By the time the drums were ready, the palace was almost in West Asia.

The location of Western Asia, now between Tibet and Lhasa, belongs to the south of the Tarim basin.

The land of Dayi is a long strip of head, and West Asia is a long line, bordered by Lou to the north and a number of small nomadic countries in the southern grasslands, so West Asia has been holding heavy troops in all three directions to defend the country.

But two days later, the palace was relaxed, and the journey was smooth. He walked through the desert, through the oasis, through the snow mountains, through the grasslands.

At this time, he knew what the Emperor had portrayed and how magnificent and compatible his country was. His fathers and fathers, beating down this great river mountain a little bit, was so picturesque.

At this point, they passed a village built on oasis, and the palace decided to order everyone to stop and fix it until the evening was not so hot.

The villagers, knowing that they were the ones who had gone to West Asia to help with the disaster, received them with great enthusiasm, and the palace decision was placed at the village chief's house.

Even if I saw more on the way, the palace decided it was very novel. The faces of the people here are different from those of the people in the capital. Sister Wang once said that the faces of the people are many, even in the far south, and there are people covered in darkness. Unfortunately, he has not seen the journey.

Because of the hard road, except for the guard who arranged the outpost, everyone else arranged, rested, the palace decided to pillow on the bed, how can I not sleep.

He thought it strange, because he didn't receive a letter from Beijing City on this route. To know the management of Beijing City, he would sometimes report some information to him. Isn't it true that the Emperor felt that he had left Beijing City, that the transmission route was a long way away, and that he was fast enough to wrap it all up?

With that in mind, the Palace decided to smile.

He touched the hair in his arms... and didn't know if the Emperor was happy alone in the palace...?

With a smile on his mind, the palace slowly fell asleep, and after not knowing how long, a sneaky touch entered the palace's residence. He was shocked, “Dashing” a long sword came out of his sheath, and a sword fell on the shoulder of someone!

The basin slammed to the ground, and the palace ignored it. His eyes opened sharply! “Sister?! ”

The young girl was shaken by him, and the basin fell on the ground without moving, and after seeing clearly, the palace made some unfortunate winks, turning out not to be the queen, but a young girl who looked like her.

But instead of relaxing him, he became more alert. He had not seen this kung fu before, but was clearly odd to resemble his sister.

“Who are you? Who sent you?” He only had a narrow sword close to the other person's neck, and it seemed that if the other person said the wrong word, he would cut it off without a soft hand, and the cold eyebrows were like looking at a dead person, making the girl in front of him tremble even more cynically.

“I... I don't know what the grown-ups say... I'm the adopted daughter of the village chief's family and I'm here to give you wash your face. ”

The village chief's adopted daughter?

The palace gazed at each other, “If that's the case, why do you want to do what these people do? ”

His tone was cold, but he called the little girl in front of him slightly red in the cheek, “It's me... I'm here myself... I saw you earlier when you were on the horse...” Her eyes looked bright at the palace decision. When she did this, she actually looked like the palace foam!

“I... adore my lord, so... that's why I came in. ”

Even though the sword of the palace was still cold, she lowered her head and blushed more. “I hear the grown-ups are going west... coincidentally, willing to follow the grown-ups. ”

After watching her heart, she stopped talking. Her ears were red and she seemed to be waiting for a verdict.

But the palace decided to look at her coldly, as if she were a cold referee, making her lies very bad.

“Really?” The palace chooses to smile, but the blade is closer.

He made the girl's heart beat like that, but forced herself to calm down.

“… it is true, my lord… I admire you…”

She was still a little nasty, an 11-year-old kid, who was already very deceitful, why pretend to be his sister? Don't you think he still has some hard feelings about his sister?

But now, the sword around her neck is stuck, and she even thinks that if it weren't for her face, the other person would have killed her at the first glance!

At this moment, she finally felt scared, because she found that after she had finished that sentence, the killings on the palace had substance!

All the abdominal drafts were pressed down her throat dead, and she dared not say a word more, only to see each other on her face and let her live.

“You say you admire me?” The teenager's cold voice suddenly sounded.

Girls rejoiced, but at this moment, they were set forever. I don't think she even figured out why she was killed.

After killing her, the palace decided to finally feel bad. The girl in front of her was clearly sent by the people in the palace, because she knew about the bond between him and her sister, which is why she used this technique, and the royal sister in the palace would certainly not allow this to happen, the only explanation is...

Her Majesty is not in the palace.

At this time, one person walked in, turns out to be Baisheng, a man whom Miyagi had deliberately arranged for Miyagi to decide.

The palace decided to take a look at him, because he was a person whom his sister trusted so much that he also trusted so much.

Baisheng looked at the body on the ground and sighed, "Your Highness, you shouldn't have killed anyone. ”

According to Miyagi and King Zhenxi, they all hoped that the Miyagi decision would become honest and resolute, like a soldier, but knowing in depth his white life, he knew that the killing of the child in front of him had been silenced into the bones, so he had to stop it. The last time he killed Liuko had created a frigid impression on others, and he did not expect to break the precept when approaching West Asia.

“If it's too loud, kill it. ”

Somehow, Baisheng felt the palace's decision to look in his eyes, and this perception shook his mind.

Baisheng hurriedly missed his face, squatted down to examine the body, then turned over the body and found that the other party's eyebrows were very similar to Princess Chaoyang's!

He was shocked, although he did not understand what had happened, but with His Highness's affection for the princess, this person was so like a princess, even if it was strange, he should not have killed it, at least he should have taken the history of torture first.

He looked up at the palace decision, and at this time, the palace decision sat in front of the table and chair and flipped over a book. It seemed like something was going on. The action was slow and sly. It was obvious that he was a cold and noble son. It seemed like he was not the only one who did it.

Feeling the white-life doubtful eyes, the pale eyes of the palace choosing, just one glance, actually called the white-life cold.

“Too similar, in this world, Sister Wang, just one is enough. ”