When I returned home, it was after word of the fire had spread.

“It was hard to believe. ”

My father was confused by the fact that the amphibian was trying to kill himself and his family with a romance. Even if he was in trouble, he wouldn't have even thought about revenge like this.

“He was much more evil than we thought. I would have been very angry if it hadn't happened with the bloodhound. ”

He nodded quietly at my words.

Whereas Mother did not hide her joy.

“The sky helped us! I'm so happy for you. ”

“Yes, Mother. ”

At that time, my father suddenly said,

“Still, I have to repay the debt I owe you. ”


Of course I expected it to come out like that. It's not a debt to Yang Ki-chul, it's a debt to the fire department.

But you won't have to. I told the journey to become the new Ark not to take any debts.

Since the fire department tried to kill us, they even told us how to specifically refuse to accept the money in order to settle the penalty. He is not blunt, but he will not be given an excuse if not in this way.

“And this, I read it well. ”

I gave my father the recipe for the White Moon Sword.

“How was your training? ”

“I think there's been some progress. ”

“Thank goodness.”

It's been a few days of training, so you wouldn't expect much, but it must mean something about the fact that I've changed.

My mother smiled and looked at me.



“Is that okay?"

It's a short but meaningful question. I will be very happy with my change but also worry a lot.

“Of course. It's better than ever. ”

“There you go.”

“I'll be going now. ”

I turned around and looked at my father.

“I hope you won't be too upset about this…… Father. ”

It's been a long time since I've been comforted by my son. I was moved by my father's face.

Actually, I was the one who was really impressed.

It was the first time I brought up the word "father."

There was no father in my past life. Since I was young, my mother raised me alone. So I never told anyone I was a father.

“Go and rest. ”

“Yes, Father. ”

It wasn't that hard once I took it out of my mouth.

So I went back to my daily life.

* * *

I have two big things to do.

Taking care of me and taking care of the family. Among them, I did it as soon as I could.

The next day, I went to the west.

After training the swordsmen, I looked surprised when I came out of the west.

“What's going on? ”

The way he looked at me was softer than before. He must be looking at me differently with his recent actions, especially when it comes to saving photons from the Yangye River.

“Please accept this. ”

“What is this? ”

What I gave you was 3,000 pieces. It was part of 32,000 pieces taken from Yang Ki-chul.

After checking the slip, he was surprised and looked at me.

“What kind of money is this? ”

“Here's all the money I've saved up. ”


He didn't believe it. I wonder if I had that kind of money.

“I was saving it up to give to the woman I liked. ”

But when I spoke so virtuously, the secretary rebelled. Besides, you might have a lot of money in your family, so you might have this kind of money. I wanted to give more, but that's why I collected 3,000 pieces.

“Why are you giving this to me? ”

“Use this money to rearrange your swords. Raise your monthly salary if you can't raise it, and recruit new people. ”

The West was more surprised than when he received the money. The amount of 3,000 pieces was surprising, but the use was even more surprising.

“Do you think we're still here for the money? ”

“I don't think so. But I don't want the families of the swordsmen to suffer for money. ”

“Why don't you give it to the Lord and give it to me yourself? ”

“My guess is the lord won't take the money his father gave him. ”

The West was flawed. I knew exactly what was in his heart.

He is a loyal man. Even if my father gave me money to help me pay my bills, I would refuse to pay off my family's debts. One way or another, the sword can run itself.

“The Master and the Swordsman are the center of the Main Street. If the Master and his armor fall, the Mainlanders will fall with them. ”

“What are you talking about? The heart of the Mainland is the Lord! ”

I rebuked him severely, but I could not hide the emotion on his face.

Just like my parents did, they didn't expect me to hear this from this wretched old man.

“Will you accept my wishes? ”

After a moment of deliberation, I nodded my head.

“Can you promise to spend this money solely on the sword? As a man, and as an unmanned man. ”

I was afraid I would give it back to my father.

“I won't.”

I bowed with all my heart.

“Thank you very much, my lord. ”

I was about to turn around and the man in the back said,



“Thank you.”

I smiled at him. You don't have to say things to him like you do to a berserker. You're going to see a lot of things.

From the next day, the atmosphere of the sword was lively.

I feel it, even though I don't belong to the sword.

An unmanned group of swordsmen greets you with a smile.

I had a crush on the Yangye River the other day and learned that the money paid this time was out of me. In the nature of the West, there was no way to not reveal the origin of the money precisely.

The atmosphere of the sword brightened the whole house.

The conversation about me changed as well. At first, I thought of my change as a precursor to a big accident, but now I was told it might have really changed.

A new swordsman has been announced. Three thousand won't get you much, but I heard you can get about twenty more.

More power means more morale, but more than anything else.

It's been a long time since I've been able to check the walls.

My mother asked me where I got such big money, but in the end she had to believe me. What would you do if you only acted in your favour these days?

The next day, my mother called the wives of a nearby dancer and held a banquet for a long time. He said he did everything because he had driven his son away who had never been able to. Of course, he did not forget to boast that he had freed money for the sword. It's not about saving money for a woman, it's about saving money for a sword.

While taking care of the house, I did not hesitate to exercise my strength and train without training.

My body was gradually changing with all my training. The muscles start to sag and fill up in place.

Again, the problem was internal affairs.

The beauty of the sword of coma I have learned is in the last three herbs.

The problem is that corned beef jerky, corned beef jerky, and corned beef jerky all of a sudden.

We got our first objective. I don't want to be a stranger or a stranger.

Even if you can only use desolation, a herbivore, you will have one of the spleens.

Ordinary Masters can handle the three herbalists in front of them, but something may come up.

All but the amount of internal air that was piled up was absolutely lacking.

Decisions can build up their stamina about three times faster than normal judgments.

Twenty years of building internal affairs, just by training.

There is only one solution now.

“We're going to have to pierce the gonads somehow. ”

The internal air builds up again three times faster than it does now.

Then, the time it takes to make suddenly decreases from twenty years to seven years.

I have an internal medicine for five years now, and I think I need to take the elixir to get through the German amniotic vein, so if I think about the additional history I get, I'll get an internal medicine for two or three years soon.

I needed some elixir to help me get through the veins.

I heard that there were times when there was an abundance of elixir.

However, in this age, the Elixir is precious. It was possible because I was able to carry out the civil war against Safa and Mahjo because I was a Muslim monk.

It would have been great if we could get a great elixir such as the Great Clouds or the Great Lunar New Year, but it was never possible with this money.

Such elixirs are hard to obtain, but even if someone sells them, they can be traded for hundreds of thousands or millions. Things that don't even come out on the market.

Can I get the elixir I need for 20,000 pieces?

I thought it might be possible. The elixir I need is the elixir that will help me break the vein of independence and will fill my history for about a decade.

I had never bought it myself just because I ate what I gave, so I couldn't know the value of the elixir.

Twenty-nine thousand.

Will he live?

* * *

Two days later, I was walking into a building in Jenam.

This is the southern part of the city of Black City.

There is a saying in Kangho.

Items not found in the Black Sea are not found in this river.

It serves as a marketplace for trading goods in Kangho. It used to be a place that handled merchandise, so it was named Black Shi. In those days, only merchandise from certain sources came out of the country.

The largest player in that was the gallstone, a general soldier. He collected a variety of information while monitoring the Black Sea. Sometimes the flow of goods was much more precious than the information obtained through people.

Anyway, thanks to you, I knew all about Black Sea. where it is and how it operates.

There were three black poems in the mountain range, the largest of which is here in the southern part of the country.

After two or three days of wanting to get some air, he came running here. I didn't think I'd be bored if I brought a Guangdu, but I thought I'd better leave it to the nature of my work.

I told the uninhabited person at the entrance that I was here to buy the elixir, and I led him to a well-decorated guest house in the inner circle.

The quarrel comes and gives me the car, but the car doesn't even touch.

As soon as I took the oath, I was asked this question.

What's the secret to surviving in Kangho?

My answer was always the same.

Be careful with everything.

Caution should be a habit. I have suffered endless raids by assassins. The best assassins are the ones whose patience has reached its limit.

What they are waiting for is a single distraction. Ninety-nine good times and then a hundredth mistake.

You want to live long?

Don't let your guard down until the end.

An elderly man dressed in splendid ornaments enters the room.

“You came to buy elixir? ”