The palace crystal was blushed by the foam of the palace. He sighed slightly and sat down with the foam of the palace in his room. After a moment, he said, "The girl's family needs to hold on, it can't be so easy to exaggerate, especially the man. ”

Holding out?

The word made the palace unnatural for a moment on the surface of the foam. In the previous life, she pursued the palace as if it were a moth fire, and drove away countless women from occupying his rear palace.

Many people scold her behind her, she doesn't care. Her future people, like it, like it, can't really do slow heat and pinch. I think it must be because it is too simple to get, the palace of the last world did not cherish her, but loved the beautiful Su Miran.

Her faint face summed up reflecting on her fault, the palace crystal self-conscious, the palace foam grew up in the cold palace, no one raised her, said she didn't hold on, didn't you say she didn't raise her? Watching her suddenly shriveled little face, Miyagi felt a heartache and hurried to remedy it.

“But it has nothing to do with loneliness. ”

Miyagi looked up at him with a foam. Miyagi didn't feel a very gentle smile. His eyebrows were warm. “You are the lonely sister, for loneliness, not for outsiders. ”

Miyagi knows that he is comforting himself. He has always been such a gentle and delicate person. Such a person is the easiest to attract some of the young girls involved in the world. Miyagi nodded in unison, "I remember! ”

Her good luck made Miyagi take it very hard, so she took out the jade that had been ready for a long time to disperse to her, "You are injured just right, this medicine is a good medicine for scarring raw muscles, you take it. ”

The palace foamed the cold jade bottle in its hand. It didn't mean to push it out at all. It was tight! But her heart was slightly moved. She knew that the precious jade was scattered, and she also knew that the prince Miyagi's throne was difficult to do, but she gave herself such an important thing without expecting to meet.

Thinking, she grinned, "Thank you, Brother Prince! ”

The little girl's candor made Miyagi even more distressed. He touched himself, but unfortunately he didn't bring anything but medicine, otherwise he really wanted to give her something else.

With the benefits, Miyagi also brushed her sensibilities and began to chase people, thinking that Su Miran would be here in a few more years, she could take her time and not rush at all.

Looking at the back of Miyagi, Miyagi smiled sweetly and thought.

In the evening, when the palace decided to come back, it asked about the palace crystal. The palace was still confused. The kid's news was quite flexible.

“You said," Brother Prince... ”The palace smiled and took out the bottle,“ He came to deliver the medicine to me, he was very nice. ”

Miyagi's praise made Miyagi very dissatisfied with his decision. In the past, the Emperor would only praise him, let alone call others so affectionate! The palace chooses to stare cold at the bottle of medicine, “Sister Huang's wounds have long been applied by her father with the best medicine, and after the scabs fall off, there will be no scars at all! ”

That's why the women in the rear palace are so jealous these days! The jade dispersion can only be made three bottles a year, even if it is not used to heal the wound and apply directly, it can make the skin look radiant, but both bottles in the Emperor's hands have foamed the palace, this is an honor, unprecedented.

Miyagi naturally knew, and as she dragged her palace into the room, she said, "I naturally know, so this medicine is for you! ”

As soon as she finished, the palace, which was still dark and boring, was stunned, and was pulled directly into the bedroom by the palace to sit in bed before relaxing God. Turns out the royal sister is still the queen, she has been thinking about herself!

At this time, all the palaces in the dormant hall retreated, leaving only the two of them, who did not seem to have such a quiet solitude for a long time, making the palace miss much.

“Well, take off your clothes and I'll medicate you!” The palace foam stood by the bed staring at the palace decision, "don't think I don't know that your wound is not healed now! Look at your face. I said I can't feed you anything! ”

I'm really pissed off. It's healthy for kids to be fat and white. Especially if they have the same arm or something, it's the cutest!

The palace was nervous for no reason. He didn't know why. After this injury to the palace foam, something seemed to have changed in his mind...

He used to want to get closer to the palace. Now that the palace is close, he feels nervous and his heart flutters fast.

Now the palace foam was very close, he backed away a little, because, “Sister, I can go back and get the other palace people to medicate me. ”

The palace frowned impatiently, “I don't feel comfortable with any of the people in the palace. You better listen to me and make me use strong! ”

Although strong, she may not be able to beat him today, they are now the third most important of wind and nature, but the majesty of her emperor, let the palace make a good decision.

He took off his prince's clothes and put them aside. He was only wearing a white coat. His eyes were clear and his eyebrows were flying. At this time, he looked down and his long eyelashes hung down smoothly. His side face was so refined that he had more than one point, less than one point.

The palace foamed its eyes so full that it allowed the palace to continue wide clothing. Soon, he turned his back to the palace to reveal the entire back of the foam, and the bloody gauze surrounded it, unjustifiably destroying this aesthetic.

The foam of the palace slowly became serious, and she slowly cut the gauze, revealing the wounds that had not healed, flashing a little heartache in her eyes.

This is the child she raised with her own hands, but she was hurt like this by others!

He's still so small, his shoulders so thin! I don't know how he broke into the emperor again and begged the emperor to save her.

Miyagi knew very well that if he hadn't been timely, I'm afraid she would have gotten her third life so easily, it would have ended in the Cold House.

Miyagi's hands are a little cold, touching her shoulder a little bit, but itchy for no reason.

His face was unbearable and burning red, but he understood that his feelings for his sister were different from those for him.

I don't know why, in the Emperor's heart, he's not her one-year-old brother, but like a younger generation, so she never cared about him.

But he... cares.

He had a hint of unclear thoughts in his heart. He didn't understand what it was, but he knew that it had to do with his sister, because she was the most important thing in his world.

When the medicine was applied, the palace foamed rarely spoke, she seemed unhappy, maybe hated those who hurt him, but more likely to be angry that she did not protect him well, small mouth slightly gambled, which made the little girl cute.

The palace made a dark smile, “Sister, today Fu praised me. He said that I saw the problems and insight. ”

“Oh.” Miyagi thought it was normal, and the child she raised was extraordinary.

At this time, the back was painted, and the palace foamed again in front of the chest.

Her breath came close! The palace had wrapped him in layers when it had not reacted, and he couldn't help but hold his breath and look elsewhere.