Miyagi somehow heard the sorrow in the voice of the palace decision. She couldn't think of anything in her mind. Her body subconsciously leaned toward the palace decision, her hands stiffened up, seemed to want to... comfort him?

But the next second, she's caught in the palace, tight!

The palace doesn't care if she's bloody or how many people she's killed!

She wants to be a saint, he loves her, she wants to be the devil, he loves her too, he loves her! Just love her!

His warmth stunned the palace, his killer strange convergence, but at this time, the palace couldn't help but kill her. Once the palace foamed again, the consequences were unimaginable!

So even if he was reluctant, even if he was heartbroken, he could not see a thing. He gave an eye to the commander of the Forbidden Army. The man asked him to slow the sword out of his sheath and gently walk towards the back of the palace with foam.

Killing spills, palace foam almost instantly felt!

She opened her eyes and whispered. The next second, she was going to kill!

But she didn't lift her head either, knowing that she was starting to get agitated again, she slapped herself behind her head, knocked her out, and the head of the Prohibition Army didn't know, straight to the palace stabbed with a foam, clamped by the two fingers of the Palace choice!

He looked up in panic, but saw the palace choosing to hold the palace foam, looking at him, it was a cold kill!

Gongsheng saw that the palace was in a coma and knew that it must have knocked her out. The palace decision obviously did not want to hurt her, so even if he knew that the palace could not stay, there was no way to take the palace decision!

The Prohibited Army leader retreated to one side, but his sword fell into the palace's hand. The palace decided to hold the palace foam with one hand and squeezed the sword with one hand. The position was clear, and he said to the emperor in silence.

“Father, today was an accident! Father, forgive me! ”

“Accident?” Gong Sheng wanted to laugh. He took a painful look at Changxi's body and couldn't laugh.

“Look at these people...”

Gongsheng swept his eyes across the ground. There were no hundreds of dead bodies.

“Not only are they, but there's blood in the East Palace, these are accidents?! ”

The palace chooses to hold the palace foam's hand tightly.

“My son will take her back to Hidden! ”

“Hidden? That sounds great!” Gong Sheng breathed heavily, and the paleness and weakness on his face could not hide it.

“Chosen... I'm dying! ”

The palace chooses to look up at him! I thought you said you had to survive three days.

Gong Sheng sneered, “What happened today, I can't help but vomit my heart and blood! I don't need too many doctors, I also know that I have up to a week to live! ”

The more he laughed, the more bitter he was. If he could live, who wouldn't want to live, and there was hope that he could live forever in the morning. Now, he felt that there was nothing left to live for, but death.

But in the end, he found it most difficult for him to accept, not that he would die, but that his future, buried in terrible danger! And he knew the consequences, and there was nothing he could do!

The palace chooses to look down at the palace foam.

“... the sister-in-law did this because of poisoning. When she wakes up, she will be awake, and the sister-in-law is poisoned, not for Xuelingzhi? ”

Gongsheng's heart aches.

But he was sensible, and even though the scene made him want to cry, he wanted to ask.

“Mo will wake up sober... will she relapse again? ”

This is obviously the most important question! Mo was poisoned because of him. Miyagi doesn't want to blame her, but if she goes crazy from time to time, he can't let her go!

The palace decision was silent, he wanted to say no, but if the next time the royal sister went mad again, the arrows all went down, the only thing waiting for him was her body...

The silence of the palace decision proved everything. The palace sheng cried out, his hands covered, almost fainted!

The forbidden army waited tightly, surrounding the palace and the palace foam, while the palace stood there and stood firm!

If you want to hurt her, step over his body!

For a long time, Miyagi Sheng said weakly.

“The palace has taken its own blame, but I don't know about life and death now, I... the lamp is exhausted, my children who are still alive, under the pressure of both of you, are weak and incompetent, and now you say you want to go back to hiding, for a woman who will be mad at any moment, risk being killed by her, to go back to hiding? ”

The palace chooses to be silent.

Gong Sheng sighed again. In the wind, his voice was pale and powerless. Poor him all his life. I didn't expect to be so helpless before dying.

“O palace decision… I know that you have no fondness for the royal family, and I know that everything you do is for Foam.

You are outstanding. I have high hopes for you. You have done well once and for all. But in your heart, there really is only responsibility for Fowl, not for Jiangshan? In your power, you can abandon it if you say so, but you have to open your eyes... and watch the mountains of this great river fall into chaos! ”

The palace's lips moved and he wanted to say that in his heart, he was responsible only to the Emperor! But Father Twilight, Prince Coma, at this time, he can't really say to abandon such words, to go back to hiding. If it were morning, he could easily say both words, but now, he said both words, representing an irresponsibility!

He can't say!

Gongsheng glanced at Gongsheng.

“This poison in her is obviously inexplicable, otherwise she will not go mad in the palace with your skill! ”

Miyagi Shengton had a good time, and he finally felt it!

“Since there is no answer, let her go crazy from time to time? How many times can this palace stand her blood wash?

I won't kill her, but you can't marry her! I am dead, if the palace does not wake up, you must take responsibility!

And she, must go to jail! When you find the antidote, when will she see the sun again? This is my greatest tolerance! What do you think? ”

Gongsheng's words were slight but loud.

And Miyagi also knows that this is Miyagi's biggest concession. Just thinking about not being able to marry her and keeping her in jail, Miyagi can't help it!

Gong Sheng's voice suddenly got cold. “You couldn't resist, but she woke up and would agree to me doing the same! ”

He understands Miyagi Foam and is sure of that!

If the palace woke up with a foam and knew that she was killing and causing such consequences, it would only make her more guilty!

“I know you have the ability to hold * *, overthrow me as emperor easily! But now, I am in power for one day, and I live for one day, and I am your father! It's Daiyu Tianzi! If you don't do it every day, you'll do it every day!

And even Mo, she would support me to do this. Do you want to go against Mo?! ”

The palace decided to remain silent and suddenly his sword fell and he knelt with a foam in his arms.

With his straight back, he has the strength to die without repentance!

“Anyway, son, marry her! ”