninjutsu from other ninjutsu villages, and transformation is one of them.

If there are ninjas dressed as mission targets, the mission will be very troublesome.

Moreover, when he observes the residence situation of the mission target, he only observes from a distance, and with his perception, he can't fully observe the entire mansion.

If there are other secret rooms hidden in the entire mansion, it may be even more troublesome for him to assassinate the manager of his wife's cage.

So he needs to get in and check, or kill all the people inside.

In terms of efficiency, Bai Yu prefers the latter, but from a moral point of view, Bai Yu will give priority to the former.

But what worries him a little is, what if this mansion is just a bait, and the real hiding place is elsewhere.

The assassination task had to take time. Although Bai Yu didn't have a lot of time, there was nothing he could do now.

I originally wanted to do such a task smoothly, but I didn't expect that the upcoming war would actually strengthen the guards around a local important person to this level.

It is impossible to give up the task, so now he has pitted himself.

However, years of experience in performing tasks was not for nothing, and the shadow clone soon found a special man among the crowd.

This man was neither a ninja nor a samurai. He was a quick-footed official who seemed to be an official specializing in errands.

When the man walked to a relatively secluded place, Bai Yu intercepted him and fainted, using the time-reverse technique to detect information.

After some inquiries, Bai Yu only confirmed that the decree came from that magnificent mansion, but he could only confirm that the decree came from there.

The specific task objective is still uncertain.

But after the interrogation, Bai Yu could only begin to prepare.

After all, the grass has already started, and it is bound to surprise the snake, and sooner or later it will be discovered.

So they cannot give them time to react.

Just as Bai Yu walked out of the alley to prepare for the assassination, the pedestrians suddenly became agitated.

"Have you heard? That woman killed people again. This is the third one~"

"It's really harmful. It is said that her husband was killed by her, and it was all while doing that~"

"Hey, it's just a pity. He is so good-looking. He just died and went to work in the night dance house. I thought I could play once~"

"Heh, don't be afraid of losing your life, let's go play, but this is the third time. The police can no longer tolerate her, right?"


Bai Yu was a little baffled, but he knew the night dance house.

Yewuwu is a more open custom shop in the local area.

Although there are many custom shops in Tsumago-juku, most of them are more serious, and many married women also work in them.

The night dance house is not serious, as long as you have money, you can experience more fun custom shops.

I heard from the pedestrians just now that a young lady may have committed the crime, but what is going on with the harm to the dead...

Although he did have some ideas in his mind, it seemed a bit too strange. After all, the men who came to play were all men with good physique...

Unable to help curiosity, Bai Yu followed the crowd to watch.

I saw a woman with disheveled clothes and delicate appearance on the thick wooden stakes, her hands and feet tied to the wooden stakes.

"Burn her to death!"

"Burn this poisonous woman to death!"

"Burn this bitch to death!"

The surrounding women scolded and even strongly demanded that the woman be burned, while the men who were also around followed the scolding while staring directly at the woman's snow-like skin exposed to the air.

The woman has hot red hair, which is scattered on her plump body at this time, don't have a hot and seductive feeling.

It was a little weird that the woman was smiling, although she was a little numb and godless, but still as magnificent as a rose, she didn't know the fate that she would face next.

"Mom, mom~"

Suddenly a cry that was different from the crowd attracted Bai Yu's attention.

I saw a girl who also had red long hair and looked very watery, shouting frantically.

When I saw these two people, Bai Yu thought they belonged to the Whirlpool family, but he deliberately sensed it and found that their Chakra reaction was completely different from the Whirlpool family.

Although normal people are also very different from the whirlpool family.

But the two of them seemed to be born, the opposite of the whirlpool family.

Generally speaking, people of the same ethnic group have similar Chakra responses, all within a certain frequency range.

The frequency of different races will be quite different, but completely different in the opposite, or the opposite of the whirlpool family, Bai Yu has seen it for the first time.

However, based on the genetic level, it seems to be somewhat related.

For example, large and small, generally large are dominant genes, and small are recessive genes.

So assuming that the normal Chakra reaction of the vortex family is dominant, will the reaction of the mother and daughter be recessive?

In other words, they are also members of the vortex family, but they have a very small chance of mutation.

In any case, these two people are relatively special existence, and it is a pity to die.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yu walked into an alley, and then a team of warriors from the police station walked out of the alley, each fully armed to the place where the woman was tied up.

"Hey, give it a way, give it a way, the one who is carrying firewood over there will stop now, and our security team will take her away!"

The executioner who was moving wood to burn the woman to death was puzzled.

"Why is this? Isn't the interrogation about her over? Isn't this kind of woman the best thing to burn to death?"