Snowy hands fisting!

He watched the mountain unwillingly as he hid from the rocks that fell above him! Don't dare come any closer... Miyagi Foam must be dead, it's useless for him to go back!

What bad luck! What a waste of energy! At the end of the day, the bamboo basket was empty!

His eyes flashed unknown and his mind measured his loss quickly.

He has to stay here until it collapses and calms down and digs up the body of the Palace Foam! Open the real door to the treasure with her blood!

She is dead... but there are stone hearts, ordinary stones can affect people who have been poisoned for a short time, but the conditions are too troublesome! He believed that it would be much easier to control those who went insane with a heart of stone!

Now the palace foam is dead. After he gets the stone heart, he can still control the emperor of the four kingdoms. Although the process is a bit troublesome, there is no way. If only the palace foam wasn't dead!

At that point, there was a cold laugh coming from behind him.

“Hmm. Didn't you say the evil spirit was extinct? It's really disappointing to die so easily...”

The blind man gripped a taller hammer in his hand and laughed brutally.

Snow rush guard! He felt his body, the effect of the poison was gradually fading away, apparently almost detoxified by his blood, while the bottle containing the poison was in the hands of the palace foam, when he met the blind, it was really difficult to leave.

The blind man could not see, but felt his condition, smiling softly.

“I said I wanted to go into the Holy Land and step on my body! ”

He waved a giant hammer, pointing precisely at the snow!

“They're dead... now it's your turn! ”

Snow knows he's not a blind opponent, and now the only thing left is the power of drug madness! Find a chance to escape!

“You're so mean, Sheryl's daughter. Kill her if you say so! ”

The blind man sneers and laughs, but sounds a little dull.

“… I was born to guard the Holy Land! I am loyal to this land, not you, not Master, not even Arlene! ”

When he said that, his eyebrows were bloody strong!

“All those who want to disturb this land, only die! ”

Hundreds of moves have passed between them!

Snow has observed that they are now in the closed hinterland of the mountains!

It seems like this place hasn't been set foot in a long time. What he doesn't know is, apart from the way they came in, there are cliffs on both sides! Behind the blind is the treasure he misses, but the body of the palace foam is buried in a pile of stones!

Snow took a deep breath, and under the madness of the drug trick, his power doubled, so when he did his best hiding technique, the whole person seemed to merge with the wind.

The blind frowned, he couldn't see, he could only hear, and there was nothing around but the wind!

All of a sudden, there was a light fat powder scent flying by, he won the chase, a few moves down, the hammer almost hit the snowy back! I didn't expect the powdered incense spilled by the palace. The scent lasted as long as he moved quickly, the scent became more intense!

Snowflake, damn it! Take off your shoes and smash them on the blind man's face, then disappear again. The blind man pauses and continues to chase them!

He was not in a hurry, the cliffs were at the end of both sides, the only exit behind him, the direction they came collapsed again, catching the snow was only a matter of time!

Both of them, you chased me away, and you didn't go to the palace to take care of Izumi. They think that Izumi is dead! But is she really dead?

The small triangular space, the stone door engraved with lotus flowers still stands, while the other beast stone door, which should not have appeared here, lies slanted on it! A solid triangle is formed between the two doors, while a woman is breathing heavily!

She held herself against the gates of the Beast Stone, and the lower body of the palace was caught in the chaotic stone crevices beside the gates of the Lotus Stone, with only her upper body in this small triangular space.

She made it!

Before catching a giant stone falling, take that half stone door out of the space and mount it on the lotus stone door!

If the animal stone door is not strong enough, it is broken by the boulder falling above it! Then both of them are dead! Luckily, after this half-stone door was hit, it just made a loud, dull noise! It's not broken! Just give them room to breathe!

After the last muffled sound, everything returned to calm, with only women gasping violently, in this silent space, which sounds particularly obvious.

“Palace decision...”

The dust made the palace sound dry and mute, and the palace decided to lay on the ground, and the fine sandstone made him very lukewarm. The palace felt compelled to tap the sandstone off his body gently, lowering its head to hear his heart beat.

“Still alive...”

These words were foamed by the palace in an almost pious tone... she never felt so lucky, never so thankful to God! It didn't take away the palace decision, he was beside her...

Next, Miyagi took the flashlight out of the space and put it aside, wiped his face with water, and fed him some more water.

Moisturized by water dew, the palace decided to wake up, but found itself not dead, still stuck in the cracks of the mountains... and then he opened his eyes in horror! Grab Miyagi's hand!

Miyagi has never seen him so insane! Those beautiful inky eyes are covered in blood, staring at her! It's unbelievable!


His voice is dry and dull, and his heart hurts! The light of the flashlight illuminated this darkness and the foaming face of the palace, facing the choice of the palace as if to eat people's eyes! She smiled silly.

“I'm back...”

The palace decided to grab her hand and fell powerless. He didn't want the palace foaming back. She lost too much blood and was lost. What other possibility could she have come back except to die with him?

Miyagi fed him a little more water. He held up his body with his hands and drank some more water before finally speaking out...

“Why are you so stupid...”

His voice was dull, so he retreated vigorously, and all that remained was heartache and powerlessness.

“You could have lived...”

The palace shook its head, “I'm not going anywhere without you. ”

The palace choked and instantly felt sour nose... this is probably the most beautiful thing he has ever heard in his life...

“Idiot! ”

He exasperated and said negatively that the tone of Neha was not harsh at all, only helpless, heartache, and grief...

The palace foamed and sat on his knees, allowing him to lie on his lap and feed him.

She looked at the strange tranquillity, before that little girl who was so confused disappeared, she became firm and calm again, the palace decided that she was trapped at this time, for a moment, he felt like he was back in his childhood, the age of the power of the unbound chicken.

And his sister-in-law... will not be defeated at any time, nor will he yield.

But this time.

He shook Miyagi's hand and said seriously, "If you have a way, go first! Leave me alone! ”

He can feel his body pressed against him by boulders, his suprapulmonary skeleton shattered, the palace foaming to leave this book is not easy, if he still wants to take him away, it is likely that she will die here herself!

Miyagi stuffed a piece of snack directly into his mouth.

“I'll take you with me. ”