Bai Yu directly ignored the label that the male medical ninja gave him, but was a little curious.

It seems that more than one person has been labeled this label.

Seeing that Bai Yu was stunned, the male medical ninja pointed to a woman not far away.

The woman has a gentle appearance, wears a pair of glasses, and wears ordinary brown burlap.

In front of a medical ninja, he put his posture very low, as if she was willing to help if she was asked to do anything.

"That person is also a good hand at immortality, but the treatment speed is too slow in the face of the new theory, so you can study with her and help you when you are busy~"

After all, the male medical ninja once again condensed green light, and then healed the ninja in front of him.

The big beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, and he didn't care about wiping. He looked at the wound of the wounded intently, and he was relieved until the wound was completely crusted.

There are many medical ninjas like this. They all cure for a while and then rest for a while, unable to continuously treat.

But think about it, it’s been eight hours since entering the camp.

Eight hours of continuous treatment is indeed exhausting enough for the minority medical ninjas.

The slow progress of treatment at this moment is also natural.

For the inability to help with the treatment, he could only help him, Bai Yu didn't think there was anything wrong.

In fact, there are very few wounded, and almost every wounded waiting for treatment has stopped bleeding.

And most of the pain is not good, it is the after-effects of the treated wounded who mistakenly believe that they have not been cured.

They probably only take some painkillers, but at present it seems that the medicine is not enough. Many people are screaming as soon as they wake up, but there are not too many people in charge.

But think about it, you can know, but there were a lot of casualties not long after entering the battlefield, and the medicines carried by the medical troops were definitely not available.

Every unit has a prediction of possible casualties, but it will never bring enough wound medicine for the entire unit on the first day.

Therefore, the wounded who have been cured can only be left dry, and occasionally give them a stick to bite themselves to endure the pain.

Seeing that the medical department doesn't need medical staff, but Bai Yu, who is in urgent need of painkillers, she simply came to Wen Wan and asked.

"Is there anything I can help?"

The woman helped her wide glasses and looked at Bai Yu.

"Are you a medical ninja who hasn't learned new theories?"

"Forget it... can't you help if you haven't learned it?"

"No, it's just a bit slow, and it's not our turn to treat. It's okay to help with some minor operations."

The woman didn't look dissatisfied at all. When she talked, she still had a small smile on her mouth, as if she just stayed in the medical camp, even serving tea and pouring water was enough.

Although there is not much contact yet, this woman gives Bai Yu a special feeling.

She doesn't deliberately get close to others, but gives people an unspeakable feeling of wanting to be close, as if getting along with her will definitely be very light and pleasant.

This is a woman who knows everything.

Bai Yu was a little surprised to have such a woman in Wuyin Village.

In other words, even Konoha could hardly produce such a person, who often exist in fairy tales.

Of course, there is another possibility, but no one wants to think about that possibility.

Even Bai Yu didn't want to think about it, lest the beauty before him suddenly shattered.

"You should have been learning for a long time, have you gained anything?"

The woman stared at the ongoing operation without squint.

"This is not a skill that can be mastered in a day, but it will be very useful. Judging whether the wound is cured according to the characteristics of the wounded in the perceptual state. It is more reliable than before relying on experience."

"As far as the past treatment is concerned, the treatment of large wounds often takes a lot of time, and the wounds cannot heal quickly and effectively."

"Moreover, even if the wound is healed, the unaccounted part of it will still cause pain for the wounded for a long time. Unlike those wounded who are now wailing, it is estimated that it will be healed in two or three days."

"Nanoko, come and help, the anesthetic dose is not enough, so the wounded must be treated quickly~"

Halfway through the explanation by the woman named Nanoko, she quickly apologized to Shiraba and ran to the female ninja who was releasing medical ninjutsu.

"Nanoko, is that person a medical ninja who has not learned a new theory?"

Nanoko quickly picked up a tray and nodded.

"Yes, but I don't know what his name is, or what his level is~"

As soon as the female ninja waved her hand, another assistant expertly handed her a scalpel.

Picking up the scalpel, the female ninja began to cut the wounded flesh that had been burnt to charcoal.

The female ninja did not have the slightest sluggishness in her hands, like an old chef who has shaved a fishbone for many years, skillfully cut off the coked tissue and threw it into Nanoko's tray.

The medical ninja on the opposite side immediately stopped the bleeding from the wound.

The speed of the two is not too fast, but the tacit understanding is extremely high.

But when everything was going well, the sudden muffled sound shocked several people around the operating bed.

"What's the matter, this shouldn't be right?"

"Although the anesthetic dose is indeed a little less, he can't wake up so quickly?"

"Yes, there is already a sign of awakening, if you continue to do it, he will be hurt alive~"

The female ninja, who handed the surgical instruments to the side, immediately checked the wounded pupil's pupils, and saw that the wounded's dilated pupils were gradually regaining their luster, and the ground immediately became ashes.

"Let me help too, one more person is one!"

Nanoko immediately took the initiative to ask Ying.

But the leading female ninja immediately shook her head.

"You can't speed up the treatment if you come to help, but it will be delayed."

"Because you can't keep up with his treatment efficiency."

The female ninja specifically pointed to the male medical ninja opposite, and then frowned and thought.

"So up to now, I can only..."

"I will come too, she will shave the necrotic tissue, and I will treat it."

Bai Yu walked to the operating table and cut the gold to the crowd.

"Don't worry, my medical ninjutsu is definitely good enough, and I have been honed with new concepts."

"You said... Have you practiced medical ninjutsu based on the new concept? But why did you tell her no?"

The female ninja issued a doubt.

The others also looked at Bai Yu with doubts.

Bai Yu was also very helpless. In fact, they were the ones who acquiesced that he wouldn't. It happened that he didn't bother to explain too much.

"Now if you give up, you have to waste an anesthetic. Whether it's true or not, do you want to delay it?"

Hearing what Bai Yu said, several people fell into deep thought.

After a while, the headed female ninja stared like a sharp blade, piercing Bai Yu.

"It's exactly as you said, but if I find out that you are doing it, my scalpel will serve another purpose!"

The cold light reflected from the scalpel in Ninja's hand flicked through Bai Yu, and then the knife was handed to Nanoko.

"Nanoko, it doesn't matter if you shave slowly, you must watch this kid, don't let this kid do too much. If he does, you will poke him hard!"

Not to mention technology, Bai Yu cannot be trusted in her age. Female Ninja is extremely unbelieving about Bai Yu, but no matter how much this anesthetic is wasted, there may be no more anesthetic.

The operation must be carried out quickly, without them hesitating

Soon Nun Shin and her partner continued the operation.

And Nanoko and Shiraito cooperated with each other after standing in their positions.