Komiya went on to say that when talking about poisoning the princess, and the queen poured a pot of water on the princess to try to humiliate her, the cold air doubled on the palace's body, so that the Komiya could barely speak. Later, when the princess fought back, he felt the air was clear and the pressure to speak was not so great.

The Komiya people couldn't help but think in the dark.

This great prince is horrible. He doesn't talk like he can eat people!

But when he said, "What if the queen asks the princess —— what if the palace choices die too?"

Komiya obviously felt that powerful man, listening carefully.

He paused to say what the princess had to say.


If the palace chooses to die, I'll bury the whole jade!

Everybody only hears bullshit! Even when he repeats the scene, he feels very overwhelmed!

Even if she is a princess, when she says this, they have a sense of turbulence in their little palaces!

They never thought that a man would have the courage and the strength to say so frankly that a nation would come to bury a man! Especially since he's a woman!

All they had left to be surprised was a shock, a shock that subdued them all!

The low pressure in the room seems to have disappeared in a moment. Quiet!

People think the palace is arrogant, only the palace decides! Understand how heavy that sentence weighs!

His heart beat straight, and he couldn't help but look at the quiet sleeping face of Miyagi. He couldn't believe it!

Nobody knows how much peace weighs in the Empress's heart!

With the Emperor's skill, she wanted to perish, but for a moment, but she had always stood up to help the world, no matter what country, and she was willing to help whenever needed, because she wanted the four countries to be stable and the people of each country to be rich.

Even though it was difficult, she did it, and she saved lives with the power of extinction, choosing the hardest path between ease and hardship.

She is arguably the world's least favorite killer, so he never kills easily in front of her.

But that's the man, a man who's devoted to the world, who says that if he dies, she'll destroy a country for him!

He never doubted the veracity of every word she said, and she never did.

To subvert a country, it was difficult for others, but so easy for her, it was difficult for her to be willing to subvert her beliefs for him!

She spent countless energies and time shaping peace and was willing to overthrow it for him!

This emotion... the depression of Shenzhen made him instantly filled with happiness, as if he were going to overflow!

“Get out...”

Xiaomian raised his head sharply. He was caught by the Palace. He thought he was dead. He said to let him go without expecting the other party to float lightly.

So he was overjoyed and rushed out, leaving the space for the two of them.

The palace choices lay beside the foam of the palace, only to think that the joy of the heart is overflowing!

He always felt that the emperor's feelings were implicit, like turtles, rushing, walking, when something happened, it would shrink into the shell, slowly warming up... she would only rediscover her head.

But he's the one with the heart defense! Once you're sure of him, her change is amazing!

Not only will she stop resisting his intimacy, she will also seduce him! She'll be delicate, she'll be grumpy, she'll do everything he thinks is sweet!

But he really didn't know that one day, his place in her heart would surpass her lifelike beliefs!

This happiness is so heavy, it's so sudden! Let him rejoice! It's just that she's all wounded now, and she can't even dare to hug her, so she has to be patient and scratchy to say it in her ear.

“Sister, I'll take care of you when you're ready! ”

If we split up for two hours, we can bring him back so many injuries! And almost died!

The palace is scared after thinking about it, and it feels sour and bubbly!

Sister Huang is the kind of person who beat her, she will definitely beat back, but this time, she stabbed someone in the sword for nothing, not only didn't return the hand, but closed her eyes somehow almost got hit by a crazy woman!

What would she look like now if the autumn wind hadn't saved her?

The more he thinks about it, the more angry he gets! What cloud top mountain, what autumn style? Why are they so heavily placed in the Emperor's heart? Why did you hurt her?

The palace was angry and jealous and sour, but when he saw the palace's bloodless face, all he had left was heartache.

She grabbed a bite on her lip and said angrily, "You're never going to leave my sight again! ”

She's so naughty, she startles him without paying attention! He will look at her urgently in the future, day and night!

The two of them slept quietly all morning, and at noon, Shifu arrived.

He still wears his red clothes and walks everywhere.

The palace decided not to wake her up and let Shifu take a look at her.

Shi had no face to look at her wound, found no harm, her heart slightly relieved, just wondered that the palace decision only revealed the foaming shoulders and feet, the rest of the place was strictly covered, like a burglar prevention!

Simon picked his eyebrows with disgrace, "I think she's hurt, too?! ”

The palace decided calmly, “Don't bother. ”

Shi Weiyan hasn't slept all night. He took care of the mess in the morning and had a bad temper!

“Tattoo doctor! Besides, she's not your personal property. Don't you think that's too much? ”

“She's my personal property! ”

The palace chooses to raise its consciousness and looks at him coldly, sitting beside the bed and telling him in a caregiver's position.


She's all over me!

Simon, if you want to turn around, go! But for Miyagi, he put up with it!

“The queen loves poison. She has injuries and doesn't know if she has touched them. I must see them! ”

The palace chooses to tangle, and he stares at Shifu.

“You turn around. ”

Shi Wan was angry, but now he was tired and powerless, so he had to turn around, and then the palace decided that this lifted the foam quilt of the palace. She had very few injuries, but many injuries on her arm, i.e. a long scratch on her thigh, I don't know how to do it.

The palace decided to expose these places, and the rest of them continued to be heavily concealed, and the thieves generally guarded the men, half-witted.


Shi Weiwei looked back, he was really angry. He was tired now, and the palace was next to him. How could he have so many thoughts?

Miyagi choosing thieves usually wrap the palace in a foam so tight and solid that it reveals only the wound part!

“Why don't you cover her face too? ”