Li Ke blushed with a faint mockery from the palace!

“I didn't! You're the ones who didn't give me a chance. Big husbands are born frank, not afraid of life and death! It's just a skull. Take it! ”

“Then why do you want me to kill you? ”

The palace dazzled his disguise with a foam, watching him suddenly whitewash his face and smile cold.

If I hadn't already regretted it, I wouldn't have knelt here and begged her to punish me?

“Perhaps you're right, and you don't regret it...”

The palace was a little tired and the sound sounded like a sigh in his ear.

“But I've decided - forgive you. ”


Li Ke looked up at him! The muscles on your face are shaking! Isn't Miyagi pitying him, or giving him charity?

Who knew, he raised his head and crashed into the palace with a cold eye.

Those eyes seemed all-encompassing, but they were also empty, dangerous, deep.

“Didn't you say that you would do better at height than your brother, would do more good for the people, and the last name is Green History... I'll wait. ”

After that, she turned around and left. Behind her was Li Ke's voice, angry voice!

“Miyagi, you are such a soft hand, one day you will die in my hands! ”

Miyagi didn't stop. He waved with his back to his heart. “Whatever, just think about how you can survive...”

That tone, don't worry about it.

Li Ke couldn't help but hold his fist tight! Bury your head deep! I should have felt humiliated, but I don't know why he felt relaxed when Miyagi said “forgive you”!

So, deep down in his heart, he was trying to buy her forgiveness for dying?

If even he denies himself, what has he gotten for so long? ……

He suddenly laughed with boredom when he heard a short succession of soldiers coming from afar... Finally, he took out a dagger and stabbed it into his body, imitating the opposite angle...

Before he went into a coma, he still thought, if he died, then this would be a short lifetime, the least I regret... probably the only time I met her...

Miyagi, I have betrayed my belief, and you, if you choose to persevere, must persevere!

All the way west.

Originally, Izumi Miyagi wanted to go to her master, but now that she is just a stranger to each other, it's better not to disturb her.

So she walked blindly, and a few days later, she arrived in a town, Guo Cheng.

This place is quite the foot of the day, so the trade was very busy, Miyagi dressed up in a men's clothing and sat on a small stall to eat, so loneliness made her a little uncomfortable.

She buried her head in agony, but heard a conversation from her neighbour.

“Did you hear that? His Royal Highness, who made great strides in West Asia, is ill! ”

“How? I've seen it a long way before. Look at the spiritual teenager! ”

“Isn't that...”

Miyagi thought she had heard wrong, hurriedly grabbed the man a few steps earlier and asked, “What did you just say? Who do you think is sick? ”

The man looked at the palace with fury, his eyes sharp and seemingly murderous! He was so scared, so scared, so busy, "This man, I'm not talking nonsense, it's true! His Royal Highness is spitting blood. There is nothing your doctor can do. He is widely recruiting doctors! ”

Spit blood?

Palace foamed hands loose, the man ran away hastily, she never returned to God.

The palace chooses to vomit blood... is it because of her?

Her little face was born, her heart was overflowing, and she hesitated for this idea.

What should we do, go back.

But go back. What if the palace is lying to her?

But if you don't go back, what if it's true?

Palace decision... that's the person she held in her hand...

And Qi Wang's Palace is truly a miserable cloud.

The pale face of the palace was lying on the bed, but there were no doctors or other people present. Luo Qi walked in carefully, kneeling beside the bed, and lowered his voice.

“The news has come out, and His Majesty's list has been affixed to Xiangcheng. The princess has only walked for a few days and will surely see it. ”

And the palace decided to fall asleep, and after listening to him, he didn't move.

Luo Qi sighed and said, "Our men went out through the four gates to search for the princess. No sign of her yet. ”

After that, he thought the palace would be angry. Who knows, he actually frowned deeply with his eyes closed. This way, it was like a nightmare.

Half-blown, the palace suddenly whispered painfully, which slowly opened its eyes.

Unlike the usual black-and-white cold eyebrows, at this time, his eyes became disoriented, as if he was still unable to pull himself out of his dreams. After a moment, his eyes slowly cleared and finally turned into a dead silence.

“Tonight, let everyone out of the house. ”

Luo Qi raised his head with some confusion, but listened to the palace's decision.

“Besides, let's get everybody back out there. ”

“Why… why?” Now Luo Qi is really shocked! No one knows more about the princess's weight in His Majesty's eyes than he does. Why would His Majesty make such a decision?!

And the palace just slowly placed its hands in the heart and closed its eyes.

“I feel it, Sister, she's back...”


After Miyagi passed the city, she did not go directly to Qi Wang's Palace. Soon it will be dark. Then she will go again to find out!

She wasn't ready to meet with the womb. She just wanted to see how the womb was doing. If it was really urgent, she couldn't care less.

But if the palace is lying to her, what should she do?

Poured pots and pots of wine in the tavern, said the wine was bold and daring. I didn't expect that one day she would use the wine to cheer!

... The evening soon arrived, and the palace crept close to Qi Wang's Palace and stood still.

During the day, I heard that Qi Wang's people were sent out. Now Wang Fu is an empty house. She still doesn't believe it, but when I heard this, I really felt like there was no one inside.

This makes Miyagi a little angry, even if he's in a hurry to find someone, he can't ignore his own safety! A lot of people have been spying on the Imperial Palace lately!

She shook her head in disapproval, then rolled over the wall and landed steadily on the grass, at a time when there was a layer of frost on the grass and she stepped on it, making a slight crisp sound.

The palace waited for a long time to breathe, and found that no one was really there, rushing to the palace's chosen place!

The palace is really * * quiet. There is no unity in the ambush. The palace trembles with a foam. Is it really what happened to the palace decision?! Think about it, she's running faster!