The silence of the palace foam made the palace feel a little uneasy... whenever she wanted to do something that upset him, she became very good, which made him hate itching.

“Why not resist? ”

The palace decided to let her go and asked, “You won't push me away, but because in your heart, it's mine? ”

Miyagi looked at him half-witted.

Her silence gave the palace a heartache, but it didn't matter, he cheered up and asked.

“Last time, you said that if I loved you, I would use my strength... now I have you...”

He stared into her eyes.

“Will you leave again? ”

His cautious thoughts, eagerly awaited, were just a little response for her.

But Miyagi saw his sincere eyes, knowing that he had never really let go of this relationship, silence for a moment, eventually slowing down the path.

“I still have work to do. ”

This time, let him be gentle, the momentum suddenly burst! Grab her wrist tight and don't relax!

“May I ask why? ”

Got work to do? Why, when he was a kid?

He tried to suppress his anger and resentment and was afraid of hurting her, but even more afraid of her leaving, so... he really couldn't help hurting her!

The palace sighed, and under the moonlight, she was lost, but still firm.

“Let's put it this way… In fact, I don't want to get into love, I don't have the energy to clog the world's mouth, and I don't want to cause you any trouble. ”

“No trouble! ”

Miyagi hastily said, "Whatever you bring, it's a gift to me, not trouble...”

He embraced her gently, as if he embraced the whole world, filled his heart with killing, and gave birth to a little gratitude.

“Nor do I need you to block gossip, as long as you nod your head... I will do everything! Anyone who talks nonsense, I'll make him die! You... don't need to worry about anything. ”

“As for falling in love... isn't that wonderful? You'll be treated like a treasure by me for the rest of your life. Why not? ”

Speaking of which, he suddenly had some pain, "Or was it because you didn't want to, just because it was me? ”

The palace reached out and patted him on the back with a foam and sighed.

“It's not about you… not marrying, not loving, it's about me being determined and not being treated the same way. ”

“Why?! ”

The palace chooses to bury her head between her necks and asks her in silence!

He was so painful, the whole person could not cry out because he was begging, why... the person he loved so bitterly, did not want to love him, did not want to give him any love, but only those ridiculous ones!

Why is that?

For some reason, Miyagi suddenly remembered what she had said before she died.

If I had a next life, I would definitely make them feel bad...

She shook her head and threw away these thoughts, but remembered that before the war, when practicing, Miyagi held her hand and said--

Whenever you return, your life is not a burden.

Then there was Su Mylan's successful mouth and the palace's decision... not to hide the killing intent on her!

She's excited!

Think violently of her Buddha's vow - she will never love anyone again in the next life.

Yes, she doesn't love anyone anymore, she doesn't hate, she doesn't resent, she doesn't read, she doesn't suffer!

Feeling the sudden and decisive emotion of the palace, the palace decided to endure the bloodthirsty impulse, asking word for word!

“Can't you just stay with me and be loved by me?! ”

He backed off, pressed down all the pain, barely revealed a laugh, low voice request.

“You... you can't love me...” No, no!

“As long as you are around me... being loved by me is enough, isn't that enough?! ”

Miyagi looked at him, and he became more and more like, like the regent of the last life, he took power and smiled a little overhead at her.

There are things that can be forgotten long ago, such as hate, but not forgotten, she can't forget, such as trauma.

The best thing in the world is love, not because it's the sweetest, but because it's the shortest, the riskiest, the more dangerous, the more obsessed.

So she shook her head, under the moonlight, and she looked indifferent and firm! She doesn't need to be influenced by anyone, this world, she just wants to live for herself!

The eyes of the palace are getting deeper and redder!

His temper is increasing, spreading! But at a critical point, death suppressed, never erupted.

He only asked one last question.

“What is it that makes you mine? ”

The palace closed its eyes with foam and asked itself.

Since he refused to give up himself for more than a year, she forced him to give up.

So she forced herself to cool down, faint.

“I've always belonged to you, but as a sister, if you don't want us to... be strangers. ”


In a word, the palace chooses to lose blood on its face!

The suppressed air seemed to disappear instantly! All that's left is fear and anxiety!

His whole heart seems to be torn apart by a thousand knives! He couldn't even believe what the Empress would say to him!

“Strangers? ”

In the water, he retreats, but he can hardly control his body. The whole person sinks into the water!

He held his body steady with a half-pound, pointing to himself and asking softly.

“Strangers? ”

Miyagi looked at him with madness, his heart was intolerant, but he still bit his teeth and didn't speak!

Because once she accepts the palace decision, the palace crystal will certainly not be willing, and they are the same identity, the brother, brother, sister, their position... such feelings will only be trouble for them.

Perhaps at first, they would be willing to solve those problems because of love, but then more and more trouble, even threatening them, they would always get tired, tired of the day, and then how would she get along?

And herself, the one who hates trouble the most.

So emotion is the best thing to do.

She doesn't need it, she doesn't have time, maybe, and she doesn't dare try.

So she harshly said, "You and I were born brothers and sisters are undeniable facts. Perhaps you are not afraid to be caught maliciously slandering the handle. You are not afraid that my troubled body will cause countless problems. You are not afraid to be caught up in endless love and hate, but... I am afraid. ”

After that, she turned around and tried to leave, but the palace decided to pull her tight!

He foamed the palace to shore, on the grass, and he pressed her to death!

As soon as she left the water and the wind blew, she contracted slightly because of the cold, but her eyes were bright and she ignored the pain of the palace decision and remained steadfast.

“Who wants to be your sister?” He's laughing, laughing louder and louder, “I just want to be your man! I'm not afraid of what you're saying. I don't care. If you're afraid, I'll fix it for you. Now... be my woman! ”