Yuheng Domestic.

Kim Yoon Teng is basically where all expectations belong. Especially now that all those opposed are cleared up, the whole Yu Heng is very lively and shows a joyful and prosperous life.

Tomorrow is the Grand Jubilee, the guests who should be here are almost there, but Kim Yun has been waiting for the Palace to foam, so I haven't heard from her yet, so I'm in a bit of a hurry, even wondering if I'm going to change my day?

At this time, the broken sound of porcelain woke Kim Yun up. He looked at his mother with some helplessness, and now she is the queen of the clouds, sighing.

“Mother, it's just three years of restraint, which is already the lightest punishment, why are you still angry? ”

Yunjin killed Kim Sheng herself, even if it was forced by Miyagi, but no one else knew Miyagi, only Yunjin, so her husband was convicted!

When Kim Yun came back, King An used this to criticize him for his superiority, saying that Yunjin was just out of heart, because Kim Yun was not an emperor's child, so he would kill his husband.

Now that King An and others have defeated, Kim Yun has become Emperor, Yun Jin has become Queen, but the ancient antiques in the Dynasty still can not agree with Yun Jin's practice, think that Yun Jin should be fasting for the first emperor, green light ancient Buddha for life! Still, Jin Yun insisted that Yunjin should go to the Imperial Palace for three years, or else she would not respect the morals of women and not deserve to be a queen.

Yunjin doesn't want to!

Now that her son is the emperor, precisely in her time of scenery, why should she eat fast and why should she guard the spirits? Just to get recognition for the old antiques in the chapel? So what if she doesn't?

Besides, she didn't kill Kim Seong by herself. Why did they all come to her trouble? Is it because they're scared of Miyagi and see how bullied she is?

“Lamentations will not go!” Clouds are resolute.

“No.” Jin Yun shook his head, "After entering the grand ceremony, Ji Shen will send the mother to the queen. Don't embarrass the queen! ”

In fact, Kim Yun was so determined to send Yunjin away, not because he was ashamed of Kim Seong, not to block the mouth of those old men.

It's because Yunjin has been so ridiculous for six months. She seems to have spent all her energy on men. She has no power over handsome and gentle men. She used to just sneak up on them, and now she's getting brighter and bigger!

Though the outsiders didn't know about it, Kim Yun also knew that the paper bag couldn't hold fire, so he wanted to send Yunjin away before things got bigger, and then he took care of the men, both of them.

Seeing Kim Yun so resolutely, he was indifferent after so long. Finally, Yun Jin bit his teeth and had to tell him the real reason.

“I can't go to the mausoleum. ”

Her voice was low and low and she looked at her belly and revealed an embarrassing look.

“Because I... have children. ”

This is a sunny thunderbolt! Kim Seung only died six months ago, and she's pregnant?

Kim Yun was shocked! Teng Di stood up from his seat! He looked around, luckily everyone withdrew, otherwise such a scandal would only kill him!

Yunjin saw Kim Yun staring at himself. For the first time, he seemed so surprised and fierce. Staring at her face seemed reluctant to beat her up!

Kim Yun took a deep breath, "Mother! You know what you're doing! ”

Yunjin was shouted. She wasn't sure herself, but she was ten days late for her month, so she seemed to be right.

Because Kim Yoon has been busy getting on the ledge lately, this matter has only been hidden for so long.

Seeing that she did not speak, Kim Yun-yin's gaze fell on Yun-jin's abdomen and squeezed two words out of her teeth, "Whose?! ”

Yunjin shrunk his neck, "Yes... Wang Jing. ”

Kim Yun, close your eyes. I can't hold back that hatred!

At this time, his heart came and he didn't seem to see the mother and son stiffness. He whispered in Kim Yun's ear with joy.

“His Royal Highness, the Princess of the Great Juku Nation, and the King of the Great Jubilee, can you announce it immediately? ”

Kim Yun's eyes lit up and finally glanced at Yunjin.

“See you!”

But before leaving, he ordered the entire Queen's Palace to be surrounded and no one allowed in!

This is the main hall visitor.

Mo... they haven't seen each other in over six months! He almost forgot, Miyagi... she didn't come alone...

Therefore, when Kim Yun saw the palace decision, his face could not turn for a moment, but the palace decision did not look at him, and once the two people exchanged their eyes, they staggered.

Miyagi Mo shouted, "Brother Kim Yun! ”

Her voice was clearer and more delightful, half a year gone. At the age of eighteen, she was the age when the flower bones first blossomed. At one glance, she called Kim Yun to keep her eyes open.

Kim Yun is also a beautiful figure, now the nobility is deepened, can not speak the same day as that of the year!

As soon as Miyagi saw him, that curiosity became a compliment!

“It's been six months, Brother Kim Yun, the wind is stronger! ”

Kim Yun was quite uncomfortable. This was something he wanted to say but didn't dare to say. I didn't expect Mo to say it first.

And the palace is upset to hear the decision. Although the Emperor has nothing else to say, it is just a compliment, but he is not bad looking... why did the Emperor never praise him like this when she met him...

Kim Yun deliberately and unintentionally glanced at the palace and then focused on chatting with the palace, but after the old narrative, Kim Yun couldn't help but sigh and let the palace ask.

“What's the matter? ”

Kim Yun shook his head. If it was just a foam in the palace, he might have said it directly, but there was also a palace decision, and he didn't want to look at his jokes.

But Miyagi was so smart, he almost guessed.

“But your mother? ”

Kim Yun nodded, and so did Miyagi. Today, Kim Yun is in the grip of Yu Heng's power. There is hardly any trouble. The only thing that can bother him is Yun Jin.

But what annoys Yunjin? She suddenly thought of the scene when she left Yu Heng to go to Lou, and finally Yunjin Nest cried in Wang Jinghuai. She suddenly had a strange association and said so.

“Wouldn't she be...” Miyagi's gaze dropped on Kim Yun's abdomen, suggesting that her eyes flashed red on Kim Yun's face! Finally nodded.


The palace is stunned! I didn't expect Yunjin to be so bold! Kim Seong has only been dead for six months, right? I'm afraid of dying!

And one side of the palace is unclear, so because the palace foam is on his side, he can't see the look of the palace foam, but looking at the two of them don't say anything, just one eye can communicate, the more unhappy the palace choices, just think that Kim Yun intangibly robbed him of his exclusive!