The palace chooses to sniff, and quite definitely says, "No. ”

In other words, they've been gone so long, they haven't even gone to the place where she sprinkled the powder, so much so that the scent or only the black man has it, so are they spinning in place?

The palace was a little ugly in the blink of an eye... she was too light an enemy... she knew there was a fraud and had to come in to find out, just because she didn't see those people in the past, now it looks like they are in the way of others!

They're obviously hallucinating, because they're afraid they won't get out, so this tunnel will never end, fear anything, come anything.

“I'm sorry... I was careless...”

Miyagi lowered his head and apologized to Miyagi.

The palace decided without pressure, "Don't be afraid, there's me.” He doesn't think there's a place he can't get out of.

He calmed down Miyagi for a while, too. What are they afraid of? Even if it's weirder and more powerful, she's got room, she's got a palace decision, what's to be afraid of?

And the black man on the other side was anxious, "Is it time to apologize?! Let's go outside first! ”

Miyagi had intended to calm him down, but at first glance something strange happened! In the palace's decision and the palace's eyes, the man disappeared in horror!

Miyagi rubbed his eyes and made sure he really disappeared.

She panicked again, when the palace shook her hand tightly, "Calm down, calm down. ”

Miyagi hastily retracted her mind.

The palace decided in due course to say, "Don't be afraid, he disappeared, just because we were no longer afraid to go out, but he disappeared because he was in deep fear and he was not on the same level with us. ”

The palace stared at him, “So maybe we've been in a coma together since the moment we came in? ”

The palace decided to soothe her, “Well, I'm interested in that stone, and it's a terrible thing to be able to unconsciously stimulate people into coma and hallucinate them. ”

Miyagi looked more serious, “We have to wake up first! ”

The palace nodded, “There is a very straightforward way. ”


The palace chooses to pull out the narrow sword and asks curiously, "Do you think... people die in illusions? ”

Miyagi bowed his head and thought, "I've read a book before that says that some psychopaths can drown in their own illusions, that is, people can kill themselves...”

Suddenly a cold light flashed in the eyes of the palace!

“Then I'd like to try...”

Miyagi foam hasn't tasted what he meant, but the next second, Miyagi foam just feels a pain in the stomach! Look up incredibly at the palace!

The palace decided to smile. “Palace Foam, it seems you still can't learn...”

- What? - What?

Step by step, his appearance was dimmed and his costume changed from a regular black robe to the Regent's dynasty! The silver dragon embroidered on the black robe was alive and well. Every step was like stepping on her heart!

She was covered in blood and backed away in horror.

And the palace chooses to hold the sword, and the steps are tight.

“In the last life, you were killed by this king, but this world dared to approach this king. It seems that the punishment imposed on you by this king is not deep enough... not painful enough...”

His black and white eyes were so cold, it was a chilling and chestnut killing, a palpitation the palace will never forget!

She couldn't help but think about being in the Palace and dying for a long time! Every day is endless torture!

“No, you're not a palace decision... the palace decision won't hurt me...” Her voice trembled, her voice sounded firm, but there was a panic she didn't even find herself in!

The palace chooses to smile, “... stupid woman, this king will kill you once, he will kill you twice. ”

If I kill you once, I'll kill you twice.

This sound is like a nightmare, it keeps circulating in the palace's foaming brain! Those beautiful images were like fireworks in her head, crumbling into countless beautiful pieces, falling into the dark, leaving only the eyes of the palace to choose the dark forest.

“Go to hell. ”

He laughed, the narrow sword gave him hard, stabbed her in the chest, but he was blocked by something!

The expected pain did not appear. The palace looked down with a foam and saw only luminous soft armor around its chest! This... this is an 18th birthday gift from Miyagi!

She's a little confused. Those closed memories seem to come out in a second!

She clearly remembered how the palace chooses to smack her back when she is nine years old. She remembers sending him to West Asia when she was eleven years old. At the Ten Mile Pavilion, he gave her three worships! Remember when he was thirteen years old, he cut her flesh and fed her blood... Remember Xiaoqi secretly told her that this soft armor with the same breasts was made by the palace choosing how many days of silk had been destroyed... The palace choosing feared that she would be injured and that she would feel bound, so he made such a lightweight soft armor to protect the heart.

Miyagi looked up at the man who was going to kill her.

He is not a palace decision...

If not, she looks up! The man even retreated and disappeared into darkness!

When the heavens and the earth were silent, she was all alone.

The more scared... the more what will appear, the more scared she... of loneliness?

The palace stood up in a foam, blind, faint in mind, it seemed that someone was screaming, and it seemed like the sound of mosquitoes stirring wings...

She's a little scared, she's always been alone... can't see the way forward, just... just for the moment.

A body fell to his feet and the image suddenly changed! She's covered in blood, she's got other people, she's got her own!

Look up, look at everything. It's all corpses! The sun broke, the wolf smoked, and she chopped the last person, this land! She's the only one left!

Repression, anger! Scared, angry! This dream, she used to have it all the time!

She kills in the daytime and dreams of killing everyone at night! Then she's all alone!


The palace suddenly knelt in the sand and whistled!

The faces of those around them are very clear, not as blurry as dreams, and their death is terrible! Incomplete limbs! Most of those faces are stained with blood and can't see the truth, but the Palace Foam can tell how old they are!

When the country breaks down, the home is no longer home, and the smaller ones are going to war! And her hands...

Miyagi knelt on the floor and looked at her hands full of blood... she killed many children...

She doesn't want to do this! It's those greedy people who, once they get * *, want to unite the world through war!

She's just fighting this fate, but if she doesn't, won't this war affect the whole continent?