Rebirth of the Tyrant’s Pet: Regent Prince is too Fierce

Chapter xiii oath of a six-year-old child

The palace people on one side have heard rumours, entering the cold palace is life imprisonment, it is impossible to see the Holy Face for life, even if they are disrespectful and harsh, who knows?

Sister Xu laughed even more coldly. She stared dead at the tiny figure of the palace. Her eyes were cold! “The princess is such a big shelf! Unfortunately, the nurse wasn't scared either! You just broke the gate. What do you think you should do with the bill? ”

If it were a child, she would be scared to see the evil look of this fierce spirit, but who is Miyagi Foam? She stood there smiling, not afraid of each other's eye knives.

“Sister, aren't you really afraid that my palace will have a day to roll over? ”

Little kids, obviously, have a tender voice, but a steady, grand demeanor and a princess style.

Sister Xu hasn't spoken yet, the palace moaned and laughed. “I am the mighty king of the Great Jubilee dynasty, its subordinates call me a countless small country. My father did not abrogate my princess position, he may propose to marry a foreign country in the future. My father showed the breast of a great country, so I made him kiss me? ”

She smiled more sweetly. “As my father knew, I was in the Cold House under restraint, but I was eating too hard to know if I would come forward for me. ”

Her words changed the color of the palace people present, mainly the only princess who had traditionally penetrated the Cold House. They treated her in the way of a queen and a prince without realizing that they didn't want to have a real chance to turn around in the future.

After all, if you really want to make love, the Queen Miyagi is reluctant, and you want to think about it, only this princess is really the most suitable one.

Sister Xu's face changed a few times. She scolded him and only showed a nice smile on her face.

“What did the princess say? How dare we slaves? Only in the past the princess was terribly ill. No one in the palace dared to approach before she was lazy. Now that the princess is well, the nurse will naturally let them serve them well, never let them lazy! ”

After that, the two of them looked at each other and reached a silent agreement. Miyagi watched her blink with a foam, which made her smile sweet.

“Therefore, I wronged the nurse. Please hurry up. The princess is hungry, she is small and cannot stand hunger! ”

After that, she took Jasmine with her soft-legged legs. Sister Xu looked at her back in a gloomy voice. Her heart was angry and full of discomfort.

“When the scourge has lasted for a thousand years, I didn't expect to be able to get better after four years of sleeping. Laifu, you should report the abnormality of this little girl to the superior. Don't use it harshly in the future. Send it on time! ”

Her words caused the palace people to nod their heads, and the man named Laifu was ordered to go out.

Shortly after Miyagi returned, the Miyagi sent three dishes and one soup. Although it was already cold, it was much better than the leftovers from the previous meal. She then rolled over the wall and brought the Miyagi to tell him about what had happened before.

The palace decided to poke the rice in front of him with chopsticks, his face slightly cold, humming, “Such palace people should tell them what the reason is. If they don't like it, beat him to death! ”

As she drank the soup, the palace foamed the soup and sprayed it. Turns out the child had already formed this idea since he was so young. She knocked the chopsticks against each other's head with her eyes open!

“What's the use of being a temper? Now that we're small, we have to keep a low profile, you know? Lower her voice!” She shouted low, her eyes turned, and the thief pressed down her low voice. “It's not good to expose the cards prematurely. What we have to do is, if we don't get our hands on the table steadily, we'll cut the grass out! Got it?”

The palace chooses to worship with its head covered, "Got it.” Still the royal sister is powerful, also, it doesn't mean much to compare with those people. When he grows up, he must cut off those behind the scenes!

The more I thought about it, the weaker I felt, the firmer the palace decided, "Sister, I want to learn martial arts! ”

This makes Miyagi a little hesitant.

In the beginning, the palace decided that it was because martial arts far surpassed her that she had fallen into such a situation. Therefore, the palace was somewhat scared of foaming. After all, the palace decided that it was a good seedling for natural martial arts. She was always a little nervous.

But Xiao Gong decided not to know. The more he wanted to feel feasible, the more he dragged the sleeve of the palace foam directly. “Sister... you promised, I am not afraid of suffering. When I practice martial arts, I will not let anyone touch you again! ”

His eyes made the palace slightly flutter, she touched each other's head... the child in front of her clearly saw her as the only trusted object, if such feelings would change in the future, her palace also recognized the foam.

“Okay, I'll teach you. ”

The palace chooses to leap! Watching him finally have a rotten look of a six-year-old, the palace smiled with a foaming smile, and on an equally naive face, is an unquestionable confidence, “I not only want you to become a master of martial arts, but I also want you to know astronomy to know geography, and hold no power over the Emperor. ”

Her slow words not only shocked Jasmine, but even the palace's chosen face became more serious.

The palace gauged the child in front of her with a foam muffle and said softly and slowly, "If you want, Sister Wang will give it to you, now I only ask you one question. ”

Despite her gentle tone, the palace heard an unprecedented seriousness in her voice.

“Will you be negative to me in the future? ”

The palace blinked playfully, feeling that the promise to find a child as young as six years old was a little childish.

Who knew that the palace had made a serious expression, he looked seriously at the palace foam, the light of magic flashed in his eyes, and said firmly and slowly after a moment.

“Miyagi ancestral ancestors on! 3rd Generation 9th * * Choice, swear here! Never do anything to hurt the palace in this life. If you violate this word, you will perish, and your soul will not enter the ancestral family after death. God forsakes you all! ”

Childish voices echoed in the empty cold autumn garden, floating to the sky coincided with the yin and sunshine, the passage of golden light, through the window fell on the palace decision, seemed to form a layer of aperture restraint, to make the whole person glow.

Miyagi's eyes widened and she was stunned. She really didn't expect the younger Miyagi to say something like this. The shock in her heart could not be added.

She thrilled to slap each other on the shoulder, proud to say, "Okay, if you have one of my palace foam in the future, you have one! We're going to be brothers! Blessed to share, it's hard to share! ”

Seeing her little face full of red dizziness, the palace was very happy to make a decision. In such an empty cold garden, the two little people, like adults, promised each other and looked forward to the future.

This curtain was printed in Jasmine's mind for deep memories, and she suddenly felt that it was not too bad to follow the two masters.

Three years passed and now the palace is 10 years old and the palace is 9 years old.