Rebirth of the Tyrant’s Pet: Regent Prince is too Fierce

Chapter 45 Education and Education of the Prince

She looked laughing, but because she was young, the cold in her eyes was particularly uncomfortable and creepy, and she really dared to do it!

The prince sitting on the ground knotted his throat and muttered, “You... dare you! ”

“You probably don't know my name in the palace...” The palace foamed up, wiped the water off his hands, and slowly looked at him: “I started killing people when I was seven years old, do you dare me? ”

She smiled, revealing Moringbai's teeth in the sun, deliberately releasing malice and spreading the murderous air around her.

She loves it. It's funny, isn't it?

The prince instigated...

The killer who had seen blood on the other side was not like him at all, but even if his heart was spiteful, his dignity as a prince kept him in the high jaw, a more indomitable appearance.

“So what? Kill me and you'll die! ”

He said that, but those beautiful eyes were blinking, and the water was flooding, and the spirits were dodging, and people couldn't move their eyes.

Miyagi Mo actually loves this kind of vibrant teenager. In the Miyagi, it has always been her role. In fact, in her attitude, the other party's appearance is the most authentic teenager.

She walked over and squatted in front of the other side. She stared at the prince and shrunk his legs. She felt so boneless again. She pushed her chest forward and looked fearless.

Those eyes clearly say, "What are you looking at? Has the Prince allowed you to see it? ”

Miyagi couldn't help but smile. She patted each other in the face and felt very good.

“Name." Prince Ping's son died early. Even if she had heard others say his name, she would have forgotten, but it would be better to confirm it.

“Master, why should I tell...”

His arrogant tone disappeared momentarily after seeing a dagger that the palace foamed from somewhere.

The palace played with a dagger in the form of a foam, and the stones and blades on it shook with confusion and dared to fight.


“The Prince...” His cat's eyes rolled round and faded, muttering, "Shin ten nights. ”

“Ten nights? Good. We don't know each other. Why are you doing this to me? ”

“Look at you! … no… no.” Shin Ten nights of tears in her heart, mother, her eyes are horrible!

“Look at me?” The palace weighed it with a foam and put the dagger down with its backhand!... plugged into his thigh and almost plugged it wrong!

Ten nights of reflexive fantasy! But when I think about this wilderness, what if they piss each other off and dump their bodies... the good guy doesn't eat the loss in front of me, he has to bear it! He has to put up with this ugly woman!!

Miyagi approached with a smile. A little face came along and smiled hip-hop. "What's wrong with me, then? Eyes, nose? If you say one, I'll give you a kiss. ”

The child in front of her is so cute, it's really called her aunt's heart, so silly.

Shin Shin, what can you do when you meet someone so shameless and skilled? Better be honest.

He looked at the foaming face of the palace with grief, bright and small, but those eyes were mature and wise. Although he said abominable words, the little mouth of Yan Hong was open and closed, as if... he didn't hate it so much...

Especially when she approached, the sweet smell on her body, strangely relaxing, she didn't seem as bad as she behaved...

The palace foamed and pinched the tender flesh on his face! I wanted to do it from the beginning. It feels so good!

“Good boy, you haven't answered my question yet. ”

“Ah... ah, you bastard! Let go of me! Damn, I... the Prince is going to cut off your hand! ”

If he takes back what he just lost his mind, it's obviously a nasty, stinking girl. No wonder the Emperor doesn't want her!

But the more the palace foams up, even up and down his hands, the skin on his face is really good, this is excellent maintenance, I don't know how to maintain it, good hands make people want to bite.

Shin ten nights completely defeated the formation and begged, “Granny, I've taken it, I've taken it! I'll tell you everything, will you let go...”

He shriveled like a defeated rooster. Why didn't anyone come to save him? He still wants to ask why!!!

Miyagi put down her hand with great regret, "Then tell me, why are you targeting me? ”

Shin Ten nights eyes were full of water, and he dared not complain. He could only look at her with a small face. He almost couldn't stand the foaming of the palace.

“You're still upsetting Sister Su! ”

His words made the smiling palace look a little stiff: “Sister Su? ”

She chewed the words slowly and frowned slightly, “You said Sister Su, but Zhen Guoju's palm pearl, Su Miran? What do you have to do with her? ”

Speaking of this, Shin Shi's face suddenly appeared red, "She is the daughter of my mother-in-law, my cousin. ”

The palace frowned slightly, the cousin's in ancient times, a good relationship.

“I don't remember seeing her. ”

That's the truth.

Ever since she was reborn, she had deliberately avoided Su Mylan because she feared what she would have to do when she saw her. So in recent years, even if we have heard so much about the first beautiful lady in the capital, we have never seen her.

Shin Ten nights acutely felt the foaming discomfort of the palace. He couldn't help but look carefully. “You haven't seen her, but the last time, it took Sister Su a whole year to embroider a double-sided diagram. She gave it to the Prince. You saw it. If you like it, the Prince gave it to you! Sister Su was sad at home for over a month after she found out, did you know?! ”

The more he said, the more excited he was, the more he raised his head, but saw that the palace had a mocking look on his face. For a moment, that look made him seem to be blocked by something, unable to say.

She's only twelve years old. How could she have such complicated feelings?

Shin ten nights felt that it was only a second before he seemed to see his mother-in-law. When his mother was alive, she used to look at him in a way he couldn't understand, as if he were now foaming in the palace.

At this point, the palace suddenly reached out and unwrapped the whip from his body.

Just when he was stunned, the other party pulled out one thing like a trick. Shin Ten nights at a glance, it was the double sided picture that Sister Su embroidered!

Speaking of which, Miyagi mocked and laughed, her space had always been filled with something she thought was precious, and this picture was one of them, but since it was from the hands of Su Miran, she was not rare.

“Is that what you're talking about?” She smiled cold, "she gave it back, hoping you wouldn't bother me again in the future. ”